
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-02-03 stars in Northolt

Northolt Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Brings the Sparkle to the Suburbs (Blog Post #7705)

Hello my lovely darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and itā€™s time for another instalment of the Pink Tutu travels! This week, I've been hopping around Northolt, bringing a touch of glamour and a whole lot of pink to the suburbs.

As always, Iā€™m obsessed with sharing my love for the colour pink, tutus, ballet, and everything fabulous, and you can follow my daily adventures on www.pink-tutu.com!

Northolt was a lovely surprise. This bustling town with its little shops and friendly people offered me a charming escape from the usual drag scene. I couldn't resist getting into the spirit of the place - just imagine me, a vision in a glorious pink tutu, strutting down the High Street, leaving a trail of glitter and sunshine wherever I went!

This trip marked the 7705th post on my blog, which is a pretty huge milestone. It makes me so happy to know that my adventures inspire you, and that we can share a passion for pink and twirls together!

Let me take you back to the start of this fabulous journey. I landed in Northolt on a Tuesday, armed with my trusty pink travel bag, filled with my most dazzling tutus. I always travel with a train when I can, the rhythmic clickety-clack of the tracks and the panoramic views just feed my imagination and get my creativity flowing.

Once I got settled into my little Airbnb - a quaint little cottage adorned with lavender and roses, how very Northolt, isnā€™t it? - I got ready for the grand unveiling of Pink Tutu Sparkles in this charming corner of West London!

Now, I'm all for taking the opportunity to dress up for a night out, but this time, my purpose was more than just dazzling; I had a real mission: to share my passion for ballet with the local community! And what better place than Northoltā€™s very own ā€œSteps on Stageā€ dance studio?

As soon as I stepped into the studio, it felt like coming home! There was a familiar smell of sweat and dance shoes in the air, and the sound of music coming from the speakers had my feet itching to tap.

I arrived early, so I had the opportunity to chat with the studio owner, a lovely woman called Mary. I found out that Mary herself is a retired professional dancer and a true ballet enthusiast - just like me! Mary had so many exciting plans for her studio, she was even hosting a special ā€˜pink tutuā€™ night later that month. Isn't that simply fabulous?

We chatted about my journey and how I became a ā€œTutu Queenā€! How, when I was studying science (you wouldn't believe how many of you have guessed that!), I ended up completely charmed by a pink tutu at a university fundraising event! I tried it on for charity, and the rest is history, as they say. Since that fateful day, I have become absolutely smitten with everything pink, with every silky, delicate layer of tulle, with every chance I get to twirl! And of course, I am all about inspiring others to embrace their inner ā€œPink Tutu Sparkles.ā€

While chatting with Mary, a group of young dancers waltzed in. They were all ages - some little ones learning their first pirouettes, and some older ones practising for upcoming competitions. Mary introduced me to all of them and I realised I was looking at a generation of future dance superstars! They had this look of complete joy and passion in their eyes that warmed my heart. And you know me, my darlings, I just couldn't resist getting in on the action!

After putting on my best smile and pulling out my secret weapon, my sparkling pink tulle boa, I launched into a quick demonstration. I wanted to show them that ballet is for everyone, that anyone can feel the joy of movement, the elegance of the leaps, the sheer magic of twirling in a tutu! The little onesā€™ faces lit up and I swear, the teenagers couldnā€™t help but grin at my pinkness. They even clapped along to the music, joining me in a spontaneous dance off! You would not believe how much energy they have.

Afterwards, the girls, for that's what they were, took it upon themselves to give me a grand tour of the studio. The ā€œSteps on Stageā€ studio was like a little haven for these lovely ballerinas. I was especially fascinated by the wall lined with colourful leotards, each one a perfect fit for a tiny dancerā€™s form. Each one, with its beautiful hues and details, a reflection of its owner's personality and dedication to the art of ballet.

Then, after what felt like an eternity of dancing, laughing, and reminiscing, the evening descended upon Northolt. The time had come to set the stage for Pink Tutu Sparkles! I went back to my lovely Airbnb, where I found an elegant pink dress and matching sparkling heels in my travel bag. How divine, I thought, perfect for my performance later at The Red Lion pub.

The Red Lion, as I found out, wasn't your typical, dusty pub. They had a special ā€œFriday Night Liveā€ stage set up. So after a light bite of fish and chips (you just can't get that in Derbyshire!) I donned my sparkly dress, carefully fixed my hair (an elaborate pink updo is my trademark), and went to see the lovely publicans.

I wasn't just here for an ordinary performance, my darlings. I had an extra-special trick up my sleeve! The publicans were really game for anything!

The evening at the Red Lion was an absolute whirlwind! I was completely mesmerised by their charmingly chaotic pub! I managed to squeeze in some quick but fun drag queen performance with a special spotlight I borrowed from the pub staff, right next to the jukebox. You would have loved seeing it! All these people gathered around, completely captivated by my performance, singing along with my carefully crafted playlist! They were a proper laugh, but mostly sweet, even if the bartender tried to pay me with the change they had in the tip jar - bless 'em. I mean, no offense but, isnā€™t it nice that sometimes the unexpected happens in the most wonderful ways! It brought me back to why I fell in love with this life!

And then the highlight of the evening happened. I was told that "Steps on Stage" studio was organising a ballet event, a "Pink Tutu Tea Party" to celebrate their anniversary, and they wanted to offer me a slot on the program. Oh, it was just what I needed to bring my Northolt journey full circle!

ā€œPink Tutu Sparklesā€ is here to share her passion for dance with everyone she meets. So naturally, I immediately jumped at the chance! I would get to showcase my own choreographed act ā€“ a dazzling celebration of pink tutus, complete with graceful movements and dramatic pauses, a veritable masterpiece of glitz and glam!

In true "Pink Tutu Sparkles" style, I created a unique ensemble. Iā€™ll be making an entrance on stage in a magnificent pink tutu made with a special material we were researching at my day job! A fabric which had shimmering and flowing qualities perfect for ballet. I told you, my darling, a scientist is all about research! It has the prettiest lavender undertones. I added layers of sheer tulle and some matching glittery pink ribbons that shimmer under the spotlight. And to add that extra ā€œsparkle,ā€ I included a dazzling pink crown and a sparkling pink cape ā€“ oh, so dramatic, youā€™ll just love it!

I couldn't wait to show everyone what I had been working on. To share the magic of the tutu with a room filled with like-minded souls, surrounded by beautiful dancers and all the other sparkly costumes!

But thereā€™s another secret reason I was really looking forward to this tea party. I know that some of the lovely little ballerinas from the "Steps on Stage" studio will be there! My dear readers, you know how much I love supporting children. Imagine the look of awe on their faces when they see Pink Tutu Sparkles in full-on sparkle glory. Their smiles, their shining eyes, and their sweet, curious questions about my passion!

I thought it was going to be my grand finale, a perfect send-off from Northolt, with an event that beautifully captured the heart of this place. You can see why, my darlings! However, I've learned in my Pink Tutu adventures that nothing goes as planned! It always ends up so much better, you'll see! And it did. But I'll tell you all about it next time!

Until then, stay glamorous and never be afraid to twirl! Donā€™t forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com for more adventures! Keep twirling, my loves,

Pink Tutu Sparkles (and Alex) xxx

#TutuQueen on 2021-02-03 stars in Northolt