Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-05-10 stars in Newbury

Newbury, A Fairytale in Pink! 💖🌸🩰

Hello my darling darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com! It’s your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with post number 8166! Oh, the joy! Newbury has been nothing short of a dream! Think a magical fairytale castle, with its cobbled streets and quaint shops bursting with charm, and you've got a perfect snapshot of this glorious town!

My trip to Newbury, as always, started with my usual glamorous journey: train, of course! I always find a comfy carriage, throw on a bit of music, and imagine myself the lead character in a Broadway production – the one where my fabulous tutu spins its way to a perfect finish! And when I tell you fab, I mean PINK and sparkling like a unicorn on a sugar rush! The train journey was a delightful whirl, with other passengers giggling at my attire and, of course, a few quick selfies for the gram, just to keep you all updated on my fab escapades!

As I stepped off the train at Newbury, it felt like I was entering a Victorian novel – one with cobbled streets and shops spilling out their wares like they had a fabulous sale every day! The shops were just screaming to be explored! There was a gorgeous flower shop that had a magnificent display of the most fabulous pink roses you’ve ever seen! And oh, how my heart fluttered for those stunning little pink dresses on the shelves! I’m already thinking about my next custom-made outfit...

As you know, my beloved, I'm a woman who knows what she likes, and what I like is the ballet! So naturally, my first stop in Newbury was a glorious performance at the theatre! They’re running a wonderful new ballet production – Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star - the perfect ballet to sparkle with all your dreamy aspirations! Oh, darling, the dancing was so dreamy! I simply couldn't help but feel the need to join in with the beautiful ballerina’s - that passion is just irresistible! And those tutus… just divine! Of course, it was hard to contain my own PINK tutu urges, so I whipped it off to showcase a little of the fabulous Pink Tutu Sparkles magic for everyone.

Now, I know my darlings are saying, “But Pink Tutu Sparkles, every stop must be about the ballet?!”

Oh my dears, I have my priorities! I just couldn't resist having a quick visit to The Newbury Showground! They’ve got this brilliant horse show - with pink saddlery, pink ribbons, pink and sparkling hats! You can say that the showgrounds are definitely feeling my fabulous PINK energy! My fellow tutu enthusiasts - we must take over these fairs! Imagine - a pink tutu army conquering Newbury showground!

Of course, I found my fair share of fabulous PINK treats to satisfy my appetite. The Newbury bakeries had the most magnificent display of pastries with a pink fondant. You just can’t go wrong with a sprinkle of pink icing – the epitome of elegance and fun! My dear darlings, I really need to think about creating my own pastry shop… all the colours but with an obvious Pink Tutu Sparkles touch. I already have some ideas brewing…

Of course, I wouldn’t leave this magical town without finding some Pink Tutu Sparkles attire to keep me happy for the next few days! My new shop, a gem in the centre of town, was simply glorious with dresses shining with iridescent colour. It’s perfect for a pink loving Tutu Queen like myself, wouldn't you agree?

You know what else I’m obsessed with my loves? Taking ballet class. Yes, I'm talking about *barre and *pliés! Oh, the feeling of moving my body so beautifully – a joy I just can’t get enough of. The ballet class in Newbury was perfect. The amazing tutus made the dance studio seem to shimmer. Imagine a studio painted in every shade of pink... you know I’m daydreaming about opening my own ballet studio for pink tutu-clad princesses, don't you?

I am a passionate believer that a little pink can bring joy and sparkle into everyone’s lives. So, come on my dears – join me! Put on a tutu (any colour will do!), put a twinkle in your eyes and let your inner pink princess come out! Who knows? Maybe one day I will convince the whole world to wear a tutu - and if we can make Newbury pink, we can take on the world, darling!

Until my next adventure my darling darlings.

With sparkles and a whole lotta pink,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


PS - Come join me over at www.pink-tutu.com for more pink-tastic updates, my darlings! And, don't forget to follow my social media! You can find me at #PinkTutuSparkles on Instagram and Facebook, too.

#TutuQueen on 2022-05-10 stars in Newbury