
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-10-13 stars in Twickenham

Twickenham Sparkle: Post 7592

Oh, darlings! Buckle up your sequins, grab a fistful of glitter and prepare yourselves for a journey to the delightful town of Twickenham! It's been a whirlwind of pink and sparkle, and your beloved Pink Tutu Sparkles is ready to share every juicy detail.

Let's be honest, dear readers, you already know I live for travel. Every train ride is a fashion show, every airport an opportunity for a fabulously pink photoshoot. But a train journey to Twickenham? Well, it felt almost magical! The train was practically bursting with people who looked like they had stepped out of a classic British comedy. I couldn't help myself, I popped on a playlist of Elton John and had a right old singalong! Luckily, everyone seemed to enjoy my theatrical performance, throwing a few cheeky smiles and giving me a round of applause when I finished with "I'm Still Standing!"

Of course, I had my signature look - a glorious pink tulle tutu (can a queen ever have too many?) paired with a shimmering top and an abundance of sparkling jewellery. Even the little old lady sitting beside me, knitting away on her needles, smiled and whispered, "Oh you do look splendid! Absolutely splendid, dearie!" Honestly, her appreciation made my day. The journey to Twickenham felt as vibrant as my latest fuchsia lipstick, just brimming with good vibes.

Arriving in Twickenham, it was almost like stepping onto the set of a glamorous film. Everything felt quintessentially English - cobbled streets, adorable tea shops and pubs with blooming window boxes, and even a little local bakery churning out the most delicious-looking croissants! I have to confess, I couldn't resist treating myself to a sweet treat and a cup of the most lovely herbal tea. The locals were as friendly as the tea was delicious! They even commented on my ensemble, saying how bright and lovely I looked. Just what the doctor ordered after the rather long train journey!

As I wandered the cobbled streets, my mind was overflowing with inspiration. The historic pubs, the quaint cafes, even the charming bookshops on the high street felt like they were brimming with the potential for a sensational drag show! Perhaps an afternoon performance by the river, accompanied by a jazzy trumpet solo? I imagined my audience sitting in deck chairs, mesmerized by the glamour of my pink tulle. Ah, the possibilities were endless!

I'd heard the rumour mill about Twickenham's renowned Rugby ground, and I was intrigued. Surely, a place that hosts so many boisterous fans, was just waiting to be sprinkled with a bit of pink glitter and good old fashioned tutu magic! But, in the end, I chose a spot closer to the river, with a view that made my heart sing - the twinkling waters reflecting the golden sun. This was where I would unleash the Pink Tutu Sparkle magic for the world to see!

I'm a woman of action, and let's just say that after the lovely bakery treat, my excitement got the better of me! I grabbed my sound system and a microphone (because every performer needs a microphone!) and transformed a corner of the beautiful riverside park into my own personal stage.

My fellow travellers were already there, relaxing on the banks of the river, feeding the ducks, having picnics and just enjoying the beautiful day. As I strutted into the park in my pink tutu, everyoneโ€™s heads turned. The smiles that broke out were wide, the applause that filled the air was ecstatic!

For the next two hours, the park became our shared, sparkly haven. My music played, the tunes filled the air, and laughter echoed through the trees. I sang, danced, and spun with my tutu twirling, throwing kisses to the audience who gave back double the energy! The river sparkled, the trees rustled, and we danced under the open sky. I swear, at one point, a little boy in a sailor shirt actually did a perfect cartwheel while I performed a rousing rendition of "Don't Stop Me Now." You see? Pink tutu magic is contagious!

I had so much fun with the lovely people in Twickenham! Not only did I meet a lovely group of students who told me all about their university life (which reminded me of my own student days โ€“ oh, the memories!) I even ran into a sweet old man with the most hilarious pink feather boa! We even got him up on stage and performed a "Tutu for Two" routine to some good old-fashioned 1950s tunes! Let's just say it was pure unadulterated joy for everyone, including myself!

Before I knew it, the sun started to set. The sky painted hues of orange and pink across the horizon. I could feel the magic of Twickenham in the air - a delicate blend of old world charm, vibrant energy, and an undeniable love for laughter and life. And me? Well, I had fulfilled my mission - sharing the joy of pink tutus with everyone I met.

As I packed up my sparkly equipment and said my goodbyes to my delighted audience, I realized how Twickenham had become another dazzling "Pink Tutu Sparkles" experience to add to my memory bank! It reminded me of what makes life so magical. Itโ€™s all about embracing your inner sparkle, letting your own light shine, and most importantly, having a great time doing it!

So, what can I say about this delightful place? Well, Twickenham you truly are a "Pink Tutu Sparkles" paradise, brimming with joy and sunshine! The streets felt vibrant and every passerby had a twinkle in their eyes, I am certain that your spirit, with its kindness and welcoming nature, will always be one that I cherish.

Don't forget, darlings, life's too short to be anything but spectacular! Wear your hearts on your sleeves, embrace your sparkle and never ever shy away from wearing a pink tutu! See you again soon!

Until next time!


Pink Tutu Sparkles!

P.S. Remember to visit my website www.pink-tutu.com for daily updates, and a sprinkle of pink magic!

#TutuQueen on 2020-10-13 stars in Twickenham