Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-06 stars in Slough

Pink Tutu Sparkles's Adventures in Slough! (Blog Post #8042)

Hello my darlings, and welcome to another edition of Pink Tutu Sparkles's Adventures! Today we're shimmying into the wonderful world of Slough, Berkshire. Yes, you heard me right! Slough! Now, I know some of you might be thinking, "Slough? Isn't that... well, a bit, shall we say, plain?". But let me tell you, my loves, there's so much hidden charm in this little town. Just wait until you see the delightful places we're about to visit!

First off, I want to talk about the journey! I chose to make my way to Slough by train, as there's just something magical about hopping aboard a train carriage and watching the scenery whizz by. It was all very "Mary Poppins", darling, especially when I caught the eye of a cute fellow traveller (who might have had a slight blush after seeing my pink tutu). But let's not dwell too much on the flirting, we've got a town to explore!

The very first thing that struck me about Slough was the friendly atmosphere. Everyone I met, from the lady at the local cafe (who was so sweet to offer me a slice of strawberry cake!), to the chap working at the local gift shop (who actually admitted to being a secret fan of my drag!) was absolutely delightful. You see, there's just something special about the people of Slough. They have that quintessential British warmth, combined with a touch of mischief that always makes for a good laugh!

Speaking of laughs, we headed next to the Slough Museum, which houses an absolute treasure trove of local history. And boy, oh boy, let me tell you, there were stories aplenty. Did you know that the very first biscuit tin was designed and manufactured right here in Slough?! Talk about history in the making! And what was a day of sightseeing without a bit of culture, darling? Of course, I just had to go and catch a performance at the Theatro Technis (the oldest amateur theatre in the country! They even have a real-life pirate flag hanging above their stage, how fab!). The performance itself was truly moving, a captivating mixture of dance, song and storytelling. They even had a bit of pantomime which always gets a chuckle out of this Pink Tutu Sparkles!

After a full day of exploring, it was time for a little "Pink Tutu Sparkle" TLC! A delightful evening out for cocktails and some delicious tapas at a charming little eatery called Los Arcos. (They even had a strawberry margarita on the menu, a perfect pink drink for this pink tutu princess!) Afterwards, I popped by the The Black Swan Hotel, where they had a roaring fire and the most gorgeous décor. I just knew I had to snap a picture in front of it - think vintage Hollywood glamour!

Now, dear reader, if there’s one thing I learnt about Slough it's that you shouldn't judge a town by its reputation. The reality is, it's full of lovely, kind people with a big sense of fun and community. Plus, they love their art and music - which makes this tutu-wearing adventurer a very happy girl!

And let’s not forget the shopping, my lovelies. Slough was truly a dream come true for this girly girl! It had some fantastic little boutiques packed with colourful fabrics and sparkly accessories. Now, you know how much I love all things shiny and pink, so I might have splurged on a few more additions to my tutu collection… It wouldn't be Pink Tutu Sparkles without a good old spree, would it?

As you might know, my darling readers, I don't like to say goodbye, so I’m going to say, "until next time"! Thank you so much for following along on another exciting escapade! Don't forget, I love seeing your pink tutus and hearing about your adventures too, so pop them on social media with the hashtag #PinkTutuSparkles.

Now, go out there and shine like a Pink Tutu Sparkles! (And perhaps pick up a tutu for your trip – that's my mission, you see, to get everyone dancing in pink tutus!)

Much love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


#TutuQueen on 2022-01-06 stars in Slough