Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-15 stars in Wembley

Wembley Wonders: A Tutu-tastic Adventure!

Post Number 8051

Oh my darlings! This week was an absolute whirlwind of glittery pink joy, and I simply MUST tell you all about it! You know how much I love Wembley – it’s practically a second home, filled with history and wonder. But this time, I was not only there to enjoy the amazing sights, but to spread the Tutu-tastic love in the grandest of ways: performing for a truly wonderful audience!

Remember when I told you about my absolute favourite train journey? That epic ride on the London Underground straight from my beloved Derbyshire? Well, Wembley was no exception. It was just me and my lucky tutu, riding in style to meet the glittering, dazzling excitement awaiting me at Wembley Arena.

Oh, what a journey it was! The carriage was filled with families excitedly chattering about their day, couples hand-in-hand, even a small group of excited little ones dressed in the most wonderful array of sparkly clothes, ready for some musical magic! I practically saw rainbows, it was so cheerful.

But I have to confess, as soon as I saw the sign for Wembley, I felt the thrill! A tingle of excitement surged through my every fibre. Even the old grey-haired gentleman beside me must have felt it – he just kept giving me the most delightful winks! He clearly felt the Pink Tutu Sparkles magic in the air!

Wembley itself was just breathtaking, truly! Everywhere you look there’s so much to see, so much to inspire – the history, the beauty, it’s just captivating! It reminded me so much of the Royal Opera House, even though I was at the grandest venue imaginable. It just gave me the feeling that anything was possible – like Cinderella's fairy godmother just popped around the corner!

And as soon as I arrived at Wembley Arena, it was like stepping into another world! A world of bright lights, dazzling performances, and oh, the anticipation! The crowds buzzed with excitement, ready for an evening of unforgettable entertainment, and of course, I knew I had a job to do – to spread that Tutu-tastic magic everywhere!

The Dress Rehearsal: A Sparkling Pre-Show Fiesta!

This time, I wasn’t performing just in front of an audience, but as part of an amazing show filled with so much talent! You’ve heard me rave about my absolute love for all kinds of dance – ballet, street, theatre – it's all simply incredible! Well, I got to work with the most incredible team – they’re the kind of performers who simply shimmer and sparkle – all in stunning pink outfits, of course! (I always get a little jealous when other performers sport fabulous colours, but, shush, it's all for the good of the world!)

The pre-show was like one big fabulous fashion parade! Imagine – glitter galore, laughter, even some gentle twirling. We were running through all the grand steps – think Swan Lake on a larger scale. Then the music started to boom, it just amplified everything - and suddenly it was like I was a ballet dancer starring in my own musical!

We spent the afternoon just perfecting every single element – just perfecting every graceful gesture and every brilliant flash of that show-stopping sparkle. I even managed to convince a couple of the performers to swap out a single piece of their wardrobe, just so they could incorporate a touch of pink into their amazing outfits. Oh, it's amazing how contagious that Pink Tutu Sparkles vibe is!

By the time I finished the pre-show, I felt like a shimmering diamond, all ready for a sparkling evening! All that practice made me absolutely starving! So, my friends and I indulged in the best backstage picnic - we even managed to have some extra pink prosecco for a special celebratory toast!

Wembley Arena: Time to Shine!

But darling, it was all leading up to this! You know, performing on stage at Wembley! It wasn’t just my normal solo routine, this time I was performing as part of a truly magical ensemble! This performance was special – it was so much more than a show, it was an experience! Every movement we made on that stage, every glimmer of sparkle from those costumes – it was simply spectacular!

There was an incredible buzz in the air before I even stepped onto the stage! And, as always, I loved the energy and the cheering! You know how I adore a good, loud audience - and that Wembley crowd just roared with energy. Even the music itself sounded like a grand orchestral ballet performance. The light show – well, that was a masterpiece. Every twinkle, every spotlight, it felt like something straight out of a film!

But there’s nothing quite like a pink tutu and sparkly magic to make the show truly memorable, and I was surrounded by it all. From the dancers' graceful movements to the sound of the music, it was an absolutely beautiful, magical, and utterly glamorous affair! The audience loved the performance – I could feel their energy and joy, they cheered and danced along with us throughout the whole performance!

I am always a bit sad when the performance is over, because, honestly, I love every moment of it, but that end of show applause, those cheers and screams from the audience? That's something I live for. And knowing I brought some sparkle, a little bit of pink magic and a whole lot of happiness to those faces makes it all worthwhile.

After the performance, there were so many fans wanting to take a photo and have a chat – you’re such a brilliant, supportive bunch. They even gave me so many flowers – just like I was a true queen! And let's be honest, I definitely am! That’s what Pink Tutu Sparkles does, we make everyone feel special, and that’s something that I love to do, wherever I am.

Onward To New Adventures

My Wembley trip is done but darling, you know that Pink Tutu Sparkles is always up for a challenge, a good adventure, and always in search of new glitter. It feels like just yesterday I was making my big solo debut in a small town theatre in Derbyshire – well, now I’ve got a whole host of performances booked.

First up, I'm going to be gracing the stage of a tiny theatre in Edinburgh - the energy up there is so infectious. Can't wait to see the audience get up and dance along to my favourite numbers! Then it's straight down south for a bit of glittery beach action. That's right, I'm taking the Pink Tutu Sparkle magic to Brighton! They are truly an enthusiastic bunch of lovely people in Brighton.

I'm still dreaming of that stage at Wembley – all that pink magic in front of an incredible audience - it's something I know I'll never forget. And, of course, my heart always beats for the city of London - a truly incredible place that is bursting with beauty and opportunity.

My friends, there's nothing more special than being Pink Tutu Sparkles. I love spreading the Tutu-tastic love - that’s my real goal - to inspire everyone to embrace a little bit of pink, a bit of tutu, a bit of magic. Let's fill the world with sparkle!

Until next time, stay dazzling!

Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Remember, you can always find more about my latest adventures on my website – www.pink-tutu.com – I update it every single day! You can see all the photos of my travels, my outfits and read about every adventure, every glittery gig, every show-stopping outfit. Just search Pink Tutu Sparkles – you won't be disappointed, promise!

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-15 stars in Wembley