
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-09-09 stars in Berlin

Berlin Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles is in the Haus! (Blog Post #8288)

Hello my darling darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh off the train from beautiful, bonkers Berlin!

Oh my goodness, where do I even start?! This city is bursting with colour, excitement, andā€¦ wait for itā€¦ even more pink than usual! My glitter-filled heart couldnā€™t handle it. I practically danced all the way from the station, which might have raised a few eyebrows - Berliners are so stylish and cool, but I can't help it, I'm all about spreading a little sparkle and joy.

This trip to Berlin was all about exploring its vibrant theatre scene. I adore theatre, and there's something so exciting about the energy of Berlin's stages. From avant-garde productions to traditional classics, Berlin has it all. It truly is a hub of artistic expression. I just had to find a fabulous ballet show!

You know how much I adore tutus and ballet, right? Ever since I first slipped into a tutu at university - letā€™s not forget it was for a charity event - I knew my destiny. And ever since that night, itā€™s been tutus, tutus, and more tutus for Pink Tutu Sparkles. Even by day in the lab (yes, Iā€™m a scientist!) I have to sneak in some tutu-themed experiments. But you know what? Even scientists love sparkles and fluff. Don't believe me? Check out my laboratory in my next post.

Finding the Perfect Tutu Shop

My mission in Berlin was clear: Find the perfect tutu for the show I was going to. Let's face it, darling, every trip needs a little bit of shopping! I know, it's a hard life, but someone's got to do it. And for the record, Berlin didn't disappoint!

You wouldn't believe the shops I found, absolutely overflowing with shimmering tulle. I mean, my dear darlings, you know how much I love a good tutu, but this city has a serious tutu obsession! From tiny independent boutiques with hand-crafted tulle dreams to massive department stores boasting every colour imaginable, it was a veritable tutu-loverā€™s paradise. I confess, I spent the entire morning giggling like a little girl lost in a candy store. I did buy a rather spectacular turquoise and silver numberā€¦ let's just say my suitcase is very happy right now.

Pink Tutu Sparkles Goes To the Ballet

My mission complete, it was time for the big event. I went to the most exquisite theatre - I canā€™t even tell you how stunning it was, and itā€™s a crime that Iā€™m unable to share my photos here! Imagine the most magnificent old-world style, opulent velvet, and crystal chandeliers - oh, and those seats! So luxurious! Then the show startedā€¦ Oh my word! It was absolute perfection. We saw such grace, precision, and storytellingā€¦ It left me breathless! And when I saw the first pirouette, my own feet couldn't resist, I let loose with a little dance. A few of the nearby patrons gasped and looked startled, but most laughed and gave me a thumbs-up, bless them.

The night wouldn't be complete without a little performance myself! So I grabbed my trusty glitter bomb, put on my new turquoise tutu andā€¦well, you can guess what happened. It turns out my little spontaneous routine went down a storm! It seems people love tutus even in Berlin. Who knew?! The applause and cheers almost knocked me off my sparkly high heels, and a little lady even ran up to give me a massive hug!

I was definitely channeling my inner ballet goddess, twirling through the heart of Berlin! Of course, my outfit was spectacular. My hair, my makeup - the entire thing screamed Pink Tutu Sparkles! Oh, and let me tell you, Berlin loves a flamboyant touch! You haven't lived until you've seen the way people here dress - feathers, glitter, and colour, oh my!

I always try to fit in with local customs when travelling. For instance, in Amsterdam I always try to wear clog shoes and my famous denim skirt. But it's actually so much fun dressing up in an extravagant, colourful way here in Berlin! They embrace a different level of ā€œgoing all outā€ than other cities, and I have to say I completely loved it.

Pink Tutu Travels by Horse

As with many of my travels, I wanted to do Berlin in a unique way. It might have sounded mad, but I found the most amazing stable, hidden away in the heart of the city. Can you believe it? My fellow readers, I went horse riding through Berlin's streets. It was a little magical, riding with the wind in my hair (okay, letā€™s be honest, in my glitter-sprinkled pink hairspray) and feeling the gentle gait of my trusty steed beneath me. There are very few places you can still get around by horse, let me tell you. And as for the riding lesson, I aced it. I don't know, I guess science degree really taught me the secrets to life and balance. I am also a whiz at equestrianism, and I learned that I really am just a princess in disguise. My very pink, very sparkly princess! I canā€™t recommend a horse-drawn adventure in Berlin enough. Just try not to be as flamboyant as I was when you come upon the famous Brandenburg Gate! (And keep your horseā€™s mane sparkly!).

I was absolutely smitten with Berlin. The vibrant city's culture is one to truly experience, and don't even get me started on the incredible food - especially the decadent chocolate cake! (and trust me, dear darlings, I had a fair share!)

But Berlin wasn't all glitter and glam. My visit reminded me about the importance of community. Whether it was the kind, compassionate shop owners helping me find the perfect tutu, the smiling people joining in my spontaneous dance on the street, or the wonderful families I saw spending quality time togetherā€¦ Berlin has a wonderful, supportive energy about it that I fell head over heels for. I hope you can experience it too!

But before you book your tickets, dear readers, remember what this adventure was all about: reminding the world that a little bit of pink and sparkle can make all the difference. Whether it's wearing a bright pink tutu in the middle of a crowded street or sharing a laugh with a stranger over a slice of cake, spread a little joy and let the sparkle flow.

Till next time, my dears! And don't forget: keep on wearing pink, keep on shining bright, and always remember the power of a perfectly twirling tutu.

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles. www.pink-tutu.com

Please feel free to leave a comment on my blog at the link above and let me know what you thought of my adventure in Berlin! What's your favourite city and why? Are you a pink tutu fan? Have you seen any amazing ballet shows lately? Share your experiences and thoughts with me, darling darlings, I love hearing from you.

#TutuQueen on 2022-09-09 stars in Berlin