Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-03-01 stars in Kensington

Kensington Calling: TutuQueen Takes the Throne! 👑

Post Number 8096

Hello, my darlings! It’s your favourite TutuQueen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another dazzling blog post, this time fresh from the fabulous streets of Kensington! ✨

Ooh darling, you wouldn’t believe the adventures this little pink tutu has been up to! Let me tell you, Kensington has stolen my heart. There’s just something about this royal borough, with its grand architecture, manicured gardens and chic boutiques. It feels so sophisticated and regal, just like yours truly! 😉

I started my Kensington adventure in true TutuQueen style, of course. I rode into town on a horse-drawn carriage! I mean, wouldn't that just make any fairy princess faint with delight? 💖 You can't just travel by car to Kensington! The sheer elegance of a horse and carriage was truly the only way.

My first stop? Kensington Palace, of course! The home of Kate Middleton and Prince William! What's more regal than that?! I took photos by the grand gate, did some ballet twirls on the cobblestone and let the magic of history seep into my bones. 🏰

And then it was on to my favourite part - SHOPPING! Kensington High Street, oh my! It was an explosion of pink! Boutiques galore! Each window was a masterpiece, a tapestry of the latest designs, vibrant colours and…drumroll please… more tutus! You know me, a girl's gotta get her pink tutu fix! 🛍️

That evening, I took myself to the Royal Albert Hall, an architectural gem, with a performance of Swan Lake. Now, if there's one thing that makes TutuQueen's heart flutter, it's a good ballet show! Swan Lake transported me into a world of ethereal grace and powerful emotion. The dancers, clad in pristine white tutus, soared across the stage. It was truly inspiring. 🦢

And after all that, what does a TutuQueen do? Well, I went for a late night waltz on the pavement with the other tutu enthusiasts of Kensington! I told you this town was a ballet-lovers haven! 💖 You see, we have a little club of TutuQueens from around the world who meet each full moon. You might be wondering what a TutuQueen is - that's basically someone who takes life with sparkle and grace! Someone who wears a pink tutu with absolute confidence. 👑

Now, you’re probably wondering about how TutuQueen gets around the world! How can a drag queen possibly afford to travel the world and perform at every royal wedding, opera, or fair she can find?! Well, it’s not always easy. Let's just say I don't live a luxurious life, but my love for pink tutus motivates me! 💖 I do quite a bit of work as a drag performer at a range of different venues to pay for my travel. It might be a cabaret at a bar in a nearby town or even a fair in a field somewhere in the English countryside, but all this helps make my dream come true - the TutuQueen needs to see the world and show the world how fun and powerful tutus can be! 👠

By day I have a job, not glamorous like performing, but it still makes my pink tutu world go round - I work as a lab technician! A scientist you see, with a love for fabric. So between testing fabric, I dream of tutus! It's quite a good way to stay connected to the magic of fashion, the sparkle of colour and the movement of dancing.

My journey to TutuQueen-hood all started in Derbyshire. Who would have thought that someone from the Peak District would become a globally recognised pink tutu icon?! It was all thanks to a charity event at university - the student ballet society, it’s a very proud part of my past! A tutu landed on my head during the performance and something clicked - my life was about to get pink and fabulous. 💕

Now, if there’s one thing that TutuQueen truly believes in, it’s the power of pink. Pink is powerful, pink is playful, pink is fabulous! It's the colour of passion, of confidence, of joy. My biggest dream? For the world to embrace the TutuQueen philosophy. Imagine the whole world wearing pink tutus - wouldn’t that just be incredible? Imagine every city turning into a kaleidoscope of pink, imagine a Pink Tutu Parade marching down every street. Oh, it’s a vision too magical to be true, darling. 💖

This has been an amazing journey so far and the real magic, my dears, is the joy that pink tutus can bring to people! 💖 It's time for me to pack my sequins and tutus and travel onwards! But one thing is for sure: TutuQueen will never stop sharing the magic of pink and inspiring others to twirl with confidence!

Until next time, my darlings, keep twirling and keep believing in the magic of pink! 💖

TutuQueen OUT!


#TutuQueen on 2022-03-01 stars in Kensington