Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-08-14 stars in Catford

Catford Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Hits the Town in a Whirl of Pink (Blog Post #7897)

Hello my darlings! It’s your favourite pink tutu-wearing, glitter-loving drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and I’m bursting with excitement to tell you all about my latest adventure. This time, I found myself on the train, hurtling towards Catford – a town that had been whispering in my dreams of a fabulous performance.

Now, you know me. I'm all about living my best life, which is a dazzling explosion of pink, tulle, and twirls, and I knew Catford was calling. What could be better than a journey into the heart of London, fueled by pink-hued dreams, with the promise of a performance under the stage lights? It felt absolutely divine, darlings!

This time, it wasn't just a journey into the city's bustling heart. I had my eyes set on Catford's own charming heart: a little independent theatre that buzzed with the promise of art, performance, and yes, you guessed it - sparkles. It's a place where the lights seem to twinkle just a little bit brighter, and the air is filled with the murmur of excitement. And it was the perfect place to unleash the inner diva!

Catford by train… oh darling!

But first, the journey! I'd heard that travelling by train was the chic way to see England, so I packed my tutu and a suitcase filled with shimmering outfits, ready to sparkle as I whizzed through the countryside. As always, my travel ensemble included a breathtaking pink tutu, my lucky pair of sparkly red ballet pumps, and a head-turning pink sequin dress with a statement hat for good measure! I knew I was bound to turn heads with every stop and every whistle - who could resist a dash of pink paradise? The people on the train seemed utterly entranced - my best audience so far! And it was so wonderful to see that everyone, from the children on a day trip to the dapper gentleman reading the newspaper, had their own dazzling inner spark. It made me think that perhaps I can inspire everyone to add a bit of pink, a bit of sparkle, a bit of tutu-filled fun to their day. I’m on a mission, darlings! It’s time to take the world by the twirling, shimmering skirt!

My journey from the labs of science to the stage!

Now, before we talk any further about Catford, let’s take a moment to think about me, Pink Tutu Sparkles. You see, my darling, my real name is Alex, and by day, I'm just a humble, quiet lab tech in the countryside. A dedicated fabric scientist who analyzes threads, examines yarn and makes sure your new cotton dress can withstand a rainy walk without turning to rags! But in my other life, my scientist life gets replaced by the life of Pink Tutu Sparkles – all the drama, the magic and a sprinkle of glittery pink mayhem. It’s how I make the magic happen.

Oh darling, how did this unlikely duo of scientist and drag queen come together? Well, my journey from science to sequins all started at university! You see, while I was engrossed in a mind-bending, science degree, I stumbled across the university ballet club. A club where my inner drama queen longed to let loose! It was a beautiful, magical world, full of grace, rhythm and swirling, swirling tutus. One night, at a charity event, a friend persuaded me to put on a tutu, a shimmering, gorgeous, tulle explosion in the most dazzling pink! The rest, as they say, is history. It sparked a desire in my soul to live in a pink-tinted world, to express myself and bring joy to others, and it became my passion. It was my gateway to becoming Pink Tutu Sparkles, and from that day on, my heart has belonged to the stage, the spotlights, the makeup, the shimmering outfits - everything!

A Performance That Catford Will Never Forget!

So back to Catford! After a lovely trip on the train (even a train can be glamorous!), I found my little theater, tucked away in a charming back street. It was a sight for sore eyes, bursting with vibrant colours and buzzing with excited chatter. You know how much I adore colourful places, darlings, so I was simply thrilled. It reminded me of the magical world of my tutu-wearing dreams.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw the stage lights – shimmering like a million stars and sparkling like the rhinestones on my costume. The sound of the crowd roaring in applause reverberated throughout the space as I emerged from the wings, in a cloud of shimmering tulle. The music started, the spotlights bathed me in a dazzling pink glow, and for those glorious moments, the whole world disappeared except for the beat of the music, the shimmering lights, and the eyes of my enthralled audience. I knew then that this was more than just a performance; it was a celebration of all that is wonderful, joyous, and breathtaking.

Oh darling, I’m going to keep you in suspense about the rest of my performance – that would be giving away the grand finale. You'll have to wait and see. Let me tell you though, Catford was more than just an audience - it became my new haven. I found joy and laughter, a touch of whimsy and a little sprinkle of magic! It made me think about the incredible power of art to bring people together - to make us smile, laugh, and even cry!

I leave Catford…

And as I boarded the train, a little bit wearied but deeply fulfilled, I left a piece of Pink Tutu Sparkles on the stage. In the heart of Catford. And in my dreams! It’s going to be my pink tutu haven, and it reminds me that a sprinkle of glitter, a twirling tutu, and a little bit of pink magic can truly bring joy to the world!

Why Don't You Join Me in a Tutu Twirl?!

It’s been lovely catching up. I hope my tales inspire you, darlings. If you ever find yourself in a new town or just in the mood for a change of scenery, I encourage you to join me on my mission: let's share some twirls and some pink, and make this world just a bit more colourful and happy. So go on, my dears! Be bold, be beautiful, and above all - be fabulous!

Until next time, darlings!

Keep checking in with me for all my new adventures!

With sparkles and twirls!

Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2021-08-14 stars in Catford