
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-07-28 stars in Gloucester

Gloucester: The Tutu Queen Conquers a Castle Town!

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the historic city of Gloucester! Iā€™m absolutely thrilled to be posting blog number 7515 on this fine summer day. This whole pink-tutu-wearing adventure has been quite the whirlwind, and it just keeps getting more glamorous by the day!

This week, I decided to travel by train ā€“ I do love a good journey, and the train carriage is always a great opportunity to strike up a conversation (or, perhaps more accurately, a ā€œconversationā€) with fellow passengers. Of course, I was wearing a majestic, fluffy pink tutu ā€“ one with a lovely silver trim to match my gorgeous new pink-and-silver ballet shoes. Let me tell you, the compliments just kept coming!

Now, some of you might be wondering, why Gloucester? Well, my dears, this magnificent town boasts a stunning Norman castle, and I simply had to experience its grandeur for myself. And honestly, wouldnā€™t it be criminal to let a castle like this remain without a touch of pink tulle? I mean, think of the photo ops!

I have to confess, Gloucester turned out to be a real treat for this Tutu Queen. First things first, I popped into a fab vintage clothing shop, and guess what? I snagged the most divine sparkly top - a vintage sequined number with little feathers. It's simply divine, perfect for my next performance, wouldnā€™t you say? And as for shoes, I managed to find the most exquisite pair of silver ballet shoes that match my pink-and-silver tutu perfectly! You know me, I simply cannot resist a good sparkly accessory.

Of course, a visit to Gloucester wouldnā€™t be complete without seeing the grand Gloucester Cathedral ā€“ an architectural marvel, indeed. And you guessed it, I twirled! You know I simply had to, my darling, with this pink tutu, I canā€™t help myself, the twirling urge just takes over. I've always believed a touch of pink tulle makes any location infinitely more joyful! (Just try telling me that pink doesnā€™t improve a historic cathedralā€¦ youā€™ll simply get a very dramatic eyeroll from me.)

Now, I don't just twirl in public, my dear. I've got a love affair with ballet that runs deep, like the roots of the most magnificent oak tree youā€™ve ever seen. So naturally, after my explorations of Gloucester's architectural gems, I took a class at the Gloucester Dance School. There's nothing quite like the feeling of being on pointe ā€“ that elegant grace, the perfect balance, it simply makes you feel fabulous.

Gloucester, you may be a historic town, but with a Tutu Queen like me visiting, you can bet there's a whole lot of sparkle and twirls happening around. I even spotted a few onlookers who'd donned their own tutus! The pink revolution has clearly made its way to this magnificent little city.

However, don't think that my pink-tutu passion solely involves pirouettes. Iā€™ve been busily promoting my latest pink tutu collection, of course! And where better to launch a pink-tutu collection than a vibrant local festival? Thatā€™s right, dear readers! I landed a gig at a family festival in the heart of Gloucester ā€“ I performed a lively ballet street act! You can't imagine how much fun it was, showing everyone that even the most unexpected of places can be graced with a little bit of pink tulle magic.

Oh, and speaking of fun, did you hear about my newest passion project? You know, besides getting the whole world wearing pink tutus. Well, I've been collecting old sewing machines! I find myself inexplicably drawn to them, especially the vintage ones! They're like little relics of the past, whispering tales of elegant dresses and glamorous balls. (Perhaps some of them even have a faint memory of pink tulle attachedā€¦ wink)

Anyway, Iā€™ve always thought that anythingā€™s possible with a touch of creativity, a bit of determination, and maybe just a teensy touch of pink tulle ā€“ which is really just the best type of touch anyway. Oh, and before I sign off for today, Iā€™d love for you to visit me at my website, www.pink-tutu.com, where Iā€™m posting every day, because, my lovelies, it's simply not a day without a pink tutu!

Love, hugs and, most importantly, pink tutus,

Your very own,

Pink Tutu Sparkles (Alex, by day)

#TutuQueen on 2020-07-28 stars in Gloucester