Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-11-01 stars in Ashington

Ashington Calling! (Blog Post #7976)

Hello darlings, and welcome back to my little corner of the internet! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your resident queen of all things pink, fluffy, and fabulous.

Today's journey finds me in the delightful town of Ashington, Northumberland, a far cry from my Derbyshire roots! But that's the beauty of life in the tutu, isn't it? You never know where the day will take you, or which whimsical town will become the backdrop for your next flamboyant escapade.

This trip started with a train journey, the kind that makes you feel like you're on a magical adventure. The wind whipped past my tulle and carried whispers of my upcoming show, leaving trails of glitter and the faintest scent of freshly baked Victoria sponge cake (my weakness, you see). I had packed carefully, ensuring my luggage included the perfect tutu for tonight's performance: a delicate cascade of pink feather boa and silk flowers, a touch of whimsy for this historic town.

Ashington itself is a real charmer. The people are friendly, the streets are brimming with character, and the air is infused with the comforting aroma of fish and chips, a truly delightful combination. I popped into a lovely antique shop that was like a treasure trove of vintage gems, the perfect spot to pick up a few quirky additions for my show wardrobe. I'm already dreaming of adding a feathered headpiece to my collection, perhaps with a little splash of rose gold sequins, just imagine the sparkle!

Tonight's performance is at a lovely little theatre tucked away on a quiet street. It's the kind of intimate venue where the audience can practically reach out and touch the magic, making it all the more special. I'm planning a routine that is both playful and poignant, incorporating some ballet steps for that extra dash of elegance, because even the most flamboyant of queens enjoys a little graceful pirouette.

It wouldn't be a trip without a visit to the local ballet studio, of course! I've always loved the energy and dedication of those who dedicate their lives to this graceful art form. Even if I wasn't spending my days performing in shimmering pink tutus, I'd still be a regular visitor to these hallowed halls, mesmerised by the elegance and discipline of every step and graceful plié.

The truth is, life for me is all about the sparkle, about spreading a bit of joy and reminding everyone of the importance of expressing themselves with unbridled enthusiasm. It’s about the unexpected and embracing those moments of pure magic that happen when you least expect them, just like when I stumbled upon my pink tutu destiny during a university charity event, a chance encounter that changed my life. Now I can barely imagine a world without the flutter and fluff of my beloved tulle creations!

The wonderful world of fashion, both on and off the stage, is such an important part of who I am. Whether it's indulging in a little retail therapy at the most exquisite boutiques, searching for unique gems in vintage shops, or carefully curating my own costume collection, fashion for me is about celebrating my creativity and sharing a little bit of my joy with the world.

There's nothing quite like the feeling of a new dress that fits perfectly, or the excitement of discovering a unique piece that tells a story, a piece of clothing that resonates with you on a deeper level. And don't even get me started on the thrill of crafting my own costumes, adding personal touches that make them uniquely "Pink Tutu Sparkles"!

I must admit, however, the real star of the show is my trusty trusty tutu. Every single tutu is more than just a garment. They’re stories waiting to be told, reflections of my personality, a symphony of colour, texture, and creativity!

But being a drag queen isn't just about feathers, sequins, and tulle. It’s also about breaking boundaries, challenging expectations, and reminding ourselves of the beauty and diversity in our world. It's about using my platform to speak up, to advocate for love and understanding, and to spread a little bit of magic wherever I go. Because after all, in a world that can often feel dark and uncertain, it’s our job to make the world sparkle just a little bit brighter, one pink tutu at a time!

And speaking of pink tutus, my mission remains the same - to inspire every single one of you to embrace your inner sparkle, to wear a pink tutu with pride and to dance your heart out, regardless of your age, background, or dance abilities.

The magic is out there, darlings. It's in the flutter of a tulle skirt, in the glimmer of a sequined dress, and most importantly, it's within each and every one of you. Go on, find your sparkle and unleash the fabulous queen within!

Remember to check back tomorrow, when I’ll be sharing the details of my latest find: the most spectacular, pink feather boa, so be sure to keep an eye on pink-tutu.com. Until then, may your lives be filled with joy, laughter, and a whole lot of tulle.

Stay fabulous!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2021-11-01 stars in Ashington