Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-03-10 stars in Broadstairs

Broadstairs Calling: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage - Post #7740

Hello darlings, and welcome back to the magical world of Pink Tutu Sparkles! I hope this post finds you in tip-top shape and ready to shimmer with joy, just like me. You might be wondering, why the sudden shift to the seaside? Well, let me tell you, the call of the coast was too strong to resist!

Broadstairs is just about as picturesque as a postcard can get, you know? Sun-kissed beaches, quaint little cafes, and the smell of salt air... what's a girl to do but get her pink tutu on and embrace it all!

But first, let’s chat about how I even got here, shall we? Because I haven't always been a travelling queen! Oh no, darling, there was a time when this fabulous flamingo was just Alex, a shy scientist hiding amongst beakers and microscopes in the laboratories of Derbyshire. You see, the story of Pink Tutu Sparkles starts in the unlikeliest of places – a university ballet club! I was a budding biochemist back then, a bit too caught up in molecules and the structure of DNA, but then... well, there's a certain magic to a swirling tutu, wouldn't you say? It was like destiny calling – my first taste of those airy, pink feathers, and I knew that I was meant to twirl. The rest, as they say, is history, darling!

This is Post #7740, and believe me, getting to travel around like a pink tornado in my own little bubble of joy wouldn't be possible without your constant support. Your sweet messages, your lovely comments, the giggles and gasps I get when I spin across a stage... that’s what fuels my dreams and lets me keep pursuing this passion! Speaking of dreams, have you ever wanted to travel by horse? Well, lucky for me, there are plenty of opportunities for that in the UK! Last month I even took a ride across the Welsh countryside! And you wouldn't believe the amazing dress I found for it, a kind of vintage riding outfit, all browns and pinks with lace detailing. If I can dream it, I can wear it! This, darling, is the real secret to a sparkling life. But back to Broadstairs…

It's amazing, this little seaside town. I mean, there are so many lovely cafes to have a spot of afternoon tea! We had this gorgeous lemon meringue pie, with the prettiest swirls of pink meringue, at a cute little place right by the harbour. You've never tasted such a delightful combination of creamy sweetness and tart tang - and you know, pink is absolutely always on the menu when it comes to Pink Tutu Sparkles, wouldn’t you agree?

Then, I did something completely unexpected. You see, Broadstairs has this fantastic little independent shop crammed with the most divine vintage clothing. My radar went straight for a silky pink sequined dress – the perfect outfit to go to a vintage tea party! I managed to snag it, a total bargain, and the moment I put it on, I felt like a classic Hollywood starlet on a getaway.

We've also spent hours wandering around the harbor, admiring the boats and soaking in the salty air. Did I tell you how much I love seagulls? Their sassy energy always brightens my day, and the little bit of mischief in their eyes is just adorable! You should have seen me, running through the beach, giggling at their squawks, my pink tulle swirling around me! I swear, they almost knew I was trying to make them pose for a photo, little stinker-winkle fluff-balls!

But it wouldn't be a proper trip to the seaside without some serious beach fun, would it? So, the next day we went for a glorious walk, took our pinkies for a dip in the refreshing ocean (well, actually, just dipped my feet in! I love the water, but my tutus are not particularly water resistant) and built a magnificent sandcastle with a whole entourage of fellow pink tutu enthusiasts! Imagine: a pink castle on a pink beach, topped with a sparkling pink tutu flag. Now, THAT's what I call an afternoon well-spent.

Speaking of fellow Pink Tutu Enthusiasts... have you started a tutu tribe in your corner of the world? I've got to say, it’s pretty magical to see those whimsical tutus popping up everywhere, making the world a little bit brighter. I can't help but imagine the whole planet in a ballet of pinks! My motto: one pink tutu at a time, one spin at a time! I can already picture it! We’re all going to dance it out, a global pink ballet, an explosion of sequins and joy... It gives me chills just thinking about it, doesn’t it?

That's all for today, lovelies, but the adventures continue. Tomorrow we're heading off on a quest for delicious fish and chips – I hear Broadstairs is known for having some of the best! And wouldn’t you know, they even have a Pink Flamingo themed restaurant! (Is there a theme going on here?) Naturally, I’m dying to go.

I'm just so excited to see what other pink wonders Broadstairs has in store for me! As always, be sure to follow along on my daily adventures at www.pink-tutu.com, or find me on Instagram (@PinkTutuSparkles). I can’t wait to see your pink creations!

Until next time, stay bubbly and keep twirling!

Lots of love, Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

P.S. Did I mention there's a delightful local ballet school just a stone's throw away from the harbor? Naturally, I've signed myself up for a couple of lessons. (Don’t worry, I know, my scientist days taught me about gravity! There’s an unspoken law, a tutu-coded message saying, *‘If you’re going to twirl in a tutu, wear something sensible underneath’). They say there’s nothing a little ballet practice can’t fix!

#TutuQueen on 2021-03-10 stars in Broadstairs