Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-09-21 stars in Falkirk

Falkirk Calling: TutuQueen Takes on Scotland!

Hello my lovelies! 👋 Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you post number 7935 straight from the fabulous heart of Falkirk! As you all know, I'm on a mission to spread the pink tutu love far and wide, and what better way to do that than with a trip to the stunningly historic Highlands of Scotland?

A Train Journey Fit for a TutuQueen

This trip started with a grand adventure - a luxurious train journey from my Derbyshire digs all the way up to Scotland. It's the way to travel, really. You get to admire the countryside whizzing by, enjoy a good gossip with your fellow travellers, and maybe even catch a glimpse of some local wildlife. This time, I even saw a cheeky wee Highland cow grazing in the fields! A quick pit stop for some "Tutu Tea" (think Earl Grey with a splash of pink bubblegum syrup!) and some fluffy cakes, and I was feeling as radiant as the sunshine streaming through the train window.

Falkirk: Where History Meets Sparkle

Falkirk, I soon discovered, is a town brimming with character and history. We're talking ancient Roman walls, awe-inspiring castles, and a landscape that feels like it’s straight out of a fairytale. And don't even get me started on the Falkirk Wheel! I’m not just a tutu enthusiast, I'm a bit of a history buff too, so you can imagine how excited I was! It felt so grand, and so utterly Scottish - a perfect backdrop for my fabulous pink tutu. The Wheel, it seems, wasn't the only thing turning in Falkirk...

From Science Lab to Stage:

This trip was a bit of a special one for me, a celebration of a journey, not just the journey to Falkirk, but the journey from a lab technician to a stage performer. As many of you know, by day I work in a lab, testing fabrics. Sounds pretty boring, doesn't it? But it's a fascinating job, actually, giving me an inside look into the amazing science behind textiles and helping us create fabrics that are durable, sustainable, and… you guessed it… beautiful! I have to tell you, being surrounded by all that vibrant fabric by day has definitely fed into my flamboyant and colourful personality!

By night, however, I shed my lab coat and embrace my alter ego - Pink Tutu Sparkles! And with a flick of the wrist and a twirl of my pink tutu, I transform myself into the shimmering, sparkling performer that you all know and love! It's the best of both worlds: blending a passion for science with a love for all things flamboyant and fun.

Falkirk’s Got Talent

My first stop in Falkirk was a local fair, showcasing all the talents of the wonderful people of this region. I mean, they say Scotland has the best music in the world, so I was ready to be wowed! And I was! I even joined in a impromptu performance - think a lively jig with a few spins of the tutu, complete with a rousing "Hokey Cokey!" It's always fun to spread some joy and encouragement wherever I go!

A Touch of Theatrics

Next, it was off to a local theatre. You see, I have a deep love for theatre, it was always my "escape" during my science degree days, my place where imagination reigned and sequins glittered! It's another reason I embraced drag so passionately!

So I waltzed on in, my tutu a flurry of pink perfection, ready to take in the local talent. It's amazing the incredible theatrical work going on in smaller communities like Falkirk. And it was an incredible show, with music, drama, comedy, the whole shebang! They even incorporated some Scottish dancing, which I have to confess, made my feet itch a bit! After the show, the cast was absolutely delighted to get some TutuQueen advice on stagecraft - my favorite thing is encouraging others to follow their dreams and passion.

Dance Your Troubles Away

And you can't talk about Scotland without talking about dancing, can you? Especially when the country has its own unique dance style: Highland dancing. 💃 I even booked myself into a Highland dance class! Talk about an experience! We started off with the basics, and let me tell you, those steps are much more complicated than they look! It's not exactly a TutuQueen specialty, but my fellow dancers were super supportive, encouraging, and just hilarious, and with a bit of tutuing, we did manage to make the movements look somewhat graceful. I did add my own touch of twirling, of course, which received applause from the audience, and lots of giggles from the dancing partners!

Shopping for Sparkle

Every travel adventure has to involve shopping, right? Well, I couldn't resist exploring the charming boutiques in Falkirk. From vintage clothing stores to craft shops selling local wares, it was a paradise for finding unique, one-of-a-kind items. I even managed to snag a few new tutu accessories – sparkly headbands and shimmering tights, which really took my pink tutu outfits up a notch! You know me, always on the lookout for more glitz and glam!

Pink Tutu Travels Continued...

I've truly fallen in love with the beauty and vibrant culture of Falkirk! And while I've learned a whole lot about Scotland’s history, and have been inspired by the talented locals I’ve met, I've also been reminded how much I love being TutuQueen! I can't wait to explore the world with my pink tutu, spreading sparkle and smiles wherever I go! Stay tuned for my next blog post as I embark on another fabulous adventure. It's going to be amazing, because as I always say, every day with a pink tutu is an adventure!

And remember, you don’t need a trip to Scotland to wear a pink tutu! My dearest readers, my message is this: put on your favorite tutu and dance your heart out, no matter where you are. There's no place more magical than your own, personal world of sparkle and confidence. Until next time, lovelies! 👋 💕💖

#TutuQueen on 2021-09-21 stars in Falkirk