Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-07-19 stars in Melton Mowbray

Melton Mowbray, You Pink-a-licious Little Town! 🩰

Hello my lovelies! It’s your Tutu Queen here, Pink Tutu Sparkles, ready to paint the town pink! 💖 And what a town it is! Melton Mowbray! Oh darling, I was so excited to get to this place. As you all know, this pink tutu wearing queen loves her theatre and I just couldn’t wait to see what this little town had in store!

(This is post number 8236, you know you love me to be a daily treat for your peepers, so you can find loads more just like this at www.pink-tutu.com! )

So I hopped aboard the train and, ooh darling, I just love a train journey, it’s the most amazing way to travel. I'm currently on my way to another drag show – a wonderful fair this time, right in the heart of this little gem of a place. I feel like such a "fancy lady" taking the train; you can feel so classy. Even the conductors look a little more charming when you're on a train, especially the one that took me here - he's got an amazing handlebar moustache, just like a good old-fashioned gent from another age.

Fashion Fling at the Fabric Fair! 👗

Speaking of charming old-fashioned things, Melton Mowbray, darling, just screams Victorian charm, all those pretty brick buildings with their floral hanging baskets. And talking about old-fashioned, it was a full-on fabric fair I was performing at tonight! Yes, you heard right! Not just some drag bar or gay club - but a proper old-fashioned fair with bangers, a little waltzer, cotton candy floss stands and loads of stalls. Just gorgeous! Oh darling, did I tell you that fabric is something I know a little about? I work with fabrics, I test fabrics, I am fabric by day! By day that is – at night you know me as Pink Tutu Sparkles, a glittering kaleidoscope of pink fabulousness! 🌈

First Things First – Shopping, Darling! 🛍️

I couldn’t let the chance to peruse this fab fabric fair escape me. This girly-girl needs to find some beautiful fabric for some new costume designs! I must confess to an odd love of this stuff, maybe it's my inner science geek coming out – my studies at uni where I took up ballet and first found myself trying on a tutu! It's been all tutus and fashion ever since. But honestly, the texture of satin, silk and sequins? What can I say? They’re absolutely amazing!

And you've never seen pink tulle, the one fabric we tutus are all made from, it's just sublime! Oh, but look at the time - I don’t want to miss the show - gotta rush! And darling, speaking of pink, did you know that, of all the pink fabric in all the world, the one I was absolutely dying to find is - the Melton Mowbray pink! This pink - you won’t believe this - was originally used to create a little fabric, in little, tiny little tufts, and was used to make Melton Mowbray pork pies! Yes! That’s right! It's true - I did my research! 🐷 Apparently this town used to be famed for its pork, so there was lots of this amazing pink and even a bit of red used for those beautiful pastry treats, just lovely. But sadly the pink isn’t used on pork pies anymore – but hey, you can still get all kinds of beautiful pink stuff at this fab fair, in Melton Mowbray – it is my town!

The Show! Time To Shimmer! ✨

Right, now darling, enough with the shopping! Time for some entertainment! But first - I have to go change. The thing about drag queens is you've always gotta have two wardrobes! This time I am looking FAB-U-LOUS! I’m sporting a gorgeous shade of coral pink tutu. It's an absolute showstopper! Now, you might be surprised, dear reader, that I decided to do something different than usual for my performance! You know my "Pink tutu sparkles, a pink wonderland," and I'll stick to pink till the end of time. But there was this great space for a little dance performance at the back of the fair ground - I’m thinking that something "theatre," and yes, a little pink of course, will go down a storm in this historic town.

The fair was in full swing with the little ones in their candy floss clothes all giggling as they bounced around on the inflatable bouncy castles – that’s my cue darling, it’s showtime! I've been practicing some ballet, with a pink touch, of course – and let me tell you, this crowd loved it! I mean it's not every day they get a "sparkling, glittery tutu queen " doing some moves that they can barely see because she’s so fast! And my act was a delight! They say this town knows its pork pies – well they also know their theatre. Even after "tutu" was done, a load of them, with their little pork pies in their hands had the “Pink Tutu” theme tune - that I wrote myself – stuck on repeat - right darling, there’s nothing more glorious!

I had a fantastic time, as always – everyone’s just lovely, this is such a welcoming town and such a joy to see everyone so excited!

Don’t Forget To Take A Picture – Or Two! 📸

You can find all my favourite bits of the Melton Mowbray experience - right here - my pictures are so cute! I did go for that little photo booth that popped up with those quirky photo props, the best thing about this one is that you can go pink, purple, red - the choice is yours - so, it was all the more fun to be Pink Tutu Sparkles on a pink spree! And, of course, a picture with those charming vintage buildings with their pretty flower pots just HAD TO BE DONE! The fair, it is also something to see - it was amazing and there was something for everyone – it’s the most joyful little event!

Back To My Own Pink World 🌸

I do need to dash - there’s so much more pink and so much more fun out there! Gotta keep up that blog, there are tutus and performances waiting for me!

Have you ever visited Melton Mowbray, darlings? Do you like pink? Tell me your best pink tutu moments - let's make the world a little more sparkly, a little more fun, a little bit more pink together! 💕

#TutuQueen on 2022-07-19 stars in Melton Mowbray