Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-10-11 stars in Dewsbury

Dewsbury Dazzles in Pink Tutu Sparkles!

Hello my gorgeous darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Queen, and I am so excited to be sharing post number 7590 with you all! Today we're venturing into the heart of Yorkshire, to the charming town of Dewsbury! I've been planning this trip for weeks now, and I am just bursting with excitement to share the adventure with you. As always, my trusty pink tutu is packed and ready for some serious sparkle!

My journey started as a most glorious sunrise, bathing Derbyshire in a soft, pink glow – what a fitting start to my day! I admit, I do enjoy a leisurely morning, especially when there's a full day of fun ahead. Sipping a cup of tea, adorned in my fluffy pink dressing gown, and catching up on all the gossip in my social media world feels incredibly luxurious. Then it's a whirlwind of pink perfection - applying makeup, hairspray that could bring down a storm, and then… the tutu moment! This is where it all starts to feel real.

Now, let’s be honest, getting from Derbyshire to Dewsbury involves a little more effort than hopping on my favourite fluffy pink unicorn (which, I admit, is not very practical for travelling - yet). So, my fabulous fuchsia frock and I hit the train tracks, waving farewell to my Derbyshire countryside and its peaceful, rolling green hills. Let’s just say, with the amount of heads turning and awed smiles I received, the train carriage became a pink tutu fashion show. And the best part? Nobody seemed to bat an eyelid!

Reaching Dewsbury, I took in the town’s charm and historical architecture. The quaint little shops were all filled with character and even the air itself smelled of a comforting Yorkshire pasty (not sure how, but somehow, they managed it!) With the streets bathed in the golden afternoon light, Dewsbury felt positively magical!

Of course, the real reason for my trip was the fabulous opportunity to bring some pink tutu sparkle to this beautiful town. The "Dewsbury’s Got Talent" competition was a blast, and my heart swelled with pride seeing the crowd go wild for my routine. A swirling whirlwind of fuchsia and feather boa! The energy in the air was palpable! Oh, to have been caught in that storm of laughter, applause, and joy…

The show over, the true delight of Dewsbury unfolded - a charming town full of delightful surprises, much like a gift wrapped in a gorgeous pink tutu! My first stop had to be a visit to Dewsbury's fantastically fun theatre! The moment I saw it, I knew this place would have stories to tell and memories to be made. There's nothing like a classic show, complete with glittering costumes and a plot full of high drama, to lift the spirits! This theatre was full of such potential, and I was determined to see it buzzing with laughter and tears!

But my adventures in Dewsbury weren't confined to the stage. No, I decided it was high time for some fabulous shopping! From delicate pastel pink jewelry that caught the light and danced with the twirls of my tutu to a bright pink handbag just big enough for my essentials (you can’t ever leave your signature sparkly pink compact behind!) - it was truly a pink tutu queen's dream! And I couldn't leave without a stunning vintage pink feather boa, simply irresistible for those impromptu twirls. A woman’s gotta shop!

And let’s not forget about food! This charming town had more culinary gems than a tiara holder could ever dream of! I was especially enchanted by this tiny, hole-in-the-wall bakery, its pink and white decoration practically calling out my name. And the smell of fresh, warm croissants wafting out made it nearly impossible to resist indulging in a delicious afternoon snack. Of course, all that sweetness needed to be balanced by a bit of hearty Yorkshire food. I tried this wonderful fish and chip shop right by the canal, and my life was complete! I truly believe the secret to living your best life is embracing everything around you – even the tiniest of joys, and even, dare I say, the most simple of treats!

With my heart overflowing with the magic of Dewsbury, and a pink tutu full of souvenirs, I boarded my return train. I had not only made memories but made new friends along the way. Each journey is about making new connections – a wave to the barista, a smile at the local storekeeper, a heartfelt "thank you" to my fellow travellers. The joy of giving and receiving is just as magical as the performance itself.

As the sun dipped down towards the horizon, and my train rushed through the darkening countryside, a million little lights started twinkling all across the fields – looking just like my own special brand of pink tutu sparkles. It was a gorgeous reminder that beauty lies in the unexpected and the most joyful moments often happen when you least expect them. Dewsbury has definitely carved a special place in my heart and it was a reminder that sometimes the simplest of journeys can leave the biggest and most meaningful impressions on the heart.

Until next time darlings, remember - even on a Tuesday morning, the world can be as delightful and sparkly as a pink tutu! Keep on shining!

#TutuQueen on 2020-10-11 stars in Dewsbury