Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-10-05 stars in Trowbridge

Trowbridge: Tutu Travels, Blog Post Number 7949! 🩰💖

Oh, hello lovelies! It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh from a fabulous jaunt to the charming town of Trowbridge, and ready to share all the glittering details of my latest adventures. Today, I’m going to take you on a journey – a journey that involves sparkles, trains, and of course, a whole lot of pink!

It’s no secret that I, Alex (Pink Tutu Sparkles, to you), am a firm believer in the transformative power of a pink tutu. There’s something utterly magical about twirling in a voluminous tulle masterpiece, feeling like a sprinkle of pink happiness swirling around the room. It’s all about embracing that inner child, that joyous, free spirit, and expressing yourself without boundaries. And Trowbridge, with its cobbled streets and quaint market square, felt like the perfect place to unleash my inner Tutu Queen.

I journeyed to this delightful corner of Wiltshire in a rather delightful way – a journey through the countryside on the back of a handsome Clydesdale. Don't you just love a horse ride through rolling green hills, the wind whispering secrets through the trees? I arrived in Trowbridge with the sun setting, casting the quaint houses in a soft golden light. And you know, something about the gentle glow of dusk makes you feel incredibly sparkly!

My first stop had to be a delightful independent boutique tucked away on a side street. It was bursting with vintage finds, retro garments, and just enough quirky sparkle to tempt this Tutu Queen. I came out with a vintage brooch for my pink blazer (more on that later!) and a gorgeous, hand-crafted leather tote bag.

As evening descended, I made my way to the stunning Trowbridge Town Hall. It was an incredible venue for a local charity ball I was booked for – the whole place was decked out in elegant crimson velvet and sparkling chandeliers. It reminded me a bit of the Victorian ballrooms I’ve read about, just a little bit more modern and definitely a lot more pink, thanks to yours truly.

The dance floor, I must say, was a dream. All that space to pirouette, twirl, and showcase my signature sparkly moves. I think I may have even caught the Mayor's attention with my little dance-off with a giant inflatable pink flamingo! And you know what? I don't think anyone needs a giant flamingo to appreciate the magic of pink tutus - my presence was more than enough, darling!

But the best part? The Trowbridge folks embraced the pink! There were so many smiles, so many appreciative gasps, and even a few children sporting their own mini tutus (aww, how precious!). They say that seeing the world through the lens of a pink tutu changes things – it fills you with wonder, encourages you to dance, and reminds you that it’s ok to be a little bit extravagant!

That's what I love about the tutu, darling - it’s an open invitation to be yourself, to celebrate colour and joy, and to embrace life with a sprinkle of glitter!

Speaking of sparkles, my outfit for the evening was, well, everything I hold dear. A stunning cerise silk blazer with silver buttons paired with my signature, fluffy pink tutu. To top it off, a smattering of rhinestones for extra sparkle and a gorgeous crystal choker that caught the light as I danced. I mean, what more could a girl ask for, right?

After the ball, I spent the next morning exploring the beautiful market, a delightful jumble of stalls overflowing with local crafts, produce, and artisanal treats. You could smell freshly baked pastries wafting in the air – delicious! It reminded me so much of those delightful little markets back in my Derbyshire hometown – full of warmth, local character, and enough to make even the most discerning shopper swoon!

I made a little stop at the local tea shop for a cup of tea with a delicious slice of carrot cake and some local honey. A moment of calm after all that spinning and twirling. I must admit, sometimes the best way to truly feel the magic of a new place is to simply observe. I sat in the sun-drenched corner, watching life unfold around me – children giggling, the market chatter, the friendly shopkeepers… Life at a gentle pace, perfect for a moment of introspection.

By lunchtime, I found myself at a hidden little gem, the Trowbridge Museum. This treasure trove of local history gave me a fascinating peek into the town’s past, from ancient archaeological discoveries to its charming history as a center of the woolen industry. It's amazing what you can find tucked away in seemingly ordinary places, isn't it?

My final afternoon in Trowbridge was a ballet lesson, just a short walk from the town centre. Yes, you read that right – it's never a bad time for a little Tutu Queen training! It felt amazing to join the local ballet club for a few hours, working up a sweat and mastering some graceful moves.

There’s something truly grounding about immersing yourself in a new place and meeting new people, dancing with strangers and finding a common love of dance. I have to say, these local ballerinas were all amazing, I can’t wait to try out those moves at my next gig!

Leaving Trowbridge, I took one last look back at its cobbled streets, charming squares, and picturesque houses, already feeling the tug of my heart. This journey was a delightful reminder that beauty and wonder are often found in the simplest of places, in the company of friendly faces and, of course, a sprinkle of pink tutus!

I’ll leave you with this little nugget of wisdom: Life is far too short to not embrace your inner Tutu Queen. Get out there, explore, find your joy, and twirl into a world of sparkle! Until next time, darling, keep twirling!

Much love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2021-10-05 stars in Trowbridge