Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-11-09 stars in Bournville

Bournville: A Pink Tutu Paradise (Blog Post #7984)

Oh, darling! My latest adventure has taken me to the charming town of Bournville, a haven for chocolate lovers and a true inspiration for a tutu-wearing gal like me! Buckle up, my sweethearts, because this is one for the history books (and the pink tulle archives)!

You see, darlings, Bournville isn't just about those delicious chocolate bars, though I do confess to indulging in a few (for research purposes, naturally!). No, Bournville is a town with a story. A history woven through chocolate factories and quaint cottages, a place where the streets are paved with cobblestones and the air smells of cocoa beans and fresh-baked bread. It's a haven of Victorian architecture, manicured gardens, and that old-school charm that warms the heart like a cup of hot cocoa on a crisp autumn evening.

Speaking of cocoa, my journey began with a whirlwind visit to the Cadbury World. Imagine, darling, a wonderland of chocolate creations! I felt like a child again, enthralled by the chocolate making process and utterly charmed by the playful exhibits. And let me tell you, a Pink Tutu Sparkle in a room filled with chocolate…well, you just have to trust me, it was pure magic.

Now, my dears, a girl can't go on an adventure without a little sartorial flair. Luckily, Bournville delivered. I found a quaint vintage boutique overflowing with treasures from a bygone era – frocks fit for a royal ball, elegant hats, and the most divine pair of pink gloves you've ever seen! I practically swooned at the sight, darling! These gloves, my darlings, were simply screaming for a twirl on the dance floor… A ballet class, perhaps?

Indeed, I couldn't leave Bournville without indulging in my love for the elegant art of ballet. The local dance studio was a dream. As I pirouetted in my pink tutu, the mirrored walls reflected my every move – the graceful flick of my wrist, the poised elegance of my every step, and, of course, the sheer delight in my heart! The ballet class, my dears, was a beautiful reminder of why I love to dance – a symphony of movement, grace, and the freedom of self-expression.

I mustn't forget the heart of Bournville, the magnificent Bournville Village Green. A beautiful space where families gather, laughter echoes through the trees, and the sun casts a golden glow over the vibrant green lawns. I wandered through the park, feeling the soft grass beneath my feet, the sweet scent of autumn leaves tickling my nose, and a sense of quiet contentment settling over my soul.

Bournville, my darlings, you've captured my heart with your charming cobbled streets, your rich chocolate history, your enchanting ballet studios, and your beautifully preserved village green. It's a place where the past whispers through the air, where sweetness lingers on every corner, and where the rhythm of life feels like a slow, graceful waltz.

As I say goodbye to this enchanting town, I leave a piece of my heart here – a pink tutu sparkling with joy, a love for all things lovely, and the unwavering conviction that every day is an adventure worth embracing with open arms and a twirling heart.

Stay tuned, darlings! My journey continues… Next stop, a dazzling world of shimmering sequins and fabulous fashion!

Until then, remember: The world needs more pink tutus! So, go forth, my lovelies, and let your inner sparkle shine!

Yours in glitter and tulle,

Pink Tutu Sparkle.

#TutuQueen on 2021-11-09 stars in Bournville