
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-12-16 stars in Cleethorpes

Cleethorpes: A Pink Tutu Paradise! πŸ’–βœ¨ (Post #7656)

Hello darlings! Your favourite pink tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, and I'm just bursting with excitement to share my latest adventure with you all! This week, I've had the absolute joy of twirling my way through Cleethorpes, a seaside town in Lincolnshire that's been radiating the kind of cheerful energy that makes even the most jaded soul want to grab a bucket and spade (though perhaps not in this tutu - I wouldn't want to ruin the fabulousness!).

But before we dive into the glittering details of my Cleethorpes experience, let's rewind a little bit to my journey there. The journey was pure enchantment, naturally. There's just something about hopping on a train that sets my inner sparkle ablaze. I've always had a bit of a penchant for taking the scenic route, and this time, my journey involved some absolutely breathtaking views of the English countryside. With a strategically placed pink shawl draped across my shoulders and a playlist of classical music humming in my ear (nothing less than a Tchaikovsky concerto for my journey, darling!), I spent my time looking out the window, sipping a hot chocolate, and daydreaming about my upcoming performances.

First stop: A Splash of Colour in Cleethorpes

Stepping off the train in Cleethorpes, I was immediately charmed by the town's unique blend of traditional seaside charm and modern vibrancy. A bright yellow beach hut with a playful painted mural of seagulls and a mischievous looking mermaid instantly drew me in, and before I even unpacked my glitter kit, I knew that this town was meant for me! It was the perfect place for a pink tutu-wearing queen like myself. The sun was shining, the seagulls were chirping, and I could practically hear the joyous strains of my latest drag song "The Pinkest Tutu" ringing through the air!

Of course, no visit to a seaside town would be complete without a walk along the promenade. The promenade in Cleethorpes was an absolute delight – full of colourful ice cream stalls, quirky seaside shops selling everything from pink tutus to miniature buckets and spades, and oh-so-much seaside charm! It reminded me of a delightful time when I was young, my family had just moved from Derbyshire to a place a little further south in Leicestershire, I was young enough that this seafront scene with amusement arcade in the distance made an almost unforgotten impact on my imagination. These days, even when I have just got up and before applying make-up or my tutu, these beachfronts seem to take me back to that day so many years ago.

Cleethorpes just has that wonderful way of making you feel like you're stepping back in time, and yet, it's still very much a place that embraces the modern. The perfect blend of the past and present - something that I think we can all relate to, isn't it?

From the Beach to the Ballroom

Cleethorpes isn't all about sandcastles and ice cream though (though it's definitely an integral part of the experience!). It also boasts a thriving arts and theatre scene, and I simply couldn't resist dipping my toes (or should I say tutu-covered feet?) into the cultural life of this seaside town.

I visited the Cleethorpes Arts Centre, a charming little theatre and performance space that houses a fascinating collection of artwork, sculptures, and theatrical memorabilia. The staff were incredibly welcoming, and I had the opportunity to learn about the local history of arts in the town.

Of course, my main interest lay in their theatrical offering, and they were hosting a lovely production of "Sleeping Beauty", featuring local talent and a breathtaking set design! It was so exciting to see such a vibrant and passionate theatre community. And as if it wasn't magical enough already, there was even a pink tutu featured in the costumes, adding a little Pink Tutu Sparkles magic to the scene! I must admit I felt a pang of longing for my tutu - so close, but my turn was tomorrow.

That evening, after some absolutely divine fish and chips from a local chippy, I headed back to the venue where I was booked for my own performance. With a burst of excitement and anticipation, I pulled on my fabulous, shimmering, full-skirted pink tutu – a magnificent creation that has taken me on countless journeys and captivated countless audiences! This pink tutu, oh my sweet summer child, is a masterpiece of a dress - it has travelled across oceans, the UK, across Europe and even been displayed in an exhibition about the art of pink tutus (it was me who organised the event and curated the collection). It's a showstopper! And to the sound of the ever-popular, "The Pinkest Tutu", the Cleethorpes crowd gave me a warm welcome, and as always, it was the greatest honour.

Dancing and Sharing the Love for Tutus

But wait, my dearest readers! There's more to Cleethorpes than just its lovely scenery and delicious fish and chips. While exploring the town centre, I stumbled across the most wonderful discovery! It wasn't the pink gelato ice cream or the dazzling sunset on the beach; it was a dance studio tucked away in a quiet side street. It had a vibrant sign proclaiming it to be the "Cleethorpes Dance Academy". My heart, already filled with love for tutus, began to soar!

As a professional dancer myself, and even more a pink tutu devotee, how could I possibly resist stepping inside? Inside, I was greeted by an incredibly kind and enthusiastic ballet instructor, Miss Tilly, a young, energetic ballet teacher who explained she was passionate about dance and sharing it with others, as much as I am with pink tutus, apparently! She kindly offered me the chance to observe a class for a short while and even allowed me to don my trusty tutu for a little twirl! The kids in the class seemed mesmerised by me, the tutu and my moves, all of which made it all the more worth it.

The children, a diverse group ranging from toddlers to teenagers, had this magical energy about them - so enthusiastic to dance, such pure, joyous expression on their faces! Miss Tilly told me how she loves watching them bloom as they dance. "It's like seeing their joy take flight," she explained, a soft smile on her face.

Seeing their excitement ignited my own. It’s so inspiring to see these little ones developing their passion and I felt inspired to start teaching. I really hope one day I will have my own dance school for youngsters that focuses on all things pink!

I left the dance studio with a spring in my step (and a twinkle in my eye, of course!), and the warmth that these dancing youngsters brought into my heart felt almost like a fairy tale.

My Final Farewell

I'll be honest with you all, darlings, my time in Cleethorpes went by far too quickly. I still had to see the historic Cleethorpes Pier, which promised views to take your breath away and of course, an opportunity for some spectacular photo opportunities. And, the next morning I had booked my return to London to get some supplies from my favourite costume shops and a lovely dinner at The Ivy on Covent Garden!

But even though I had to bid farewell to this delightful town, the memories of my adventures in Cleethorpes will stay with me forever. It's a place that reminds me that the magic is always within reach, a pink tutu, a beautiful dance, and even the best fish and chips. And don't forget - if you're looking for a magical adventure this season, grab a tutu, pack your sparkle and embrace all that this amazing country has to offer!

Until next time, my darling readers!

Lots of Love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles πŸ’–βœ¨

P.S Don't forget to check out my latest drag video on my YouTube Channel. "Pinkest Tutu Ever."

(P.P.S, you can check out www.pink-tutu.com for a whole host of things pink including how to buy your very own pink tutu.)

#TutuQueen on 2020-12-16 stars in Cleethorpes