
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-02-08 stars in Kendal

Kendal Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Goes North! (Post #7710)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here! πŸ‘‹βœ¨ I'm back with another thrilling blog post, ready to whisk you all away on a trip full of tutus, twirls, and oh-so-much pink!

Today, my fabulous followers, we're journeying to the stunning Lake District, a place where nature's beauty meets my inner love for all things whimsical. But before we delve into the magic of Kendal, let me tell you about the journey itself, which, as usual, was an adventure!

As a queen who believes in sustainable travel and a little old-world charm, I opted for a grand railway escapade. Oh, the thrill of boarding a luxurious train, settling into a plush seat, and letting the countryside roll by! I love watching the world whizz by from a train window - it feels like a film, and a far more elegant way to travel than that old dusty coach! The scent of old leather seats, the clink of glasses in the carriage bar... pure bliss.

But no journey, darling, is complete without a touch of sparkle, so of course, I made sure to bring my most fabulous travel outfit. 🩰 You know how much I love tutus, so I paired my go-to hot pink tulle dream with a shimmery, blush-coloured blouse and some dainty diamanté earrings. The outfit was practically begging to be twirled on the platform - a sight to behold, even before we embarked on the journey!

And speaking of twirling, my lovelies, guess what? While we're on this travel escapade, I couldn't resist visiting Kendal's charming ballet studio! It's an enchanting place - so graceful and full of delicate steps. I mean, who wouldn't love a ballet class, right? And, yes, darling, I did get to wear a tutu there, although sadly it was a more traditional white one. But a tutu is a tutu, and it gave me the chance to reminisce about those fabulous uni days!

For those of you who are new to my blog, you might not know that my passion for pink tutus actually started during my university days. Studying for a science degree (don't worry, the tutus are part of my fun side!), I was in the uni ballet club, and to raise money for charity, I bravely decided to wear a tutu... a bright pink one, of course! Let's just say, it changed my life. That night I truly realised the transformative power of a little pink tulle!

So, Kendal, here I come! I can't wait to explore its quirky streets, browse through the antique shops, and, most importantly, experience the thrill of this charming town's vibrant, artistic energy. From street theatre performances to local artisans showcasing their skills, it seems the entire town is buzzing with creativity!

As a queen who cherishes all things glamorous, my stay wouldn't be complete without a delightful, pink-tastic shopping spree. Imagine: a quaint little boutique bursting with colourful clothes and accessories, and the perfect outfit for a fun evening! Oh, the possibilities! My mission is to inspire as many people as possible to embrace the joy of pink tutus. After all, darling, the world needs more sparkle, more twirling, and more fun. And pink tutus are the perfect way to make it happen!

Of course, as a dedicated drag queen, my evening adventure begins at the bustling market square. Kendal's nightlife is brimming with energy, and you know I'll be showcasing my moves, captivating the audience with my performance! After all, a bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles is the perfect way to brighten anyone's night. πŸ’–

Now, as the day begins to wane and the moon peeks out, let me take you on a journey of pure pink magic, my dears. Here's what I've been up to in the vibrant town of Kendal, exploring all things sparkly and exciting.

Firstly, a delightful lunch stop! Who can resist a decadent afternoon tea in a quintessentially English tea room? And let's just say, my lovelies, that the cakes were divine! 🍰 I opted for a slice of strawberry and cream cake with a cup of chamomile tea - so good! (Don't worry, I managed to squeezed in a bit of ballet barre workout after all that indulgence!) I was surrounded by colourful floral prints, charming vintage teacups, and friendly locals. It was an experience that felt as sweet and delightful as a fairy tale.

Next, my dears, I was off on a fascinating foray into the heart of the Lake District. As a lover of all things beautiful, I couldn't miss the chance to explore the breathtaking scenery and marvel at the natural wonder of this area! A crisp and bright day made the mountain views all the more stunning, and I had a ball walking along picturesque lakeshores! And yes, of course, I twirled! My trusty pink tutu just loves to make an appearance in new locations, even amidst towering hills and glistening waterfalls.

One of my favourite stops on this lakeside adventure was at the renowned Grasmere Gingerbread Shop. Oh, the fragrant smell as you enter is enough to tantalise the taste buds! And, yes, I gave into temptation and enjoyed a generous helping of delicious gingerbread. I just couldn't resist the chewy, gingery goodness!

Then, I strolled through Kendal's market, where I found unique crafts, freshly-picked fruit, and local delicacies. The vibrancy of the farmers market was a sight to behold, and I had to snap some photos to share the wonder with my beloved readers!

Next, as any queen knows, shopping is an absolute must! In this quirky town, I found the most delightful shops, brimming with colourful clothes, gorgeous accessories, and a dazzling array of pink items. I indulged in a new silk scarf, with a delicate, rose print pattern - perfect for a splash of colour against my favourite pink outfits! (I'm just imagining my pink tutu paired with this new accessory... heavenly!)

My evening adventure, my lovelies, began at the cosy "Rose and Crown" pub, where I enjoyed a classic, hearty meal, accompanied by the laughter of locals and a friendly pint of ale. The warm ambiance and delicious traditional food was exactly what I needed after a day of exploring.

Of course, my final stop was at the magical "Kendal Green" for a truly whimsical performance. As soon as I entered, the air crackled with energy and a sense of joyous theatre. The stage was ready, the spotlight shining, and my Pink Tutu Sparkles costume glittered brilliantly under the stage lights!

My performance, as always, was a celebration of pink tutus and all things magical. My audiences were spellbound as I danced and sang with the energy and exuberance that makes a Pink Tutu Sparkles performance unique. Each dance move was a testament to my passion for all things pink and, as always, I felt a thrill of joy knowing that I was spreading the love of tutus and colour.

The night ended with applause and cheers, leaving me with a warm, happy feeling inside. Kendal had truly captured my heart! And, with that in mind, I know it won't be long until Pink Tutu Sparkles returns. πŸ’–

So, until next time, keep twirling, stay pink, and never forget that the world needs more sparkle! ✨

Stay fabulously chic!

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2021-02-08 stars in Kendal