Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-06-19 stars in Abingdon

Abingdon: A Whirlwind of Pink in the Cotswolds! 💖🩰

Post #8206

Hello darlings! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and I'm just back from the most charming trip to Abingdon, a picture-perfect Cotswolds town bursting with history and charm. And, you know, I couldn't resist whipping out my pinkest tutu for this little escapade, naturally! 😉

Abingdon is just the sort of place that melts your heart with its cobblestone streets, quaint shops overflowing with quirky trinkets, and friendly faces that smile at you with a genuine warmth. It's the perfect setting for a little pink tutu-infused adventure, if you ask me.

You know, I've been yearning for a touch of old-world English charm lately. I was feeling a little bit burned out with the frenetic pace of London life (yes, even us glamorous queens need a break sometimes!), so I thought a gentle getaway was just the ticket. A hop on a steam train from London, chugging through the rolling English countryside, filled me with such joy. Watching the green fields blur past the window, feeling the gentle sway of the train, and dreaming of a place brimming with English tradition, it felt like I was stepping straight out of a Jane Austen novel.

The moment I arrived in Abingdon, the air just seemed to whisper, “Welcome home, Pink Tutu Sparkles." It was the warmest welcome a queen could ask for. I found the cutest little boutique called "Cotswold Cuddles," a shop overflowing with soft cashmere scarves and whimsical silk headscarves – the perfect place for a fabulous queen like myself to pick up a little something for my travels. The shop assistant even gasped when she saw my pink tutu, saying, “Oh my, that’s divine!" We both shared a knowing giggle about the sheer brilliance of my outfit choice.

It wouldn’t be a trip to a charming market town without a spot of lunch at the local pub, and dearie, let me tell you, "The Swan" did not disappoint. I was charmed by its old-world ambiance and a menu featuring traditional English fare. My heart fluttered at the sight of a freshly baked pork pie and a creamy plate of shepherd’s pie. I devoured my food with glee, feeling that familiar wave of satisfaction that only a hearty meal in a cosy pub can provide.

After lunch, I took a leisurely stroll through the heart of Abingdon, admiring the ancient architecture of St. Helen's Church, the iconic town hall with its majestic bell tower, and the cobblestone streets lined with independent shops showcasing crafts and local products. I could feel the spirit of history humming beneath my feet as I walked, the air thick with a sense of serenity and charm.

Then, a glorious sight caught my eye: The Abingdon County Hall! It was like a giant gingerbread house from a fairytale, with intricate stained glass windows and an air of grandeur that sent shivers down my spine. My inner-historian, well, she absolutely lost her mind. And yes, I had to get a few snaps with this absolute beauty of a building, it practically screamed "photo op!" It was all the inspiration I needed for a performance in Abingdon!

That night, I had the privilege of performing at the local town hall, and let me tell you, my dearies, it was simply unforgettable! I arrived at the venue and was immediately swept up in the warmth and enthusiasm of the locals. They loved my pink tutu and my sparkly makeup. We laughed together, we danced together, and they showered me with praise after each performance. There were so many children dressed in their best costumes, and I felt this amazing surge of pride that a little queen like me could bring a town like this so much happiness. I even taught a couple of them some basic dance moves, so the next time they see me, they’re sure to remember those “pink tutu steps” from the amazing lady in the fluffy pink skirt.

During my time in Abingdon, I couldn't resist attending a ballet performance at the Abingdon Town Hall. Honestly, I couldn’t resist, it was like the universe had nudged me. As a little girl, my dream was always to be a ballerina, you see, so seeing “Sleeping Beauty” take the stage gave me such warm, fuzzy feelings. The dancers were stunning, graceful, and their costumes were so beautiful! The costumes felt familiar somehow, like my own glittering world.

And here's the most charming part, dearies! The venue held a "Dress Like Your Favorite Fairy Tale Character” day after the performance. Honestly, how could I resist such a fun event? I spent the afternoon as "Pink Tutu Sleeping Beauty” (if you can even imagine!), strutting around the Abingdon Market, drawing smiles and laughs from children and adults alike. People were practically gasping at the sheer whimsy of my ensemble – pink tulle tutu, diamante tiara, and glittering pink gloves. Of course, I had my very special wand in hand – one of my mum's old paint brushes with a huge pink ribbon, I'd always used it as a magic wand in childhood. A couple of the local shop owners even invited me to take photos with their shop fronts and do little interviews. It was a pure blast!

The trip left me feeling utterly refreshed and completely inspired. The charm of the Cotswolds, the friendliness of the people, and the vibrant cultural scene left a permanent mark on my heart. As always, I want to encourage all of you to explore beyond your comfort zones and embrace the extraordinary beauty of a world brimming with adventure and wonder. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to whip up a batch of scones (raspberry, obviously!) and catch up with you all tomorrow on my website, www.pink-tutu.com!

Until then, keep your tutus pink and your spirits high! 💖

Much love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2022-06-19 stars in Abingdon