Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-09-26 stars in Walsall

Walsall, Darling! - Pink Tutu Sparkles takes on the West Midlands

(Post 7575)

Hello, darlings! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-clad drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, reporting live from the absolutely smashing Walsall! Let’s face it, the name alone just screams ‘fabulous’, don’t you think? Well, let’s be honest, I can get excited about any town, really! As long as I have my tutu and the opportunity to spread my message of joy, laughter, and most importantly, PINK, then I’m a happy queen.

As I’ve mentioned in my previous blog posts (check out www.pink-tutu.com to catch up - you wouldn’t want to miss a single shimmer!), I’ve been absolutely buzzing to visit Walsall for ages. It’s known for its incredible heritage and architecture, plus its bustling town centre and friendly residents, what’s not to love?! You all know me and my penchant for historical places, especially when they've got those beautiful buildings – the kind that make you feel like you’ve stepped back in time, but with a contemporary twist (you can probably guess that my ideal setting involves an abundance of vibrant, pink flowers cascading over crumbling walls… imagine!). And of course, it wouldn’t be a trip without a visit to a local museum. Did you know Walsall has one dedicated to everything from industrial history to art? Just the place for me to soak up some inspiration for my future performances!

But honestly, my main draw to Walsall, was something far more… sparkly. You’ve probably already guessed it: Walsall has an incredible theatre – The New Alexandra Theatre, aka ‘The Alex’, and, well, let's just say a dramatic diva like me couldn't resist paying a visit!

I started my journey, of course, in the most fabulous way possible: by train. I do adore those beautiful vintage carriages - pure luxury and a real step back in time. But even on the train, it was all about bringing my pink tutu spirit to the journey. My fellow passengers were mesmerised, let’s be honest, who wouldn’t be with my perfectly styled pink tulle swirling around me?! I swear, my little trip even brightened up the dullest carriage. We all need a touch of magic in our lives, especially when commuting. (Don’t get me wrong, I love a good bus trip – nothing quite beats the energy of a full-on bus journey on a Friday evening!)

Now, my outfit for Walsall? Well, it had to be dramatic. The day I arrived was a beautiful autumn day, so I wanted a piece that would let my playful spirit shine. And, as you know, my spirit is fuelled by pink! My choice for this excursion? A classic tulle tutu with cascading layers and a touch of sparkle (naturally!), paired with a beautiful vintage floral blouse, an oh-so-dramatic cape (with ruffles and bows galore – my personal touch!), and my statement accessory – a crown! Because after all, you are the Queen of your own life. Now, a little hint, darlings: this look will feature in my new show, so stay tuned.

Speaking of shows, I was lucky enough to snag myself a front-row ticket to see the beautiful Ballet Cymru, an incredible dance company! Let me tell you, it was a truly magical experience. You can tell, can't you? Dancing has been a passion of mine for as long as I can remember. Those intricate movements and the way the dancers just soar across the stage, it’s so captivating! Of course, ballet and I go hand in hand – it's about elegance, poise, and a sprinkle of that captivating sparkle! In fact, it was attending a ballet class at my university ballet club where I found my love for the glorious tutus. I can't even tell you what it felt like putting on my first tutu. Magic, honestly, pure magic! In my second year at uni, the club raised money for charity by organising a ball and I offered to wear a tutu to raise money. As soon as I felt the softness of the fabric against my skin, as soon as I saw my reflection, a transformation happened. And the best part? Everyone was so impressed! I truly believe the world needs more tutu queens! That’s how I came up with my drag name - it all clicked in that very moment, my pink tutu destiny!

Walsall's artistic soul really came alive in The Alex – a perfect setting for my drag shows. Oh my gosh, that first performance. You’re probably tired of hearing this, but my Tutu queens and tutu kings (yes, my boys get to rock tutus too!), Walsall absolutely adored me! So much joy, so many cheers, and they really got into the spirit! A lovely local photographer even asked me to pose with them after the show. What a gift to be appreciated and have that lovely moment captured for posterity! It felt surreal to see the look of absolute delight on people's faces as I brought the theatre alive with my energy! And the laughs! The place erupted! The feeling of everyone connecting together, celebrating life and music – truly unforgettable.

I wasn’t just focused on my own show, though! The vibrant culture in Walsall gave me plenty of inspiration for my own dance moves! For this trip, I took ballet class from one of the local dance schools - such a fabulous way to connect with the community. My instructor, Mrs. Worthington, had me twisting and turning like a delicate flower in a summer breeze. And oh, the sheer pleasure of getting into a costume - I mean, who wouldn't love a chance to practice their plies in a shimmering pink tulle skirt? We might even try out some street ballet, darling - think the power of traditional ballet infused with urban cool. Can you imagine the sheer fabulousness of it? The world needs a dose of glitzy tutu moves - think of it as an uplifting antidote to any grey days!

Walsall really did impress me – this place truly feels like a jewel in the heart of the West Midlands. From exploring historic landmarks and embracing the local culture, to experiencing the magical energy of The New Alexandra Theatre, my heart is absolutely full of love for Walsall!

And yes, darling, this town didn’t disappoint in my mission: I found more tutus! (Because seriously, how can you ever have enough tutus, right?) It's hard to believe, but one of my favourite places in Walsall to shop? The local charity shop! Imagine, vintage dresses with that amazing historical vibe and for the price of a couple of coins? And it was there that I found a beautiful vintage pink tulle tutu… how could I resist, right? My newest gem – the most exquisite pastel pink, almost like a fluffy cloud in a whimsical fairytale, a masterpiece waiting for a new performance. You'll get a sneak peek in my upcoming shows - but don't worry, I'm planning a blog post specifically dedicated to it - after all, each tutu has a story to tell.

My time in Walsall may have been fleeting, but it was a real whirlwind of beauty, laughter, and all-out joy! A memory that will stay with me long after my final farewell. I left with a suitcase full of sparkly memories and, of course, an abundance of tutu-inspiration, a new dance routine ready to be unleashed, and, I’m excited to share that, my pink tutu family just got a little bit bigger.

Walsall, I promise to return – you have won a piece of my heart!

Stay glamorous, and don't forget to sprinkle your world with a bit of pink tutu sparkle!

Lots of love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2020-09-26 stars in Walsall