Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-10-21 stars in Littlehampton

Littlehampton Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Brings the Sparkle! (Post 7600)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad gal, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the beautiful seaside town of Littlehampton! The air is crisp, the seagulls are screeching their cheerful song, and I'm positively buzzing with excitement to share my latest adventures with you.

As you all know, I'm a girl who lives for the thrill of the journey. Whether it's catching a train (with a meticulously chosen outfit, naturally), or even taking a scenic horse-drawn carriage ride (those are always a guaranteed head-turner!), getting there is half the fun. This time, I took a little jaunt to Littlehampton via the beautiful Sussex countryside. I don't know about you lovelies, but there's nothing quite like the soothing rhythm of the tracks, or the gentle clip-clop of a horse's hooves, to inspire a creative flow.

A Day in Littlehampton: Sea, Sand and Sparkling Fun

I was invited down to Littlehampton to put on a performance for the annual Autumn Festival. They told me to expect a "fun, family friendly vibe", and they weren't wrong! The festival had everything from local craft stalls showcasing beautiful handmade gifts, to live music stages where talented musicians entertained the crowds, and even a giant bouncy castle (much to my surprise!) which I admit, I gave a good whirl myself - it was quite the workout, all that bouncing in a tutu!

I took to the stage in the late afternoon, a swirl of shimmering pink against the backdrop of the azure sea. It's moments like these that make all the hard work worthwhile - the laughter from the children, the cheers of the adults, and the pure joy of sharing my love for pink tutus with the world.

Fashion Inspiration in Littlehampton

You know I can't travel without doing a bit of window-shopping! Littlehampton had a few charming boutiques selling all sorts of delightful treasures. My eyes were particularly drawn to a vintage shop on the cobblestone street, tucked away amidst antique shops and tea rooms. The window display was an explosion of colour, filled with glamorous dresses, feathers and a delightful array of sparkly accessories. It was a true sartorial treat and sparked all sorts of inspiration for my next stage show!

Of course, no visit to the seaside is complete without a stroll along the promenade, and Littlehampton did not disappoint! The golden sand stretched as far as the eye could see, dotted with colourful beach huts and families enjoying the fresh air. It was a little breezy, so I paired my trusty pink tutu with a gorgeous oversized vintage cardigan I found in the vintage shop. (It was a steal! A lovely, slightly faded lavender - and a perfect match for the pastel pink flowers on my tutu, if I may say so myself.) It was just the perfect touch to add a bit of retro flair to my coastal ensemble.

Backstage Delights and Local Treats

Before I could take to the stage in Littlehampton, I had a backstage adventure of my own. The festival organisers had organised a little back room just for performers. It was the perfect place to touch up my make-up, slip on my favourite pink tulle wings, and grab a quick bite to eat (there were yummy homemade pasties, which are a bit of a guilty pleasure!). What can I say? I was already buzzing with excitement at the thought of taking the stage, so having a little nook for myself to prepare made it even more special!

After my performance, the kind folks at the festival organised a scrumptious dinner at one of the local restaurants. I went for the fresh fish of the day, a succulent grilled cod, and for dessert, a dreamy lemon tart - which, as you might guess, was served in a gloriously pink china dish.

A Pink Tutu for Every Occasion

If you're thinking of coming to Littlehampton yourself, do take a wander through the harbour area. There are some adorable shops and charming cafes, and it's such a pretty place to just soak in the seaside atmosphere. And remember, whether you're walking on the beach, attending a local festival, or simply running errands in your favourite corner shop, don't be afraid to wear a pink tutu! My philosophy is that every day is an occasion to sparkle, and pink tutus have a way of spreading joy and bringing out the best in everyone.

Stay fabulous and wear pink,

Pink Tutu Sparkles (P.S. Don't forget to visit www.pink-tutu.com for your daily dose of sparkle!)

Alex: Behind the Glitter

Okay, so it's all fun and games as Pink Tutu Sparkles, but I wanted to let you in on a little secret about my life offstage.

You see, by day, I'm just a regular bloke - Alex. A scientist in fact! I'm working on my PhD and my research is focused on textile science, specifically investigating the properties of fabrics. Go figure! Me, working in a lab, analysing the chemical composition of different textiles? Sounds pretty dry, I know! But there's something about studying the intricate details of fabrics, something about their texture, their colour, that's quite captivating. And it definitely informs the choices I make for my costumes as Pink Tutu Sparkles!

It's interesting how these two worlds - the scientific and the theatrical - co-exist in my life. I mean, my colleagues have no idea about Pink Tutu Sparkles, and honestly, it’s just fine with me! Sometimes I do have to restrain myself from bringing my love of tutus to the lab...I do have dreams of introducing a "pink tutu collection" to the textile market!

From Lab to Stage: The Journey Begins

It’s kind of funny, really. My life changed the day I walked into that university ballet club, trying on a pink tutu for a fundraising event. Suddenly, all the stress of studying chemistry seemed to vanish. I mean, have you ever twirled in a fluffy tutu, a true cloud of tulle? The feeling is magical! And honestly, I think it was at that moment I knew my life was destined for something a little more glittery, a little more extraordinary! I still had years of lab work ahead of me, but I couldn’t wait to transform into Pink Tutu Sparkles.

From those initial small performances, a part-time job in a local pub, to my own full-blown shows - it’s all just been a blur of rehearsals, glittering costumes, and incredible connections I've made on the drag scene. And every night, when I take that step on stage and hear the crowd erupt, I remember that spark I felt in that university ballet club all those years ago.

Balancing Two Worlds:

It's definitely not always easy to balance both my scientific side and the "pink tutu life"! I often work late nights in the lab, writing reports or analyzing data, and then I’ll spend the early hours getting ready for a show, whipping up a sparkly look in record time!

And while it can be exhausting, it's also the most fulfilling and joyous life I can imagine! There’s something truly amazing about walking into a lab, a world dominated by beakers and lab coats, and knowing that after a hard day of science, I get to go spread some sparkle, laughter, and love for pink tutus with my drag shows.

But I also realize how lucky I am to have found my little place in the world. And when I get a message from someone who says, "You helped me come out of my shell and embrace my true self,” it reminds me how special the gift of performance and my pink tutus truly is.

Pink Tutu Sparkles, the Scientist-Turned-Queen

So here's the truth: beneath the sparkles and the tulle, there's a real person - Alex - just trying to make sense of this incredible world, to find joy in every moment, to share a bit of magic with those around him, and to convince everyone that a pink tutu can truly make the world a more colourful, happy place!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

(P.S. Don’t forget to follow me on social media @PinkTutuSparkles. I post pictures of my outfits, my travels and of course, those behind-the-scenes glimpses into the amazing world of drag!

#TutuQueen on 2020-10-21 stars in Littlehampton