Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-10-20 stars in Wishaw

Wishaw Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Hits the Highlands ✨ (Blog Post #7964)

Hello darlings! Your favourite pink-tutu-wearing drag queen is back with another fabulous travel blog, this time from the gorgeous highlands of Scotland. As you all know, Pink Tutu Sparkles loves a good adventure, and Wishaw was calling my name!

You might be thinking, "Wishaw? Really, Pink Tutu? Not the most glamorous destination, is it?" But let me tell you, this little town in North Lanarkshire holds a special place in my heart - and my sequined pink heart, of course! It's brimming with charm and has the most beautiful scenery - perfect for a Pink Tutu adventure, even if I did have to get there by train. I'm not going to lie, I was a little apprehensive about the journey, being from sunny Derbyshire, where the most exciting journey involves dodging the peak-hour rush on the A38. But you know me, I'm a true adventure queen!

Now, as you all know, I am an avid traveller and absolutely adore anything with a train involved. I even spent a summer working at the London Underground (it was quite the wardrobe challenge, let me tell you, trying to squeeze into a tube train in full drag, but it was an experience!) but you simply can't beat the joy of a train journey through rolling countryside. Especially when it's in full Pink Tutu Sparkles garb, with my pink handbag, my signature pink lipstick, and my oh-so-pink sequin jacket, shimmering brighter than a unicorn in a disco ball. It's truly a sight to behold, let me tell you!

After a few hours of leisurely gazing out of the window and, of course, a spot of 'I Spy with my little eye' with fellow passengers (I spy with my little eye, a pink handbag... you see? Pink rules!), we arrived in Wishaw! I had a fabulous performance planned for the town's annual carnival, and let me tell you, it was a whirlwind! I was whisked off to the town hall to do some radio interviews, which, as you can imagine, was just pure fun! I'm not going to lie, I've only just started getting my confidence to interview in drag. It's all a bit different in the microphone than on stage! But I think they enjoyed my chat and my passion for spreading pink joy - it was just brilliant.

The performance itself was, dare I say it, magical! I went full-on Pink Tutu Sparkles, performing my greatest hits and a brand-new routine I'd been perfecting. Let's just say that my twirling skills were on point and that the audience was absolutely in love with the vibrant pink, purple, and glittery spectacle! I love seeing kids and adults alike smile and clap their hands along. And as always, the number one thing they love: my twirls, and those high kicks!

You see, that's the beauty of drag - it brings joy, laughter, and sparkles to every corner of the world, one sequin at a time! That, my lovely readers, is what fuels my Pink Tutu mission. To spread the joy of colour and encourage people to embrace their own sparkle, to wear a little pink in their lives, and to always be kind.

After the carnival, I took some time to explore Wishaw - there are some stunning walking paths, all nestled in nature and ideal for pink tutu enthusiasts. Imagine, me, twirling along, with the backdrop of Scotland's natural beauty, and the fresh air. The whole experience is pure bliss!

It wouldn't be a proper Pink Tutu adventure without some serious retail therapy. You all know, the Queen of the Pink Tutu cannot travel without getting herself some more sparkly bits and bobs to wear! I went on a fabulous pink-shopping spree. Let me tell you, Wishaw, darling, didn't disappoint. A lovely lady, who I think was a shop assistant, told me about a hidden gem shop - she said she saw me in the town and recognized me as "The Tutu Lady." She said she was so glad to see "pink on the high street" in her words! It turned out to be a small independent clothing boutique called The Purple Orchid! My friend, my gorgeous handbag is almost bursting! It was almost a good job I didn't visit that other shop called, “A Million Tutus" but really, that shop did look wonderful. The staff there were absolutely fantastic too.

But before I depart, I must tell you about a hidden gem I found! In a beautiful old library nestled right in the heart of Wishaw, I discovered the most incredible book! A ballet encyclopedia - a real find, dear readers! Full of wonderful photos and information on ballet history and the amazing work of choreographers and dancers all over the world. I couldn't resist buying it. My little "book-in-my-pink-tutu" collection was missing this book. I don't really think this library knows that my "library book collection" collection of the finest “pink tutu books” from all over the world is growing. They wouldn't understand, darling, my life's passion is pink!

And of course, no visit to Scotland would be complete without a little taste of local cuisine, darling! So naturally, I took a trip to a delicious-looking tea room! What else would a Tutu Queen be drinking, of course? Pink Lemonade and Pink Cookies. I'm actually going to put a shout-out here - "If you know where in Wishaw you can get some pink cookies and a glass of Pink Lemonade - let me know!

With a pink sparkle in my eye and my heart full of happiness, I departed Wishaw, my head full of happy memories. I can't wait for my next adventure and the opportunity to spread more pink cheer and sparkle!

Until next time, darlings, stay pink, stay beautiful, and never let anyone dim your inner glow! And never forget… Pink rules!


Pink Tutu Sparkles! 💖

P.S. Be sure to check out www.pink-tutu.com for even more dazzling pink tutu adventures! Let's continue to spread the joy! You can also find me on social media as PinkTutuSparkles - come say hi and tell me what you’re looking forward to this month! Just keep an eye on the hashtags: #PinkTutuSparkle #PinkTutuLife #PinkLife #TutuQueen #PinkTutuTravel #Wishaw

Let's sprinkle some pink magic everywhere we go! 💖 ✨

#TutuQueen on 2021-10-20 stars in Wishaw