Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-05-06 stars in Urmston

Urmston: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage! 🩰💖✨

Hello, darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to dazzle you with the latest adventure from my pink-tinted world! This is post number 8162, so buckle up for another dazzling dose of tutu-licious fun!

I’ve been wanting to visit Urmston for ages! The name itself is just a whisper of romance, like a forgotten fairy tale whispered in the wind. And I know that might sound silly to some of you, but it’s all about perspective, right? Seeing the world through rose-coloured (or pink, in my case) glasses. Anyway, after spending the past few weeks in the heart of London, the time had come to escape the hustle and bustle and delve into the quaint charm of the North West. I was ready to discover the magic that Urmston had to offer.

You might be wondering, as always, how this fabulous pink-clad queen managed to get herself to Urmston, the furthest away place she’s ever been from Derbyshire, on the limited budget of a traveling drag artist? Well, I'll tell you! I chose the most romantic way imaginable – a magnificent vintage steam train! It was like stepping into a fairy tale. With its plush velvet seats and the rhythmic chug of the engine, it was a journey for the senses. And I even managed to sneak a bit of a ballet session in, twirling around the aisle, naturally in my signature pink tutu. 😉

The train ride itself was an adventure! Imagine, darling, chugging through fields of wildflowers, the sun kissing my cheeks, and a gentle breeze ruffling the feathers on my glorious hat! And I’ll admit I let myself imagine I was being pursued by an elegant carriage with a handsome, dapper gentleman (just in case he turned out to be the handsome prince, you understand!). I’ll be honest, it’s much more entertaining to travel this way than a crowded commuter train, and with only two changes at Crewe and Manchester Piccadilly, it was pretty efficient, and I could get right to the heart of Urmston, the place I was meant to be.

Once I reached the beautiful, leafy streets of Urmston, I was swept away by the charming local shops, independent cafes, and, my favourite – the beautiful vintage bookshop. I absolutely adored browsing their carefully curated shelves, imagining myself sipping tea in the Victorian era with a good novel in hand!

And speaking of tea, darling, I indulged in the most delightful afternoon tea experience, a lavish feast of miniature sandwiches, delicate pastries, and, of course, bottomless pots of steaming, aromatic tea! Honestly, I wouldn’t have felt the full ‘British’ experience without it, and there was such a charming decor, a sort of art nouveau, a kind of gothic grace, so well thought-out that you felt part of an exclusive society, with lovely waitresses serving with beautiful smiles and a pleasant tone that really rounded off a perfect afternoon.

Later, as the sun began to set, I found myself exploring the historic village square, which pulsated with life. The air was buzzing with conversations and laughter. And what could I do? I couldn’t resist joining in the vibrant street life! You see, it is in my blood.

As if by magic, the lovely people of Urmston instantly accepted me, dancing along to my bubbly playlist and snapping pictures. It really is amazing how one simple, pink tutu can bring a community together!

However, this pink-tutu-loving queen can’t forget her core responsibility of inspiring a pink-tutu-loving revolution across the globe. To help achieve that, and I’m sure my devoted followers will appreciate the dedication this takes, I put on a little performance on the local stage! A joyous, tutu-tastic medley of classic ballet and Broadway hits!

With every twirl and leap, I could see the joy sparkling in their eyes! My fellow pink-tutu-inspired dreamers, as we love to call ourselves! In that moment, Urmston felt like a shimmering ballet stage under the summer night sky.

As I took my final bow, my heart was overflowing with gratitude. The magic of this journey wasn't just in the beautiful sights or the delectable treats but in the welcoming hearts of the people I encountered!

As the curtain came down on my enchanting evening in Urmston, I had an epiphany. My love for all things pink and fabulous had blossomed further! It’s not just a fashion choice, my dears; it's a state of mind. Pink is a reminder to embrace our playful side, to be daring, and to add a splash of joy to every day!

Of course, I had to head home the next morning, and, sadly, I could not be carried by carriage! What was I going to do? After all, my darling, no princess has to be a damsel in distress, but I do love my elegant horses… well, a train, really. I chose a lovely journey across the countryside back towards Derbyshire. I am blessed in Derbyshire, you see, to have my trusty cob, ‘Blossom’. He always brings a sense of tranquility when I ride him across the green, leafy fields – no noisy engine or rushing people to break the quiet calm of the Derbyshire Dales – except for the rhythmic sound of horses' hooves pounding the earth, as graceful and natural as I'm sure I must have looked! And as I settled into the familiar calm of Blossom's gait, I began planning my next big adventure! I knew, somehow, it would be an amazing journey.

You know, when you dress up, you should have the opportunity to show it off, I find! You just have to find a stage, a platform to strut your stuff! And that’s what makes this amazing life I have, that gives me the opportunity to discover the beautiful hidden treasures of this world. I will make this blog post available on www.pink-tutu.com. But as I promised at the start of this blog post, I always post my experiences in my little daily blog every day, so pop back and check in at the same time tomorrow for an update.

See you tomorrow! And remember, darling, always embrace the pink in your life, and never, ever, be afraid to twirl! 💋

#TutuQueen on 2022-05-06 stars in Urmston