Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-09-19 stars in High Wycombe

High Wycombe, Oh My! Post #8298: The Tutu Train to Ballet Bliss!

Helloooo my darling darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, signing in live from the beautiful town of High Wycombe, just after the most magical weekend ever! As you know, my heart belongs to tutus, and ballet takes me to my happy place, so combining the two was always going to be a spectacularly good time.

I've always loved travelling by train, the gentle rhythmic rumble, the whizzing past fields and towns - it’s pure magic! So imagine my delight when I booked a first-class ticket to High Wycombe, just to see the town’s gorgeous new ballet performance at The Swan Theatre. My pink tutu, my darling, was not left behind, and I made sure to give her the best seat in the train carriage, a lovely window view, so she could soak in all the beauty of the English countryside too.

But before we reached High Wycombe, there were all sorts of adventures to be had. I love exploring hidden gems, little shops and quaint pubs. It’s in those moments you discover a local artisan's gorgeous pink knitwear (a real bargain, I must say!) and you can't resist getting a cheeky, fluffy pink cupcake topped with sparkly sprinkles (that was me, folks!), a cheeky treat to fuel my dancey spirit!

We made a few stops along the way, just to stretch my legs and do some pink-themed window shopping - oh, those fabulous shops! One boutique was positively overflowing with pink lace and ruffles! A few items landed in my bag, you know how it is! We even had time for a delightful afternoon tea with a darling, delightful group of ladies who adored my tutu (can't a girl just get a simple cuppa, lol?) The good news is they invited me to a private ballet class on Thursday – imagine, a whole class dedicated to twirling and twirling in my pink tutu, oh, the joy!

But the real highlight of my weekend was finally arriving in High Wycombe! The town, dearie, is absolutely gorgeous! From the ancient church tower to the charming cobblestone streets, it's straight out of a storybook. You can see why it inspired so many talented dancers! The Swan Theatre, itself, is a beauty, a stunning architectural jewel. And, of course, I made sure my pink tutu was ready for the grand opening night! The whole atmosphere buzzed with excitement and joy - a room full of twinkling eyes and beaming smiles. I knew I had landed in a haven for ballet lovers. The performance itself was pure magic, graceful movements, vibrant colors, beautiful music... oh, my, it was almost impossible to tear my eyes away. And I think it took my breath away, dearie, and I nearly fainted when I saw that incredible set piece. They literally used giant pink tutus as props. My, oh, my! That’s right, dear reader, my pink tutu was front and center, on stage. How fabulous! I know I didn’t make that last bit up. It’s true, I was so very impressed!

Of course, after the show, a drag queen simply HAS to be seen around town! And where do I head for my High Wycombe extravaganza? To the infamous Pink Flamingo Bar, my darlings! The most charming cocktail bar, tucked away on a sleepy backstreet! And what did they serve, you ask? Oh, it was fabulous! An entire range of “pinky cocktails" just for me! So good! I could not believe my luck. And let me tell you, Pink Flamingo was bursting with energy, laughter, and all-around good vibes - the perfect ending to a wonderful night.

It's these kinds of adventures, these precious moments that fill my heart with pure joy. The journey, the ballet, the new friends I met – it was truly an enchanting weekend. And I’ll tell you a secret: high tea at the charming The Cherry Tree tea room will leave you spoiled. Do go, dearie! They had pink cakes, just for me, even before I mentioned it! I knew my tutu was getting jealous of my sweet tooth. We all need a touch of sparkle in our lives, and the magical world of ballet is exactly where I feel the spark. I hope this trip has encouraged you all to go and seek out your own adventures in ballet or theatrical wonders in beautiful places all around. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go put my pink tutu to bed for the night - there’s so much dancing waiting to be done.

Remember, always wear pink. You can find all of my favourite pink finds and tutu secrets on my website, www.pink-tutu.com. Stay sparkling!

Until next time!

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💋💋💋

#TutuQueen on 2022-09-19 stars in High Wycombe