
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-06-01 stars in Carlisle

Carlisle Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the North πŸ©°πŸ’–πŸš‚

Hello darlings! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, reporting live from post number 7823 on www.pink-tutu.com. Today's adventures took me on a whistle-stop tour of Carlisle, a beautiful city nestled in the north of England. Now, I know what you're thinking - Carlisle? Not exactly the heart of fashion, is it? But, my dears, that's where you're wrong! Carlisle's got charm in spades, and a whole lot of character - just like this Pink Tutu queen!

It's not just about the city itself, though. It was the journey, darling! A lovely old-fashioned train chugging through the English countryside – what could be more fabulous? You know I love a train ride, don't you? The gentle rocking, the clack-clack-clack of the wheels, the soft murmur of chatter and the dreamy countryside whizzing by… it's practically hypnotic!

But let's get back to the fabulousity of my mission: getting you all in pink tutus, darlings! Carlisle is home to the stunning Tullie House Museum, and you know I had to pay it a visit. You wouldn't believe the vintage fashion they had on display! I particularly fell in love with a gorgeous beaded flapper dress, so glamorous. And, of course, there were those stunning portraits of ballerinas in all their tulle-y glory. You could almost hear the delicate whispers of their silk skirts and the soft tap-tap-tap of their pointe shoes on the stage. Swoon

Carlisle has a wonderful sense of history and local pride. Everywhere you look there's beautiful architecture – I could practically hear whispers of knights in shining armor and daring damsels from the grand old buildings! But what I really loved were the cute, quirky shops on the high street. I swear I could spend a fortune on those gorgeous local craft items!

However, my absolute favourite discovery in Carlisle was the local ballet school! Oh, it was pure magic. As I stepped inside the bright, airy studio, I could smell the leather of the barres and the musty scent of rosin. There were little dancers pirouetting, the tiny tutus shimmering with their pink-ness – it was so adorable! I immediately envisioned a scene with all these tiny ballet fairies sporting my very own signature Pink Tutu Sparkles look! I just had to share the joy.

My visit culminated in a glorious performance at Carlisle’s historic Theatre Royal. Talk about grandeur! The auditorium was all crimson velvet, glittering chandeliers, and stunningly ornate boxes, so fitting for my grand entrance, of course!

I donned my new-for-the-occasion pink tutu, a custom design created especially for Carlisle, featuring an array of sparkling rhinestones in the shape of the famous Carlisle castle, because, darling, a queen never forgets her local references! It's always so important to give a little nod to where you are and appreciate the local culture.

Now, about the performance! The crowd went absolutely wild. Let me tell you, I gave 'em all my best: a glittering mix of sass, glamour, and, of course, some serious tutu-tastic moves! You’d think the pinkness of my tutu would be blinding!

As I finished my performance to a thunderous round of applause, it really struck me: we're all connected, you know. From my hometown of Derbyshire, with its rolling hills and rolling tutus (hehe!), to the magnificent north, all the way up to the Isle of Skye – the human connection transcends borders, and so does the joy of wearing a pink tutu!

So, my loves, if you haven't tried on a pink tutu, I beg you: get on that horse, or hop on a train (though the train might be more comfortable!) and get yourself down to your nearest shop. Pink tutus can take you on adventures like you've never dreamed of before. Trust me!

Until next time, stay sparkling, darlings, and never forget – pink is always in!

πŸ’– xoxo

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2021-06-01 stars in Carlisle