Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-04-24 stars in Kirkby

Kirkby Calling: A Tutu-tastic Adventure! (Blog Post #8150)

Hello my darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back with another blog post straight from the heart of… well, Kirkby! Now, I know what you're thinking. Kirkby? Really, Pink Tutu? A small town in Merseyside, known for its… erm, industrial history?

Yes! And precisely why I chose it for my latest adventure. There’s something delightfully rebellious about bringing a touch of pink tutu fabulousness to an unexpected destination. You never know what sparkle might be lurking around the corner!

Today’s journey began bright and early, a little blurry after a very long but fabulous night of performances at the Derby Folk Festival. Let me tell you, it was quite the scene, performing for the enthusiastic crowds! My favourite outfit from the night was my new floral design, hand-stitched with delicate lace, and of course, finished with a beautiful pale pink tutu – just my style! The sheer joy in people's eyes as I pirouetted on stage, bathed in a spotlight that shimmered off the sequins, makes every performance truly special. It's magical!

After packing up my costume and bidding farewell to the wonderful folk festival goers, I hopped onto the train – a train, you say? Why, it’s simply the most fabulous mode of transport! You see, a good train ride is not just a journey but an adventure. The gentle swaying rhythm of the carriage almost evokes a feeling of being on stage! Especially when you've got a sassy playlist on loop and your head’s adorned with a magnificent, hand-crafted feather headdress. Don't worry, dear readers, my trusty travel makeup bag was within arm's reach! One never knows when a spontaneous impromptu performance might erupt…

I did, of course, have to be ready to perform when I reached Kirkby. This town has got to see some fabulous! The locals were utterly delightful! Such wonderful hospitality and such kind smiles. The streets were quite quiet for a Monday morning, which was a perfect opportunity to go shopping! I found a beautiful pink fabric store and ended up buying metres upon metres of exquisite fabric, it was a dream come true.

But alas, I couldn't dawdle. A charity event at the Kirkby Library awaited. A chance to raise funds for a children's literacy project… and what’s better for raising smiles (and cash!) than a dancing, glittering drag queen in a pink tutu?! I have to admit, I felt a little like a disco ball that stumbled onto a stage. The energy from the audience was incredible. Everyone was captivated by the joy and frivolity, and for that brief moment, the Kirkby Library felt like a magical theatre.

As my act drew to a close, I saw little faces lit up with wonder – truly, that's what makes it all worth it! My secret hope is that some of those kids will be inspired to embrace their own spark. After all, the world is a much brighter place when we all dare to be different and share our individuality.

Speaking of sharing, I must tell you about the extraordinary children's play at the Kirkby Theatre! They were performing "The Princess and the Pea" with such delightful enthusiasm and flair. The director truly did capture the essence of classic fairytale theatre – every child was absolutely radiant, and it warmed my heart. As for me? Why, I found myself in the front row! Dressed, of course, in a blush-coloured, multi-layered, sequined pink tutu, with a fluffy pink feather boa to compliment it – because, even when you're enjoying a performance, it's all about embracing the pink tutu fabulousness!

Later that evening, I found myself standing in the heart of Kirkby Town Centre. I must say, Kirkby is growing on me! This town may be small, but the heart of its people is bigger than all the grand theatres combined. The warmth and enthusiasm, combined with the sense of history and heritage that resonated around the ancient stone walls, filled me with such joy, it nearly brought a tear to my eye…and I mean, darling, that’s saying something! I truly felt at home amidst the friendly bustle of Kirkby folk, soaking in the energy of a place with a rich story to tell.

And now, as the stars twinkle above Kirkby, I am reflecting on another journey. Another town, another adventure. A place where my pink tutu, my music, and my silly songs touched hearts and made people laugh, even if just for a fleeting moment. Because, that’s what this journey is all about – reminding everyone, big or small, to find their own spark and let it shine. It’s a message I carry with me everywhere I go, on trains and horseback (yes, I told you, I've been known to take the occasional horseback ride to an event!) – just a humble drag queen, with a passion for tutus, spreading a little bit of pink magic, one shimmering tutu at a time.

Until next time, my dears! Keep the pink flowing, keep the glitter bright, and keep twirling!

Yours ever,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

P.S. I have a feeling this Kirkby adventure is only just the beginning... who knows what awaits? Perhaps a tutu-tastic trip on a ferry to Liverpool? The possibilities are endless! But until then, if you’re ever in Derbyshire, make sure to drop by my place! And don't forget to join me online at www.pink-tutu.com. Remember, every day is an opportunity to unleash your own inner spark!

#TutuQueen on 2022-04-24 stars in Kirkby