Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-02-19 stars in Crewe

Crewe Calling: TutuQueen’s #8086 Adventures!

Hello my gorgeous darlings! It's your TutuQueen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in for a very special blog post! Today, we're heading north, to the lovely town of Crewe, and let me tell you, I'm so excited I could practically do a triple pirouette in my favourite pink tutu!

This is actually a rather nostalgic trip for me, seeing as how Crewe holds a special place in my heart. It's where I first took the stage in drag – well, almost! Remember those university days? Well, back when I was still just Alex, studying the wonders of science (did you know you can test the elasticity of silk fabric under a microscope? It's quite fascinating!), I got swept up in the university ballet club. It was there, amidst the leaping and twirling, that I first tried on a pink tutu – and let's just say it changed my life forever! I mean, who could resist that airy feeling, the flutter of fabric, the pure joy of embracing your inner ballerina? From that moment, my love for the colour pink and tutus just soared like a soaring dove in a tutu-wearing ballet – and the rest, as they say, is history!

Anyway, enough reminiscing! Today’s blog post is all about my adventure in Crewe – and yes, you can bet your bottom dollar there's a pink tutu or two involved! This is a very special trip for me because I'm heading to a local festival celebrating all things... drum roll…ballet! Can you imagine the joy?! It’s a true celebration of all the fabulousness that is the world of ballet – think graceful dancers, tutus in every shade of the rainbow (including, of course, pink!), and maybe even a little bit of glitter! (Yes, the glitter is crucial.)

Before I talk about all the amazing sights and sounds of Crewe, I just had to share some travel tips! Today’s journey involved a delightful ride on the train, and let me tell you, I simply can’t get enough of these adventures. They're the perfect way to soak up the scenery, catch up on my reading, and of course, have a good ol’ fashioned singalong to some Broadway showtunes. The trick is to wear an outfit that's comfortable enough for a long journey, but still fabulous – you know, something with just a touch of flair! Pink, obviously, and definitely some sparkly details, but also something comfy and stylish to help me look my absolute best when I get to Crewe!

Once I arrived, I headed straight for the festival, which was buzzing with excitement and overflowing with all things ballet. I couldn't wait to join the fun!

Firstly, the atmosphere! The festival itself was pure magic – there was a vibrant energy, a feeling of camaraderie amongst fellow dance enthusiasts. The scent of warm pastries and hot chocolate in the air was just... heavenly! Honestly, it felt like stepping into a fairy tale – I just knew that some whimsical, unforgettable adventure awaited!

As I wandered through the stalls, I felt a true wave of inspiration. One moment, I was captivated by a hand-painted tutu featuring intricate flower patterns in shades of lilac and magenta, and the next I was swooning over delicate ballerina-themed jewellery that shimmered like stars under the afternoon sun. There were even handmade costumes made from upcycled fabrics – truly, I felt like a kid in a candy shop!

Of course, what's a ballet festival without actual ballet?! There were numerous dance classes offered throughout the day, ranging from introductory sessions for beginners to more advanced techniques for seasoned dancers. I even stumbled upon a class specifically dedicated to beginners learning how to wear a tutu – can you imagine?! Talk about dream come true! I considered signing up but alas, my tutu-wearing duties meant I had to keep exploring.

One of the highlights of the day was the captivating street ballet performances held in the town square. I witnessed the sheer talent of local dancers, showcasing graceful moves and impressive flexibility that literally blew me away. Imagine the most enchanting combination of grace, passion, and artistic skill! Every pirouette, every leap, told a story, captivating everyone in its path – a testament to the power and beauty of dance!

Another unforgettable experience was attending a special ballet theatre performance in the heart of Crewe. I just had to soak in the spectacle – think stunning sets, breathtaking costumes, and dazzling lights. Oh, and those pointe shoes – they’re a true masterpiece of engineering! As the dancers glided across the stage, their elegance and skill made my heart sing – I swear, I could have sat there all night and just watched in awe!

But wait, there’s more! What's a good blog post without a glimpse into Pink Tutu Sparkles’ sartorial adventures, right? You'd never believe what I managed to find at the festival: a stunningly embroidered pink tutu featuring sequins, feathers, and the most fabulous swirls of vibrant pink fabric you can imagine! This beauty will certainly be gracing my future performances, oh yes, trust me on this. And as for my outfits for the festival, well, you just know Pink Tutu Sparkles was rocking her own fabulous interpretation of “ballet-inspired chic,” darling. Think shimmering pink fabrics, a dash of tulle, and enough glitter to make the stars themselves jealous. A truly dazzling, graceful, and flamboyant fashion spectacle – you bet I turned heads in Crewe!

As the sun dipped below the horizon, the festival came to a close, leaving a wave of happy, tutu-inspired memories. This trip to Crewe, filled with enchantment, talent, and a delightful dose of sparkle, reinforced what I truly love: spreading joy, inspiring others to embrace their inner ballerina, and, most importantly, reminding everyone to wear their tutus with pride and a touch of that Pink Tutu Sparkles magic!

But don't worry, darlings, my journey's not over yet. You know I have to make the most of every adventure – after all, Pink Tutu Sparkles is a tireless explorer!

What will be next for me? Will I conquer the London stage with my newest pink tutu? Or maybe I'll travel by horseback to the next festival? Or maybe I’ll take a hot air balloon to another country?! Honestly, anything is possible, and I can’t wait to share these exciting adventures with you! So, until next time, keep those tutus sparkling, and remember – every day is an opportunity to embrace your own unique style and create a touch of magic wherever you go.

Ciao for now!

XOXO, Pink Tutu Sparkles!


#TutuQueen on 2022-02-19 stars in Crewe