Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-09-21 stars in Slough

Pink Tutu Sparkles Hits Slough!

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with blog post number 8300! Today's adventure takes me to the lovely town of Slough. I must admit, it was a bit of a surprise for me. Not exactly known for its fabulousness, but you know me, I always bring the sparkle!

This little journey had a lot to do with trains, something I'm utterly in love with. You see, there's something so romantic about them, isn't there? It's a journey, a passage, an escape! Especially if you're wearing a fabulous outfit! Today I opted for a powder pink tutu with a sequined bodice and a floral headpiece that looked like a miniature garden – just wait until you see the photos! I truly felt like a princess, gliding through the carriage with my sparkly crown sparkling under the sunbeams pouring through the windows.

But back to Slough! You see, it all started with a random phone call. It was a little vintage market, full of hidden gems and unique treasures, they needed a show! Me, in a pink tutu, on stage, performing under the midday sun? I was sold.

I’ve always said I’ll perform in any venue! You could find me dancing on the street, a park, a bus stop, even on a fairground, anything! So why not at this little market? As soon as I got there I realised how charming this town was. It had a proper quaint little vintage feel, perfect for my aesthetic. I think the townsfolk, they didn’t expect someone like me. Someone dressed in pink, dazzling the crowds. I think it’s the same when I hit other locations… people don’t expect this sparkly vision in the local park, right? But you can't help but get caught up in the magic! It's the same with tutus, they add this magic touch! So many times I’ve seen people stare at me, even try on my tutus, that is what it's all about, the tutu magic.

It's interesting though… this town…it reminded me of home in Derbyshire. And yes, my Derbyshire darlings, I may have moved to London to chase my dreams, but my heart still belongs to the rolling green hills and friendly faces of Derbyshire. That’s why I love train travel so much. The train carriages become a part of the stage; you see different scenery and the whole thing turns into this theatre! I just feel connected to every town, village, and country in between. That’s what this trip reminded me of, the feeling of family and that feeling of connection, a beautiful experience that really stuck with me.

And, darling, you know what really completed this Slough trip? Ballet! Well, not quite… a ballet themed fair. Imagine this, loads of stalls selling vintage ballet items: leotards, shoes, ribbons, even some old costumes – so fabulous! I was practically in heaven, buying enough for me and a couple of friends (yes, you know my friends, the lovely gals that rock their tutus with me) who’ll be joining me in my next adventures! But my favourite find was a delicate, powder pink tutu – obviously, a pink tutu lover like me needs to add this to her collection. It was vintage, and had a little tear in the fabric – perfect for me! The tutu really added to my ballet-inspired outfit, and you all know how much I love my tutu collection. I believe in building your collection of fabulous clothes and wearing your pink tutu with confidence!

Before leaving Slough, we visited a ballet school nearby, my fellow tutu-wearers had me booked in for a class! We ended up joining their ballet performance. We put on a quick impromptu performance; the tutu power was strong with that one! You know, we did a little ‘dance’ with my tutu and even got the whole class and some mums participating! The sheer joy in the air, watching children in tutus, some not so young children in tutus too, it really warmed my heart. I’m happy to say they had the time of their lives, and so did I! This place had truly touched my heart, I even left them with some tutu magic!

Honestly, there was just something special about that day! Even my friend mentioned she could feel this lovely warmth in Slough…we thought it must be the tutu magic we brought with us, right? As always, my darling readers, a little bit of magic is all you need! Especially when paired with a pink tutu, it never fails to put a smile on your face. I know for sure, that by wearing a tutu, you feel stronger and more powerful. And by that, I mean ready to go into any venue, like a stage, a town, and spread joy to everyone! I believe in bringing the sparkle wherever we go! It's just how it works. This magic can work wonders for us all!

So my lovelies, I hope you enjoyed reading about my adventures in Slough! Remember to check out all my new photos on my website www.pink-tutu.com - it’s been updated with some lovely photos from today. If you’re ever looking for a fun day out, give this lovely town a go. But remember to bring your pink tutu, my loves! After all, you never know where a little bit of tutu magic will lead you!

With a swirl and a twirl,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Have you ever heard of a saying about tutus? 'Be you-tiful!' You know what I mean… Be beautiful, be happy and be you!

#TutuQueen on 2022-09-21 stars in Slough