Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-01-05 stars in Borehamwood

Pink Tutu Sparkles Adventures: Borehamwood Balletomania! đŸ©°đŸ’–

Hello my lovely tutu-lovers! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and guess what?! I'm in the delightful town of Borehamwood! 🎉 You may be asking yourself, “Why Borehamwood, Pink Tutu?” Well, my dears, let me tell you! This magical little place is home to one of the most impressive ballet studios I’ve ever encountered, and I just HAD to share the experience with you!

This is blog post number 7676, so let's get this pink party started! It all began with my daily routine of checking my diary for upcoming performances. I knew this was going to be a busy week - a fundraiser for a local cat shelter in Welwyn Garden City on Wednesday, a kids’ party in Watford on Friday and, best of all, a family friendly "Queen’s Fair" right here in Borehamwood! I am ALWAYS up for a fair. I find there’s nothing quite like it. A whirlwind of joy, candyfloss, laughter and
 oh, have I mentioned, it’s a chance to spread the tutu love!!

But back to my travel preparations! I know what you’re thinking: “How did she get there?” Well, my dear readers, my journey began, as it so often does, on the train! Now, you’re probably expecting me to arrive at the station in a fabulous outfit
 but oh, you’re so wrong, it was strictly comfy pants, comfy shoes, and a comfy cardigan! Don't worry, my dazzling costume was tucked carefully in a bag - waiting to be unveiled when the time was right.

But let's rewind a little, how DID Pink Tutu end up here, you ask? My adventure started in my trusty lab, you know, the one where I test fabrics by day and transform into the amazing, sequin-loving Pink Tutu by night! That’s right, by day, Alex, my science-loving self, analyses fabrics. By night, it's Pink Tutu Sparkles taking the stage!

Honestly, it wasn't always this way. You know that "oh, that's my story!” moment
 Well, mine started a long, long time ago. Picture it: a young Alex, studying at a prestigious university in the heart of Derbyshire. Alex is a scientist in the making, right? A future world-changer? Yes! But what else does Alex enjoy? You guessed it
 ballet! And then it happened, a charity event at the uni and there, on a clothes rack, was a magnificent, billowing, pink tutu
 I tried it on and
 my life changed forever!

As for the ballet, well, that’s been a constant since I was a little girl. Dancing my way through classes at the village hall and being transported into new worlds when watching performances at the Royal Opera House. All thanks to my dear mum, who never, ever discouraged me from following my passions. In fact, I think she actually pushed me to try new things! “Be adventurous”, she would say. And trust me, when it comes to a love for the stage and spreading some pink tutu sparkle
 I'm truly adventurous.

So, back to my Borehamwood adventures. The day dawned bright, a mix of anticipation and the usual post-train caffeine boost. I had a date with a few dancers I'd met through online forums, they were getting ready to do a street dance performance at the local park – can you believe it! Now, I have to admit, street dancing is definitely not my forte. My forte is definitely twirling, but I love to see any and every type of dance.

It was absolutely amazing! The park was filled with vibrant colors, music thumping through the air, and some incredibly talented dancers! These guys were using a street version of classical ballet, which was quite a sight. A whirlwind of athletic leaps and graceful moves, mixed with hip hop flourishes, it really was magical!

Later that day, I did what every visitor should do
 I went on a quest! This time, it wasn’t a tutu hunt, but a hunt for the best fish and chips Borehamwood could offer! And let me tell you, it was an adventure in itself, but a worthwhile one! I ended the day indulging in the delicious golden fish and crispy chips. Yum, yum!

Then, it was showtime! My trusty Pink Tutu was sparkling, I felt fabulous in my fluffy pink, sparkly tulle. This was what it was all about: the chance to spread the joy, show off my moves, and make everyone feel as fabulous as I felt!

This performance had a few very special touches. Not only did we dance some classics like "Sugar Plum Fairy," but we even did a routine based on the famous "Swan Lake". We even incorporated the story, which involved, if you can believe it, two of my good friends! Now, you can't go to a fair and not do a bit of puppet show, and our swan-inspired puppets, oh they were wonderful, let me tell you, all hand-made and filled with pink feathers. A hit with all the children! I loved the little gasp they gave when the swan opened its feathery beak. My, what a lovely bunch of happy faces.

Now, as much as I love to perform for people, the real highlight of my day was meeting other tutu lovers! I had a chat with a lady from the audience who was teaching her granddaughters ballet at home, and, my, she was a joy to chat with! Her granddaughters even took a peek behind the stage! A truly fabulous time, we chatted and she, believe it or not, loved pink and tutus, a tutu twin! She was really kind and even offered to show me the best bakery in town. What a sweet gesture! I just hope I had a chance to be as sparkly as she is. Oh, she also gave me a tiny, tiny piece of advice which was
 never stop being Pink Tutu Sparkle, just like always. I guess when you have been around for a little while
 that does sound a little easier.

My stay in Borehamwood was truly a beautiful ballet-themed blur of joy! Now, you’re probably thinking “Pink Tutu, how do you fund all of these fantastic adventures?” It’s simple, my dears, my incredible drag act! Each day, I perform for all sorts of fabulous events! A private party? Yes please! A village fĂȘte? Sign me up! And let’s not forget about the most important things: I perform in community projects, like school fetes, libraries, and sometimes, I even work with some local dance groups!

This way, I get to share my passion for pink, sparkles, and most importantly, my love for all things tutu! Honestly, you guys know, it’s my one goal: to spread the pink tutu love all over the world. A tutu on every single human! It sounds crazy, right? But it is a goal worth pursuing. Maybe one day!

My adventure doesn't end here, not yet! There are many more journeys to be made, more towns to sparkle up, more stages to take over, and of course, more tutus to wear!

So, until next time, keep shining, be kind, and don't be afraid to sparkle! You never know where life will take you! You might just find yourself in Borehamwood, with a twinkle in your eye and a smile on your face.

Always in pink, Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖

#TutuQueen on 2021-01-05 stars in Borehamwood