
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-08-14 stars in Basingstoke

Basingstoke Bows and Pink Tutu Twirls - Blog Post #7532

Hello, darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and it's time to whisk you all off on a pink and sparkly adventure! This week, I've been fluttering my way down to Basingstoke for a fantastic, fairy-tastic performance, and let me tell you, the journey itself was an absolute dream!

As always, I chose a grand mode of transport for this particular escapade – a grand, steam-powered train, just chugging along the countryside with the sun shining down. The journey was pure magic, full of those nostalgic, whistle-stop views. It was so much more fun than your average boring commute, I'm telling you. And just like the ballet, the rhythm of the journey kept me mesmerized until we finally pulled into Basingstoke station.

The air felt positively alive, with anticipation for the performance bubbling like champagne! The venue, a beautifully old theatre, seemed to glow in the warm afternoon light – all graceful columns and grand steps, just begging me to twirl! Inside, the stage felt like it was made just for me – perfect for my big, bouncy tutu and even bigger dreams!

Basingstoke is a gem! And as I wandered around, my little tutu-clad eyes spied so many fabulous opportunities for outfit inspiration! The town had a delightfully old-fashioned charm – I loved browsing the antique shops and window shopping at the delightful vintage boutiques, feeling like a character straight out of a vintage fashion magazine! I even found the most adorable little shop that specialized in all things ballet! Honestly, it felt like I’d wandered straight onto the set of my favorite fairytale – all pink ballet shoes, dazzling costumes and little tutus in every colour under the rainbow. I even bought a pair of silk gloves, adorned with little pink bows, for my own performance!

Oh! And did I mention the afternoon tea at that enchanting little cafe, the one with the pink china and the flowers in vases on every table? That was an absolute delight. A moment of blissful calm before the big show.

Speaking of the show, well, let's just say it was an absolute blast! The crowd were simply amazing. The energy was fantastic! I performed all my classics – think 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star' and 'Rainbow Twirl,' my two most popular routines, which never fail to bring smiles to everyone's faces.

And of course, I never forget my aim: spreading the love of tutus everywhere I go. By the end of the show, there was a flurry of requests to "be more tutu", "wear more pink", and "get our glitter on!" A couple of young girls even had the courage to wear their own tutus to the show, which truly touched my heart – the next generation embracing pink power! It's proof positive that the world is getting ready for a Tutu Revolution, darling.

After the final curtain call, there were hugs, compliments, and even a little boy who presented me with a flower, picked fresh from his grandma's garden. His eyes sparkled like the lights on stage as he shyly said, "Thank you for being pink." My heart swelled. It was moments like this, pure, unadulterated joy, that remind me why I do what I do.

To end the evening on a truly delightful note, I enjoyed a leisurely dinner at the most delightful, charming restaurant you can imagine, filled with a sense of cosy elegance. It’s impossible not to fall in love with a place like this.

So, there you have it, my fabulous followers! My grand adventure in Basingstoke, where I not only brought a bit of pink sparkle but also had my own soul truly twirled in the most magical way!

As always, remember darlings, every day is an opportunity to embrace the pinkness inside! Be kind, be sparkly, and wear your tutus with pride. And if you have any questions, be sure to drop by the comments and let me know. Stay tuned for my next big adventure, coming up soon on www.pink-tutu.com!

Until then, keep on twirling, my lovelies!

Pink Tutu Sparkles out!

#TutuQueen on 2020-08-14 stars in Basingstoke