
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-31 stars in Ealing

Ealing, My Darling! A Pink Tutu Adventure (Blog Post #8067)

Hello my lovely darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, bringing you all the glitz and glam from my latest escapade to Ealing, a charming corner of London. This is blog post number 8067, and trust me, this one is brimming with sparkly goodness!

Train Travel in Style

This trip began like so many of my adventures – with a journey on the train. I’m a true believer in the power of a good train journey, and it gives me a chance to settle into my look. This time, my fabulous tutu was a dream in fuchsia with glittering sequins cascading down like a shimmering waterfall. Paired with a fluffy pink cardigan, my hair was styled in a towering, fluffy pink bun – picture it as a mini-pink cloud, darling!

Of course, a train journey wouldn't be complete without some impromptu performances. I belted out a rendition of "Dancing Queen" for my fellow passengers (with some enthusiastic encouragement from yours truly) – it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles journey without some glamour. I always make sure to engage with everyone around me - sharing smiles, high fives and pink glitter bombs, naturally.

A Touch of Theatre

My first stop in Ealing was the delightful Ealing Studios – you'd be surprised what treasures are tucked away in this town! My dear friend, Priscilla the Poser (you know her from Instagram, darling, her sequins are legendary) invited me along for a sneak peek backstage of their new show, β€œThe Curious Case of the Vanishing Tutu.” It was an amazing journey into the world of theatre - I even had a go at a bit of backstage magic!

Ballet Class and Beyond

After a quick (pink) cocktail break, I made my way to a real gem - The Ealing Ballet School. As a former ballet student, I was just delighted to brush up on my pirouettes and leaps! My pink tutu felt right at home amongst all the twirling ballerinas – the tutus and the smiles were positively infectious. We talked about our love for ballet, and I gave them some tips on incorporating their love for ballet with everyday fashion. After all, every day can be a pink tutu adventure, wouldn't you agree?

Shopping Spree with Sparkle

Ealing, darling, truly has everything. Shopping was next on the itinerary! It was pure pink-tutu bliss – from glittering trinkets at the vintage market to stunning silk scarves with pink floral designs, I found a veritable rainbow of delightful treats for my wardrobe. We dined in style at The French House in Ealing - a beautiful old restaurant with delicious food and an enchanting atmosphere!

Horseback Ride to Remember

No trip to Ealing is complete without a horseback adventure, especially with a pink tutu on. I was lucky enough to meet Emily the Equine, who was very excited to join my journey! As a seasoned equestrian, it felt great to be back in the saddle – Emily clearly loves pink, darling, so she sported a pink braided mane that was truly a masterpiece!

My Tutu Inspiration

My time in Ealing was full of sunshine and smiles, and I even managed to convince a few new faces to wear a pink tutu! That's my life's mission, you see, to share the joy of tutus with the whole wide world. I believe everyone deserves to twirl, twirl, twirl and feel a bit of magical sparkle! It started back when I was a science student, balancing equations by day and chasing sequins by night. It was at the University of Nottingham, at the university ballet club, that I put on a tutu for the first time for a charity event. Let me tell you, my love for pink tutus has never wavered.

And so, darlings, the pink tutu journey continues. My next stop, a secret adventure - I'm looking forward to revealing it in the next blog post, I promise it will be as sensational as a pink diamond necklace!

Until then, embrace your inner sparkle, stay fabulous and don't forget to put on your pink tutu. Every day can be a celebration.


Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Find me at www.pink-tutu.com where I post daily, every single day of the year. And never be afraid to wear your tutu, it's all about celebrating colour, joy and yourself. Be unique! Be beautiful! Be brave!

#TutuQueen on 2022-01-31 stars in Ealing