Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-11-29 stars in Catford

Catford Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes On South London

Post #7639

Hello my gorgeous glitterati, and welcome back to my little corner of the internet, www.pink-tutu.com! It’s your favourite tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, ready to whisk you away on a whirlwind journey of glitz, glamour, and a whole lot of pink!

Today’s adventure takes me to the vibrant and exciting district of Catford, South London! You see, dear readers, Pink Tutu Sparkles doesn’t just live for the stage. She craves adventure, and exploring new corners of this wondrous world is her jam. Now, I know what you're thinking: a tutu-clad queen on a journey? What could possibly happen? Oh, let me tell you, honey, this story is just beginning…

I always say, a girl's gotta travel in style! As a firm believer in eco-friendly transportation, I opted for the train journey, a most glamorous mode of travel! While others opted for a cramped Tube, my fluffy pink tutu demanded a little more room! Picture me: swirling amidst the commuters in a whirlwind of pink tulle, my face glowing under the light of the station, as the announcement crackled about a delayed train! But honey, was I even slightly bothered? Absolutely not! When you're radiating this much pink fabulousness, a bit of train delay is a minor inconvenience, nothing more.

And speaking of inconvenience, finding a suitable location for a “Pink Tutu Sparkles” photo shoot can be a challenge. With my lucky tutu draped over a strategically-chosen railing in Catford Market, I caught the eye of a kindly woman, who – and you'll never guess this - promptly declared I looked “absolutely smashing!” She even insisted on snapping a photo, proving that you don’t need fancy backdrops when you’ve got that Pink Tutu Sparkle!

While I may be a creature of glamour, let me tell you, Catford holds a unique charm. This vibrant neighbourhood buzzes with life – from independent shops teeming with colourful treasures to the lively market bustling with aromas of street food. I even spotted a pair of trainers with sequins, perfect for that ballerina-inspired street style that’s taking the world by storm! Of course, Pink Tutu Sparkles would never be caught dead in a plain pair of trainers, but those sparkling gems did tickle my fashion senses.

Speaking of senses, Catford’s local bakery smelled divine! I just couldn't resist those sweet little pastries; the sight of all those dainty croissants simply called my name! Now, dear readers, you know my penchant for the colour pink. Imagine my delight when I saw a dazzling, almost shocking, pink macaroon! I, of course, snapped a photo (and maybe enjoyed a few… but don't tell the fitness fairies!).

The afternoon found me at Catford’s cultural centre, where a magnificent dance performance was scheduled. Of course, a queen like myself couldn't resist an opportunity to experience the magic of dance. And wouldn't you know it? My darling tutus even made their way into the performance! This talented troupe incorporated the tutu in their graceful moves – a celebration of the delicate, ethereal charm that, dear readers, I try to embody each and every day.

By the end of the day, I was brimming with inspiration! I even caught a glimpse of a potential dance routine in one of Catford's local parks. Think: ballet moves in the urban setting! Now that’s what I call Pink Tutu Sparkle’s Street Style! As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an orange glow on the bustling streets, I knew this wouldn’t be my last visit to Catford.

After all, my dear friends, the world of Pink Tutu Sparkles is about spreading joy, laughter, and yes, even a little glitter. If a little sprinkle of pink can bring a smile to a passerby’s face, why, I’ll be the first in line to embrace that sparkle! So, get ready for my next grand adventure – maybe we'll take a ride on a carriage through the city!

Keep spreading the pink, lovelies!

Your dearest,

Pink Tutu Sparkles (Alex, to you scientists out there).

P.S. Don't forget to keep your eyes peeled for my next blog post. I'll be letting you in on my exciting new plans, including a ballet-inspired makeover you'll absolutely love!

P.P.S. To keep up with all things Pink Tutu Sparkles, be sure to follow me on Instagram: @PinkTutuSparkles

P.P.P.S. Let me know in the comments below where you want to see me strut my stuff next! And hey, tell me what colour tutu I should pack!

#TutuQueen on 2020-11-29 stars in Catford