Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-03-16 stars in Bristol

Bristol Bound: Pink Tutu Sparkles is ready to Twirl! (Post #7746)

Oh my darlings, it's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here! And let me tell you, I am SO excited! I'm off to Bristol, darlings, Bristol! It's going to be a whirl of fabulousness, a dazzling display of pink tulle, a ballet bonanza of sheer joy – what could be more perfect for your girl?

Bristol, the city of culture, has beckoned for ages and finally, my pink tutu-clad self is answering its call. A flurry of excited texts with my fellow queens have filled my inbox - I just can’t wait to see what Bristol has in store! My Bristol outfit, by the way, is a true vision of sugary sweetness. Picture a luscious hot pink tulle, layered with shimmering sequins and topped with a giant, fluffy bow – perfect for twirling under the iconic Bristol suspension bridge. You'll have to follow my Instagram (which, by the way, is @PinkTutuSparkles, do come and give me a follow, lovelies!) to see how my outfit looks, darling!

Now, I must confess, travelling is a big part of my pink-tutu life, and Bristol is just one of many exciting destinations on my ever-expanding list. Who wouldn’t love the romance of a scenic train ride through rolling green hills and fields of yellow sunflowers, followed by a dazzling stage performance at a packed venue, eh? My day job (when I'm not being my flamboyant, pink-tutu-loving best, darling!) is quite a contrast: it involves lots of beakers, pipettes, and very serious chemical tests, (as you might know, my real name is Alex, and I work as a scientist in a lab that analyses fabrics. Imagine! Testing fabrics all day, then at night I take to the stage and let my pink tulle shine bright!). It's a bit of a shock to my colleagues, darling, but I love them anyway, they’re amazing.

For a long time, I couldn't understand the allure of a tutu, a tiny little garment associated with, you know, ballet! (I can't help a dramatic, pointed gasp here, lovelies! 😉) But that all changed at university! During a fundraiser, a friend dared me to wear one - a hot pink fluffy cloud of glory with matching satin ribbon. Oh, it was the beginning of something truly magical, darling. The feel of that silky fabric, the swirl and twirl – a life-altering moment, lovelies! And guess what? I fell for it, hooked line and sinker, head over heels, it was love at first wear! And now, it's my mission, darling – my dream – to get every single soul on this planet wearing a pink tutu! (Let’s be honest, pink tutus are not limited to one colour, but that’s another story… maybe for another post).

My pink tutu life is, to put it mildly, quite a journey. From my Derbyshire beginnings, where I began my dance lessons with my beloved dancing queen granny (whose dance steps I'll never forget!), to my current gig at The Rosebud CafĂŠ - a little independent theatre in London - I'm always pushing myself further. A real pink-tutu pioneer, you might say!

Now, don’t get me wrong, lovelies! The whole pink tutu journey wasn’t all smooth sailing. There were times when I wondered what I was doing, a science student dancing with a tutu on, with my pink tutu in tow, as I put it. But you see, darling, it's important to embrace all parts of you! Life’s about finding what makes your soul sing, finding that bit of sparkle that sets your heart on fire. Don’t let the world tell you that you’re “not normal”. Darling, I say wear that pink tutu with pride and watch the world sparkle a little brighter!

There were days I thought of just hanging up my tutu and staying put, but I’m so glad I didn’t! And look where I am now! About to rock the Bristol scene with my fabulous friends!

Before I dash off (I have to get that fabulous hair, nails, and make-up done for tonight’s big event), let me share a little secret I discovered on this journey. When you twirl with heart and joy, you spread happiness and bring out the joy in everyone! The audience is just as much a part of the experience as I am, they give me energy to keep on shining. So, put on your biggest smile, spin, and dance - spread the sparkle wherever you go, darlings! Remember: you are enough. And you’re beautiful!

Till next time, darlings, and stay tuned! This week I’ll be bringing you a fabulous review of my Bristol experience (complete with behind the scenes peek!) and lots more pink-tutu shenanigans! So, don’t miss it! Remember, you can find all the details on my website: www.pink-tutu.com.

Lots of love and glitter, Pink Tutu Sparkles. 💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2021-03-16 stars in Bristol