Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-10-07 stars in Didcot

Didcot Delights: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes the Rails!


Hello, darlings! It’s your favourite pink tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from Didcot, a charming town nestled in Oxfordshire! Buckle up, buttercups, because today’s post is going to be a real humdinger. We’re talking train rides, delightful discoveries, and of course, a whole lotta pink tulle!

Didcot – or as I like to call it, "Did-a-cot" (because you’ve gotta play with words, honey!) – has become my newest obsession. Honestly, how could you not fall in love with a place boasting such charming brickwork and cobbled streets? It’s like stepping straight into a postcard, except the postcard has me twirling in a pink tutu, surrounded by a gaggle of delighted onlookers!

But before we get lost in the glitter of Didcot, let’s rewind the tape to the start of this epic journey!

You know, darling, my love affair with train travel is as long-lasting as my love for tutus (which is to say, practically forever!). So, naturally, a scenic train ride to Didcot was the perfect way to kick off my weekend adventure.

My outfit for the trip? Oh, let me tell you, it was an absolute symphony in pink! My trusty, darling, hand-stitched tulle masterpiece with layers upon layers of the most exquisite pink netting. Naturally, my sparkly, sequined clutch (adorned with a miniature pink tutu, naturally!) was a necessity. Atop my crown of bouncy curls sat a jaunty pink feather boa – a splash of colour to match my mood!

The journey was absolutely delightful. It was a quintessential English countryside experience, filled with lush greenery and quaint little villages. I even spotted a flock of sheep enjoying a picnic in the field. Honestly, if you haven't experienced the charm of travelling through the countryside by train, you're truly missing out!

Now, arriving in Didcot, it felt like I’d been transported to a time capsule. There’s a charming sense of history about the place, a feel of nostalgia that simply pulls at your heartstrings. It wasn’t the most glamorous of stops, but the atmosphere felt wonderfully genuine and warm. The sort of place where people still wave hello to each other in the street!

The Didcot Ballet Academy – A Queen’s Delight

One of my most anticipated activities in Didcot was a visit to the Didcot Ballet Academy. It's been a passion project of mine to encourage everyone, young and old, to give ballet a go, so naturally, this ballet academy held a very special place in my heart.

My journey there, of course, involved an elegant carriage (also known as a car, if we're being less glamorous about it!), with me driving and belting out show tunes at the top of my lungs! You wouldn't believe the looks I was getting at the traffic lights, but darling, it's all part of the performance!

Now, the Didcot Ballet Academy itself was an absolute dream! Imagine an impeccably restored Victorian building, filled with the energy of budding young dancers. The studio itself was breathtaking: large, light-filled, with mirrors running floor to ceiling, perfect for those twirls and leaps. You just know that such an elegant space was home to some truly exceptional performances!

And, wouldn’t you know it, they happened to have a few ballet classes running. Now, I couldn’t resist. A true performer like myself is always looking for ways to hone those skills. And so, I joined in with the beginners class! Now, darling, my inner child absolutely soared! We were doing barre work and stretches and all sorts, and I was trying so hard not to bust out some show-stopping moves in the middle of it. Because let’s be honest, it's all too easy to turn even the simplest of stretches into a performance!

And the best part? The little ones in the class just loved seeing me in my pink tutu! Their wide-eyed wonder was absolutely priceless, darling. Seeing their faces filled with joy, well, it's enough to make this Queen's heart burst with love!

Pink Tutu Adventures in Didcot

Didcot has been nothing short of delightful! I discovered a truly fabulous vintage clothing shop, filled with a dazzling collection of treasures. Oh, and of course, my Pink Tutu Sparkle's shopping experience wouldn't be complete without at least one new outfit! So, you can be sure that I snagged an elegant new frock, which paired perfectly with my sparkly pink clutch! After a little styling, I felt like I'd stepped straight out of a glamorous 1950s magazine shoot!

And, wouldn’t you know it, there was also an incredible little independent coffee shop nestled in a hidden corner of Didcot. They have a magnificent display of pastries and cakes that were as eye-catching as they were delicious. This Queen had a delicious scone with clotted cream and strawberry jam (absolutely delightful!) paired with a delicately sweet strawberry and cream latte! You know, I’m convinced the locals were looking at me, not for my pink tutu (though, that is always a big attraction!) but because I’m the epitome of the chic, sweet, charming customer that coffee shop owners dream of having in their cafe!

The next day, I stumbled upon Didcot Railway Centre, and you’re going to laugh, darlings, but it was a true revelation. They have this massive collection of preserved steam locomotives, engines, carriages and all sorts! It really is something else to see such an enormous collection dedicated to the history of train travel! My favourite part was this incredibly intricate miniature railway display that was as impressive as it was enchanting. It’s no surprise that this place is popular with both children and adults alike! I spent hours there, taking pictures, snapping away like mad on my social media. It’s the kind of experience that stays with you for a while, like an elegant symphony playing in the back of your mind.

Pink Tutu Sparkle's Take Away

So there you have it, my lovelies, my trip to Didcot in all its colourful glory. It was filled with laughter, charm, pink tutus (of course!) and an abundance of delightful discoveries. If you’re looking for a fun and affordable weekend trip, Didcot ticks all the right boxes. Don’t be shy! You might even spot yours truly strutting through the town! And, oh, if you happen to spot me, do give me a shout and let’s have a twirl. Now, remember darlings, you never need an excuse to slip on a pink tutu. Live, laugh, twirl and sparkle – that’s what life is all about!

Pink Tutu Sparkles OUT!


Don’t forget to follow me on socials!

Instagram: @PinkTutuSparkles

Facebook: Pink Tutu Sparkles

Twitter: @TutuQueen

#TutuQueen on 2021-10-07 stars in Didcot