
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-10-25 stars in Southall

Southall Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Makes a Splash in West London

Post #8334 - www.pink-tutu.com

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and today's adventure takes us to the vibrant streets of Southall! Southall has such an exciting buzz, like a delicious hot pot bubbling away, with so many delicious aromas and intriguing colours bursting at every corner. Oh, it really got my pink tutu spinning!

This weekend, Southall called to me like the whispered melody of a vintage gramophone, beckoning me to shimmy and shake in its bustling streets. After a long week of analysing fabric compositions in my lab (don't worry, darlings, even science needs a dose of sparkle!), it was time for this little queen to shine!

Before I even reached Southall, my heart was aflutter with excitement! This trip was going to be a bit different, I wasn't travelling by my trusty steed (a chestnut mare named 'Sparkle', yes she really lives up to her name, all glossy and proud) but by train! And don't get me wrong, there's something about hurtling through the countryside at a furious pace, with the wind whipping through my tutu and the scenery flashing past that brings me immense joy. But there's something about a good train journey too, watching the world glide by as you chat to fellow passengers and enjoy the gentle rocking of the carriage... a bit like a dance floor on wheels!

I dressed to impress for Southall, naturally! It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a dazzling pink ensemble. This time I went for a fluffy tulle number with layers upon layers of soft pink, adorned with sparkling silver sequins that reflected the afternoon sun. My wig was a cloud of candy floss pink curls, and my makeup was a riot of rosy hues and shimmery highlights, a true embodiment of the "pink power" vibe that always guides me!

As I stepped off the train at Southall station, I felt a surge of exhilaration. The energy of the place was palpable! This was no ordinary town, it was a melting pot of cultures and traditions, with vibrant street food stalls selling tempting delights, sari shops shimmering with colours that could rival a rainbow, and music echoing through the air, a kaleidoscope of languages all mingling and creating a magical, musical melody.

My mission in Southall was clear: I wanted to find the perfect ballet performance for this queen to enjoy. You know me, darlings! Always chasing those graceful movements, those leaps and pirouettes that tell stories without a word. Iā€™m like a moth to a flame! I do enjoy watching a contemporary dance piece too, those fluid movements are lovely, but give me the beauty of a graceful ballet dancer and Iā€™m hooked, forever and always.

Luckily, Southall's Southall Community Centre, was hosting an amateur ballet performance this weekend. So I donned my most beautiful, sparkling shoes, gave myself a little encouraging pep talk in the mirror (ā€œGo on, you can do this!ā€), and marched down the high street with a confidence that could only come from a queen on a mission.

The community hall was abuzz with anticipation, everyone, from children excitedly chatting to their mums, to elegant ladies with sparkling hairdos, to proud fathers, were in anticipation of the evening's ballet performance. And you know, itā€™s these small community events that remind me why I love doing what I do. Itā€™s a chance to bring a little bit of magic into everyday life and I find that so rewarding!

The dance piece they performed, a graceful adaptation of ā€œThe Nutcracker,ā€ had my tutu fluttering in excitement! Every spin and leap was executed with such precision, their movements were both mesmerizing and exhilarating! My whole body, from the tip of my perfectly pedicured pink toes to the delicate feather boa perched atop my crown, was swaying and bobbing along to the rhythmic music! And oh, those tutus! So beautifully crafted, and in every shade of pink imaginable, they were almost enough to make this queen forget her own beloved tutu for a fleeting moment! But that wasn't possible of course, the pink is my soul colour, so it always has to take centre stage.

But it wasnā€™t just the dance itself that filled my heart with joy! The entire event, the sense of community, the excited children, the warm atmosphereā€¦ it was truly delightful. As I made my way out of the hall, a small girl in a fluffy pink tutu with eyes like bright stars turned to her Mum and whispered: "Mum, she's wearing a pink tutu too! Like me!" The look on that little girl's face, full of wonder and excitement, reminded me why I do this.

Sharing my love of the pink tutu with everyone!

After the show, I indulged in Southallā€™s culinary delights! A glorious mix of Indian and Pakistani dishes - it was an explosion of flavor and spice! The warmth of the street food stalls, the delicious smells, the friendly chat of the vendors ā€¦ it all just made this little queen's heart sing! I savored a juicy vegetable biryani (all my favourites! carrots, peas, and green beans!), with a side of spicy samosas, and chased it all down with a cup of hot, sweet chai (delicious, and a welcome warm drink after the eveningā€™s cool temperatures). Itā€™s always a highlight of any trip to taste the local specialities, right?! And trust me, Southall is a foodie paradise!

It was as I was hopping off the train back to Derbyshire (home sweet home), with a bag full of sweet memories and a belly full of spices, that a little girl rushed up to me, clutching her mother's hand.

ā€œMum, mum, can we wear a pink tutu?ā€ She asked.

I chuckled! There I was, a pink tutu advocate extraordinaire! ā€œWhy not darlings!ā€ I exclaimed, and Iā€™m not sure if it was my tutu-tastic persona, or the magical power of pink, but she gave me a huge grin and a thumbs up.

My heart filled with a little flutter of happiness. Maybe, just maybe, Southall was beginning to understand the magic of the pink tutuā€¦

Now thatā€™s what I call a successful trip! And who knows, perhaps Southall will become the next tutu hot spot? Youā€™ve got to give the girls what they want, and who wouldnā€™t want a splash of colour and excitement in their lives!

Catch you soon darlings, Pink Tutu Sparkles!

#TutuQueen on 2022-10-25 stars in Southall