Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-06-14 stars in Spalding

Spalding Sparkle: Tutu Time in the Fens! 🩰💖

Hey darlings, it’s your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the stunning Spalding! 👑 I'm so excited to share my adventures with you today, and guess what? This is blog post number 8201 - a massive milestone in my fabulous pink tutu journey! 💖✨

Spalding is just absolutely gorgeous, isn't it? It's like stepping back in time, with its quaint cobbled streets and historic buildings. This part of Lincolnshire is just bursting with history, but there's also a delightful mix of modern life too - you can find fab vintage shops nestled next to cafes with the tastiest pastries and a splash of quirky modern art just around the corner. Oh, and speaking of a splash of modern art, have you seen the fantastic mosaics at the Spalding River Festival? Seriously, some serious talent there, and it's right by the beautiful Welland River. 💖

And speaking of beautiful, you bet I made sure to pack my brightest, most vibrant pink tutus for this trip! Honestly, how can you resist the call of a vibrant pink tutu, especially with such incredible scenery? I’ve had so many passersby comment on my look today - some folks stopped for a chat, one lovely lady even asked if I was the 'Pink Tutu' that was on TV last week! 😂

Speaking of TV, you’ll never guess how I got here – the train! 💖 The East Coast Main Line has been a regular feature of my travels recently, it really is so relaxing to sit back and enjoy the journey - just let your inner child roam free with a fab book and a steaming cup of Earl Grey. My fabulous suitcase overflowing with colourful tutus became the highlight of the carriage today. Oh, and just a quick tip: make sure you keep some fab music playing - I’ve been hooked on all the new disco sounds, just so good to feel those grooves. 🤩

This week I was lucky enough to be performing at the Spalding Summer Festival. This event is just fabulous! Everyone comes together to enjoy some of the finest local entertainment, and I felt right at home amongst all the smiles and laughter! 💖 The crowds loved my latest ballet-inspired act; think pink feather boas, perfectly choreographed twirls, and even some ballet en pointe – because darling, let's be honest, ballet is just good for the soul!

Let’s rewind a bit – my life changed the moment I stepped onto that stage for the first time. The stage lights, the applause, the cheers, it was like a fairy tale, and then… I saw the audience mesmerized by my performance!💖 I don't even know where this love for performance came from - perhaps it was in my blood? As a young scientist back in Derbyshire, I would often be seen twirling around my lab with a glass beaker in one hand and a sparkly pink hairpiece in the other! 😂

Then, the moment everything shifted… a charity fundraiser at the University, I remember it as if it were yesterday. I slipped on a bright pink tutu, and that was that, the beginning of my magical journey. 🩰

Speaking of journeys, darling, we need to talk about how we get to my next destination! I was considering hiring a horse, and let me tell you, the idea of galloping through the rolling English countryside in a fabulously pink tutu is something I’ve always wanted to do… or maybe it's a carriage ride? I’m not quite sure yet - maybe I should have a competition to see which is the most 'pink' and dramatic way to travel. I can't wait to hear your ideas! Let me know in the comments!

The great thing about my fabulous pink tutu world is that the adventure is never over, and I’m not even close to sharing it all with you. There are so many other stories and journeys to come! But let me ask you this, darlings, have you ever thought about wearing a pink tutu? I bet you haven’t… well, that's all about to change. 💖 My mission is simple: I want everyone in the world to experience the magic of the pink tutu. We are talking pink tutus in boardrooms, pink tutus in hospitals, pink tutus… everywhere! 💖 The world needs a little bit more pink magic, a little bit more fun, and what better way than with a sprinkle of pink tutu power!

Remember to subscribe to www.pink-tutu.com for your daily dose of sparkle, inspiration and let’s keep this magical journey going together, darling!

And, until next time… keep it pink, keep it sparkly, and never be afraid to twirl! 💖 ✨

#TutuQueen on 2022-06-14 stars in Spalding