
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-10-22 stars in Bulwell

Bulwell Bound, My Darling! #TutuQueen

Hello darlings! Itā€™s your favourite pink-tutu-wearing drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here!

Welcome back to my little corner of the internet, my fabulous readers. This is post #7966 for those counting (because let's be real, you lot love numbers!), and today Iā€™m bringing you all the juicy deets on my trip to Bulwell.

Now, you all know that I adore a good journey, and what's more magical than a journey by train, I ask you? Itā€™s a whole world of style, from the chic commuters to the granny with her bag of knitting (honestly, I could write a whole post about granny-chic). So, of course, I decided to head to Bulwell on the old iron horse! I love watching the world whizz past from my window. Itā€™s like watching a real-life, slightly blurry ballet - if that makes any sense!

Anyway, back to Bulwell, you gorgeous lot! It was such a delightful, bright and lively place. And let me tell you, the folks in Bulwell definitely know how to wear a tutu. Or maybe I inspired them? Maybe! šŸ˜‰

Speaking of tutus, you know I had to pick up something new for this adventure, donā€™t you? This little pink number (of course it's pink) came from my absolute favourite boutique in Derbyshire, "A Stitch of Colour". The shop owner, Martha, is an absolute gem. And this tutu? Darling, it's practically breathing! (A tiny whisper of the "Sleeping Beauty" ballet, you know?)

Now, this trip to Bulwell was all about showcasing the fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles and the joy of movement - that's my favourite bit about being a drag queen, you know? To get everyone up and moving. I decided to put on a little dance class for the kids in the local community centre. They loved it! Imagine the sheer, absolute delight of 20 kids wearing sparkly pink tutus! If you can imagine it, you'll understand just how wonderful this experience was. We had such a lovely time - all that giggling and spinning was truly enchanting. The sheer delight on those young faces made it worth every minute, and made me wish I was young again! The little ones told me they thought pink tutus are magic! What can be better than magic, you tell me?!

I, of course, spent an afternoon in the gorgeous Victorian park that the community centre was nestled in, you know, to take some fabulous pictures for you guys, for Instagram! You have to see this park, darling - it's an absolute paradise, brimming with those beautiful rose bushes. Truly romantic. My gorgeous pink tutu, well, it just went swimmingly against that backdrop. All I could do was channel my inner princess - what can I say, tutus have that effect on me.

The local museum, the Bulwell Heritage Centre, had a beautiful display of vintage fashion, and I had a wonderful time talking about the history of the tutu - letā€™s be honest, darlings, a little history is good for the soul, donā€™t you think? Especially fashion history! Did you know that the tutu as we know it was originally called the 'tutu'?

Now, one thing I noticed about Bulwell - and I'm not surprised by this - is that it has some incredible restaurants! Let's just say my tummy was a very happy tummy after visiting Bulwellā€™s Indian food heaven. We're talking spicy samosas and aromatic curries, darlings! And the portions - just a delicious explosion of flavour. You know Iā€™m a huge fan of Indian food, and my goodness, I can definitely say Bulwell knows what itā€™s doing.

Let me tell you, this wasnā€™t your average drag queen performance, though! In true Pink Tutu Sparkles style, I decided to incorporate a little bit of local flavour into the routine - Bulwell had to become part of the show. I had this brilliant idea to blend the vibrant energy of the place with the enchantment of tutus, you know? And you know what? The result was utterly magical.

We ended the evening with a little performance, an amazing mix of theatrical flair, and the magic of the dance. There was some fabulous head-turning choreography that had me spinning around that stage, showing off that stunning pink tutu. I brought a whole new meaning to the term "show-stopping". And of course, my finale was a grand show of tutus, you bet. All the ladies who came to watch were dancing their hearts out in their tutus! There wasnā€™t a dry eye in the house. And you know what? That's how you truly create a feeling of magic and unity. A beautiful end to a magical day!

So, darlings, if you're ever looking for a new adventure, you need to visit Bulwell. And please, wear your prettiest, pinkest tutu to welcome in the magic, darling. I promise you wonā€™t regret it!

Now, go forth and spread the joy of the tutu!

Yours in glitter,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. You know I always love to see your thoughts on my adventures. Hit up my socials (you know the drill, all links in the bio!), and tell me what your dream trip is! Let's go on a tutu adventure, darlings! And don't forget to check out the website for even more fabulous fun and pink tutu inspired fashion, darlings - www.pink-tutu.com ! I just know youā€™ll love it.

Behind the Sparkle

And now for a little bit of ā€œbehind the sparkle,ā€ as my dear followers like to say!

A little bit of you probably know this but in my day job, you know, before the sparkles and tutus, I work as a lab technician at a textiles testing facility. I know, kind of boring right? Thatā€™s where the tutu comes in, darlings. I love the way a fabric feels on my skin, you know, like silk or satin. And what better way to combine my love of science and tutus than by being the scientist who tests all the most fabulous fabrics in my lab. I have a huge amount of respect for the folks in my industry, I have to say! So next time youā€™re shopping for some lovely satin, think of me.

You canā€™t blame me, darling, you just canā€™t. Who knew that this sweet science student with a secret penchant for ballet would turn into a full-blown drag queen with a love of pink tutus, travelling around the country spreading joy? Me, neither. But thatā€™s how life goes, donā€™t you think? You canā€™t really stop for fear of missing out on something amazing. So you embrace the sparkly madness and the unexpected, donā€™t you?

Speaking of tutus, did you know the origins of the tutu are pretty darn interesting? (Of course you did! Because youā€™re reading a post by me and we both love the tutu! šŸ˜œ ) It wasn't always the fluffy, glamorous dance-wear we know and love, oh no. Back in the day, when it first started being used in the ballet (by Marius Petipa - look it up, darlings! History is fascinating), it was much longer, you know? Like the skirt on the ballerinas' gowns, so pretty. Then, it evolved! And thank heavens it did, because you wouldnā€™t get my lovely twirls in this outfit. Oh no. Iā€™d just be walking.

And my favourite thing? Just as the story of the tutu evolved, so did I. As Iā€™ve learned, the world is full of wonderful places, people and cultures. And if you put on your dancing shoes and just try to embrace the wonderful world thatā€™s waiting for you, it will blow your socks off, or maybe your tutus, as the case may be!

To everyone who reads this blog, my favourite tutu darlings: thank you for going on this journey with me, you really are my dream come true! šŸ’–

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2021-10-22 stars in Bulwell