Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-03-04 stars in Waterlooville

Waterlooville: Tutu-ing My Way to the South Coast! 💖✨

Hello darlings! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with you again, ready to twirl and sparkle my way through another day of fabulousness! Today's post, number 8099 (we're getting into the thousands, girls!), finds me heading south to Waterlooville, a charming little town in Hampshire, just a hop, skip, and twirl away from the stunning South Coast.

I'm absolutely thrilled to be heading this way because you know I've been on a total seaside kick lately. Ever since I danced on the stage at the Brighton Fringe, it's all I can think about - salty sea air, sand between my toes, and, of course, the perfect beachside twirl in my beloved pink tutu.

This trip was planned on the train, naturally. The clickety-clack of the tracks always brings a surge of excitement to me. It feels like I'm in a romantic film, you know? All that vintage glamour and the thrill of heading off to a new adventure.

Speaking of romance, did you know I’ve been attending ballet classes for a whole year now? And I’m learning so much! Ballet just gives me so much joy, you know? I love the graceful movements and the feeling of total embodiment of the music. There’s just something so magical about watching and performing a ballet.

I mean, come on, who wouldn't be inspired to dance in a tutu when you've spent an hour and a half perfecting those arabesques and jetés?! It’s no wonder it's one of my absolute favorite activities!

But anyway, let's get back to Waterlooville, shall we?

So, why Waterlooville you might ask? Well, this weekend marks a momentous occasion! I'm performing at the local fair - think classic summer fun, but with a hefty dose of pink-tutu sparkle. I'm talking Ferris wheels, bouncy castles, candy floss, and of course, Pink Tutu Sparkles, making everyone’s day a bit more sparkly.

Oh, and speaking of sparkly, let’s talk about outfits!

My newest outfit, inspired by the seaside, is totally breathtaking! It’s a gorgeous coral and turquoise sequined bodice that sparkles like a mermaid under the summer sun. The skirt, well, that’s where the magic happens - a cascading flurry of pink, lavender, and silver tutus layered for a seriously dramatic look! I’ve paired it with glittery silver heels that would make Cinderella blush! The whole look is just pure, pink magic.

Honestly, my travels have really expanded my wardrobe and my vision. I’m getting so many ideas for outfits that capture the spirit of each city, town, and village I visit! Every trip just feeds the inner creativity of this drag queen.

But of course, it’s not all glitz and glam! One of the things I love about being a drag artist is the chance to meet incredible people along the way. There are so many fascinating folks in the UK, with all kinds of stories and dreams, and I love to hear them! It reminds me, no matter where we're from or what we look like, we're all in this journey called life together, and it's way more fun to experience it with a little sparkle and laughter!

Oh, did I tell you I got to try some incredible fresh strawberries from the local farmers' market? They were absolutely divine! Seriously, the freshest strawberries I have ever tasted, bursting with juicy flavour, like sunshine in every bite. I know I've mentioned this before, but you really can’t go wrong with fresh fruit – it’s such a simple pleasure in life!

And I don't even need to tell you how much I love the vibrant colors of nature that make this little town such a beautiful backdrop to my adventures. The green fields dotted with wildflowers and the bright blue sky – it’s all pure inspiration for a Pink Tutu Sparkles look! Honestly, sometimes I just need to close my eyes and take in the air! And let’s be real, sometimes you need that nature therapy to reset and find your inner sparkle!

Speaking of resetting, it wouldn’t be a blog post without talking about my journey! As always, I'm heading to Waterlooville by train. Let me tell you, there is just something so magical about a journey on a British train! And today was no exception. As I look out of the window at the lush green countryside, I felt a wave of pure contentment and a sense of purpose – I love spreading a little bit of Pink Tutu magic wherever I go, and what better way to do it than by sharing my adventures and sparking a little joy for everyone around me!

One of my greatest dreams, of course, is to encourage everyone to embrace the magic of a pink tutu! And as my journey goes on, I just know I'm going to get more people into those wonderful circles of fabric, which are full of glitter and fun! I've got a whole host of Pink Tutu parties and events in the pipeline for the year, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled on the website.

In the meantime, don’t forget to share this post on all your favorite platforms and show everyone just how fabulously we can embrace our inner Pink Tutu Sparkles. And please, if you have any travel stories you want to share or just want to let me know what inspires your pink-tutu moments, drop a comment on the blog!

Now, darling, I've gotta go! There's a fair to conquer, hearts to win, and maybe a delicious cup of tea to be enjoyed! Until next time, remember, you're absolutely dazzling just as you are, and it's okay to embrace a little pink tutu magic in your life!

Lots of love and sparkle,

Pink Tutu Sparkles. ✨ 💖

#TutuQueen on 2022-03-04 stars in Waterlooville