Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-11-29 stars in Bristol

Bristol Bound: Pink Tutu Sparkles' 8004th Blog Post

Hello, my darling darlings! It's your favourite pink-loving, tutu-touting queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here! And guess what? This queen is off on an adventure, all the way to the vibrant city of Bristol! Can you believe it?

This, my dears, is post number 8004, and it's about to get sparkly. Bristol is calling, and I can practically hear the applause and the cheers. It's been ages since I've been to this glorious city, known for its street art, its delicious food scene, and yes, its absolutely amazing ballet company. I'm sure you can imagine the thrill coursing through me, the same feeling I get every time I pull on a new tutu or spin in the mirror in the dressing room.

But before we set off on this dazzling journey, let me tell you about the journey that got me here! This week, I've been preparing for the Bristol trip like any self-respecting pink-obsessed queen would - prepping outfits, perfecting my routines, and ensuring my stash of lip gloss is overflowing. Speaking of, let me tell you about my newest discovery: "Blushing Bloom," a shimmering pink lipgloss from that fabulous independent cosmetics shop in Derby. The color is just breathtaking!

This trip is more than just performing. You see, it's about inspiring, about showing the world that everyone can embrace a little bit of pink tutu magic.

Oh, and I simply HAVE to tell you about my journey to Bristol. No, not by train - although, don't worry, darling, I do adore a good train trip with a nice cuppa and a delicious homemade Victoria sponge - no, this time, I went by horse. I know, you're probably thinking, "Horse? Really, Pink Tutu Sparkles? You must have a lot of free time!" But here's the thing - sometimes, a little whimsy goes a long way, wouldn't you agree? It was such a romantic ride, galloping through the English countryside with the sun shining down. The wind whipping through my pink feather boa (my signature piece!), the horses hooves drumming out a joyful rhythm on the cobbles. Oh, I wish you could have been there, darling! It truly felt like stepping into a fairytale!

Arriving in Bristol, my dear friends at the Bristol Ballet Company greeted me with a warm hug and an offer of a steaming cup of tea (perfect for the upcoming chilly nights). Now, this ballet company has been an inspiration since I first laid eyes on a tutu back in uni, trying it on for that charity fashion show. Oh, that tutu! It was pink, of course, with beautiful, glittering sequined detailing. I immediately knew I'd found my calling, that I wanted to wear pink tutus every single day, in every single setting. It was, quite literally, the beginning of my life in sparkles!

Anyway, back to Bristol, dear reader. Let me tell you, Bristol is a veritable paradise for someone with a passion for all things beautiful. Just the vibrant colour palette, the charming streets - it truly has a magical, captivating aura.

But of course, I couldn't let a visit to Bristol go by without some serious shopping, wouldn't you agree? The first stop? The independent boutique downtown. They had the most delightful pink shoes imaginable! We’re talking sequined ballet flats, delicate kitten heels, and platform sneakers with the most brilliant fuchsia accents. It was like stepping into a technicolour dream!

I couldn’t leave without indulging in some delectable pastries at the local boulangerie, nestled in the heart of the old town. They're famous for their pain au chocolat (yes, I know, very French for a good British queen!) - but darling, let me tell you, those pastries are worth the trip alone. I managed to snag a lovely lavender and honey tea with a perfect almond croissant. Bliss.

As I explore this charming city, I can’t help but feel inspired. From the captivating street art to the intricate architecture of the old buildings, there's magic around every corner.

And my trip would be incomplete without experiencing the breathtaking world of the Bristol Ballet Company. This company is not just renowned for their amazing technical skills and their stunning performances - they also create such wonderful costumes. Let's face it, my dear darlings, it’s impossible to talk about ballet without mentioning the dazzling world of costumes! Oh, the colour, the patterns, the fabric, and, of course, the tutus!

Tonight, I’m performing with a talented group of dancers, and I am SO excited! This is not just a dance performance; it’s an opportunity to spread joy and inspiration to the beautiful people of Bristol. Imagine, all those bright smiles, their eyes twinkling with delight. It is such a beautiful thing. I get to bring a little bit of pink tutu magic into their lives, a little bit of sparkly fun, a little bit of light and hope.

That's what being Pink Tutu Sparkles is all about - sharing a little bit of sparkle, a little bit of joy, a little bit of confidence with everyone. My mission, as I like to say, is to encourage everyone to embrace a little bit of pink tutu magic in their lives. After all, what’s life without a dash of pink and a touch of twirling?

So, dear reader, as I go back to packing for my Bristol performance (a little bit more glitter, just to be sure!), remember this: Never underestimate the power of a pink tutu.

Stay tuned, my darlings! The adventures are only just beginning!

With a sprinkle of glitter and a twirl,

Your ever-so-sparkly Pink Tutu Sparkles.

Don't forget to check back for more adventures and stories on www.pink-tutu.com !

#TutuQueen on 2021-11-29 stars in Bristol