Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-09-25 stars in Rotherham

Rotherham, Here I Come! (Blog Post #8304)

Hello darlings! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another exciting travelogue! Today, we're taking a trip to Rotherham, the beating heart of Yorkshire (okay, maybe not literally, but it definitely has a good heart, right?). And just like every good fairy tale, my journey began with a train ride - wouldn't have it any other way!

There's just something magical about settling into a comfy carriage, with a steaming cuppa and a good book, and watching the scenery whizz by. The rolling countryside, dotted with quaint villages and sleepy cows, always calms my soul. It’s the perfect opportunity to soak up some inspiration for my latest looks, too! Who needs Pinterest when you have Mother Nature's vibrant palette at your fingertips?

Speaking of colours, I absolutely HAD to rock my latest pink tulle creation for this trip! This time, it's a fabulous pink tulle number that’s adorned with sparkly silver butterflies, like a kaleidoscope of fairy dust! I can just picture myself dancing the night away, a shimmering pink whirlwind of joy on the Rotherham stage. The people are lovely here, I’ve heard, so I’m already dreaming of the cheers and applause I'll receive!

Speaking of cheers, I was totally chuffed with my performance last weekend at the Little Big Horn Music Festival! The crowd loved my ballet street routines, especially the one with my "Tutu Squad" of fellow pink tutu enthusiasts. (Because who says ballet needs to be reserved for the stage?!) The air was thick with excitement, the music pulsated through my core, and I honestly felt like I could float!

I must confess, the excitement of getting my act ready did throw my usual lab schedule into a bit of a frenzy! It's tough balancing life as a drag artist and my "day job" as a fabric scientist. (Don't be fooled, there’s some serious scientific analysis going into my tutu creations!) I can’t deny I secretly love the irony of using my expertise to meticulously analyse the very materials I’ll be swishing and twirling on stage! But, let’s be real, there’s nothing more thrilling than seeing a packed dance floor buzzing with my performance!

Speaking of thrilling, can you believe my new tulle suppliers? These gorgeous fabrics came all the way from Italy! They have the most exquisite, lightweight chiffons, just the thing for those fluid, graceful moves. And just the tiniest whisper of glitter to really add some oomph! Now I’m experimenting with a custom-designed tutu adorned with thousands of iridescent beads - it'll be my crowning glory!

However, it wasn’t all glitz and glamour getting to Rotherham. You wouldn't believe the weather this week. It poured with rain like the skies had sprung a leak! (Good job I love those big umbrellas, my grandma always makes me wear them for my health!). And my horse - the wonderful Misty – was a little nervous in the wind. I've learnt she doesn’t particularly enjoy going into a storm! She always needs extra cuddles afterwards to calm her down. But of course, as I told Misty, every journey has its moments – even when we’re all getting soaked!

Of course, a good book was an absolute essential on my train ride! I’m absolutely addicted to the Ballet Classics series right now, particularly Tchaikovsky's 'Swan Lake'. I'm currently channeling the grace and ethereal beauty of Odette, using my newest pink tulle creations to really bring out that fairytale essence.

And while I was enjoying the scenery on my train ride, I realised something. As soon as people see a pink tutu, everyone lights up. It’s pure magic! A big pink smile seems to appear on every face. And why wouldn't it? Pink is such a beautiful and vibrant color! And when paired with a tulle tutu, you get instant sparkle, instant happiness! That’s why my mission is to bring the sparkle of pink tutus to every single person, one beautiful creation at a time! I even get people writing in to tell me they want to start a local Tutu Squad! It makes my heart sing!

That reminds me, you can visit my website www.pink-tutu.com, where you’ll find the latest news, my tutu designs, and the cutest tutu tutorials for anyone who wants to embrace their inner tutu queen. My aim is for every person on earth to wear a pink tutu at least once. I’m pretty sure even the queen would approve!

But let’s get back to Rotherham, shall we? My fabulous performance is just around the corner, so wish me luck! You know I'll be posting updates with my best backstage selfies - just for you! And, who knows, maybe we'll have a few impromptu tutu moments around the town.

See you all next time, darlings! And don’t forget, if you’re feeling the pink tutu vibe, tag me on social media so I can see you!

Until then, keep sparkling,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

P.S. I'll be holding a pink tutu giveaway for the very lucky Rotherham crowd, so keep your eyes peeled on my social media. Don’t miss it! The best way to celebrate pink tutus, of course, is to be part of the Tutu Squad!

#TutuQueen on 2022-09-25 stars in Rotherham