Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-10-30 stars in Carlisle

Carlisle Calling! A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage! (Post #8339)

Helloooo darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite pink-loving, tutu-touting, fashion-forward queen of sparkle!

Today's post is a little bit special. I'm taking you with me on my latest journey, a fabulously pink and sparkly adventure all the way to Carlisle! I'm talking, of course, about the historic, picturesque, and just plain gorgeous city in Cumbria! And oh, I've got so much to share.

You see, darlings, when I heard that Carlisle was holding a huge celebration of all things theatre and ballet, my heart practically did a pirouette! I just couldn't resist the chance to strut my stuff, get a good dose of those twirling endorphins, and maybe, just maybe, inspire some folks to take a spin in a pink tutu themselves.

Now, you all know I adore a good train journey, and this one was no different! I got my best outfit ready – you'll have to wait for a sneak peek at that later! I made myself comfortable in first class with a cuppa and a little nibble from the trolley – I've gotta look after this sparkly queen, right? I sat there watching the world go by, daydreaming about all the pink tutu shenanigans that lay ahead.

Oh, but before we go any further, let me introduce myself, darling, for any of you lovely new faces joining me! I'm Pink Tutu Sparkles, and my real name is Alex. Now, when I say pink and tutu, I mean it with a capital P and a capital T. Think pink as far as the eye can see! And when it comes to tutus, darling, well, let's just say they’re the very essence of my being. By day I work as a lab scientist, analyzing fabrics – funnily enough, some of the fabrics we test are tutus! By night, I'm transforming into Pink Tutu Sparkles. And as a Derbyshire girl at heart, I've gotta say my journey with the tutu was sparked at the university ballet club! I tried one on for a charity event, and well, the rest is sparkly history!

My aim, as a pink-loving queen, is to spread the joy of the tutu to every single person in this lovely land. You know, there’s something magical about wearing a tutu. It gives you the confidence to twirl with your heart, to express yourself fully, to feel like a princess, or a queen, or just simply like the most fabulous, magnificent, sparkly you!

So, let's get back to my fabulous trip to Carlisle, shall we? I’d heard a little about the local Carlisle theatre scene and knew that the theatre lovers here had a real passion for performing. But nothing prepared me for the sheer exuberance of this festival. You know I love me a good parade! I was swept away by the joy, colour and energy of all the local performing groups who came out to make the weekend unforgettable.

You’d have loved seeing the local ballet group perform “Swan Lake”, right in the heart of the city, with all those elegant dancers dressed in the most delicate of white tutus – the air filled with graceful movements. My heart practically skipped a beat! I wanted to leap onto the stage and join them! And let’s be honest, you know how much I love a bit of swan lake inspired choreography - and maybe a little pink touch in my dance moves too! I am a Pink Tutu queen after all!

One of my favourite parts of the whole festival had to be the performance of “Sleeping Beauty.” It's always so enchanting to see those stunning pink and purple costumes! You'll find, I always have a soft spot for Sleeping Beauty! Not only do the costumes shine, there’s something special about a beautiful ballet, the romanticism and magic is just utterly captivating.

I think everyone in Carlisle felt a touch of pink tutu magic this weekend. You could practically feel the sparkly joy! I even caught sight of a lovely young couple twirling their way around the market square! This, darlings, is the real heart of why I love to travel! I can feel myself getting even more passionate about my mission – to get everyone twirling in a pink tutu!

Speaking of Carlisle’s market square! Oh, this is where I discovered a shop like no other! It's like stepping into a fairy-tale! This beautiful independent boutique was filled with vintage clothes, accessories and a collection of stunning tutus from all sorts of eras - imagine the history they had seen! I must have spent half the afternoon just browsing and trying on outfits, feeling utterly inspired. Of course, I ended up finding myself a few pretty additions to my pink tutu wardrobe. Let’s just say, it felt like my lucky day!

My heart soared. You know, even if I didn't wear a single pink tutu for this entire weekend, the entire city of Carlisle felt so enchanting and magical I just couldn't help but be inspired!

There were street performances galore, theatre troupes that would put Broadway to shame, even a little circus act, filled with dazzling, graceful acrobatics!

Carlisle, you've won over Pink Tutu Sparkles completely! If I wasn't performing across the country every weekend, I’d pack my bags and move in immediately!

And did I tell you about the fabulous restaurants? We need to talk about that mouthwatering pink candy floss I tried! (You know my weakness, pink darlings). And the afternoon tea – well, I felt like a real lady of the court in one of Carlisle’s finest tea rooms.

I had to squeeze in a trip to the local farmers market – I always try to discover local produce wherever I go! I bought a massive bag of fresh strawberries to take home – because, you know, what's better than strawberry and cream with a glass of bubbly?

Now, before I go, I absolutely must tell you all about my show at The Carlisle Castle that very evening! I mean, can you even imagine – the historic walls of the castle, with me, your favourite pink tutu queen twirling in the middle, under the stars! It was like something straight out of a film! It's all in the magic of travel and a bit of pink tutu sparkles I suppose.

The Carlisle crowd loved it! I even spotted a little girl wearing a pink tutu of her own - and believe it or not, she actually had the audacity to tell me she thought my sparkly shoes were pretty fabulous! I may be a pink tutu queen but, let’s be honest I just love the opportunity to make everyone feel fabulous – no matter their age!

All in all, this Carlisle adventure has left me with a heart full of pink sparkles! It felt like a beautiful dream, where everyone came together to celebrate art and creativity! And oh, it had to be the most perfect place to inspire others to twirl!

Well, darlings, this has been a real joy! Now go forth, and be fabulous. Spread a little bit of pink tutu magic wherever you go. You can do it! Until next time!

Pink Tutu Sparkles,


P.S. If you want to see more photos from my Carlisle adventures, make sure to follow me on social media! And I'd love to hear from you, darlings. So please leave a comment and let me know where your pink tutu dream would take you.

#TutuQueen on 2022-10-30 stars in Carlisle