Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-11-23 stars in Rochester

Rochester, Oh Rochester! (Blog Post #8363)

Hello darlings! Your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you all the glitz and glam from my latest adventure! It’s been a while since I’ve been to Rochester, and it’s always a joy to be back in this charming little city. It’s like a little haven for lovers of art and culture, with cobbled streets and cute little tea rooms scattered everywhere. And, let me tell you, there’s nowhere I love more than a good ol’ fashioned afternoon tea with lashings of pink lemonade!

As you know, my journey began in Derbyshire. I remember it like it was yesterday - a crisp autumn morning, I was in the University Ballet Club, and we were having a fundraiser. My good friend, bless her soul, decided I'd look great in a pink tutu. The moment I put it on, well, it was like a switch flicked. I've always loved dancing and being over-the-top but that tutu… it was magic! The transformation was instant! I'd always felt a little out of place, like a scientist trying to force square peg into a round hole. But that tutu, it embraced my flamboyant self, the one who couldn’t wait to wear a bright pink, feather boa, and shout 'More glitter!'

The road to being a drag queen is long and winding, filled with glittery bumps and sparkly detours. But you know me, I love a challenge! Luckily, my love for pink tutus is pretty infectious. I quickly built a following performing in all sorts of places – local clubs, village halls, even a few fairs (although I did get quite a lot of funny looks in the pie-throwing competition!).

By day, I’m a fabric scientist, getting my hands on all kinds of fabrics and testing their tensile strength and what have you. It’s actually quite a lot of fun and my colleagues have learned to live with the flamboyant outfits and my habit of suddenly leaping on a lab bench, announcing, ‘Right, time to dance!’ to the sound of a little Beyoncé. They are a great bunch of people who all want to wear pink tutus, I just haven’t quite convinced them yet.

However, after work, I transform into Pink Tutu Sparkles, and that's when things get truly magical. My fabulous outfits (all with that signature pink tutu, naturally!) are an instant conversation starter and, as I always say, when people smile and start talking, magic happens.

Today I got to Rochester by train, my favorite way to travel. The journey is so peaceful and calming, the landscape rolling by in shades of green and brown. It's the perfect time for a nap or to read a novel and lose yourself in a new world. There’s just something so liberating about watching the world go by as you hurtle along those railway tracks! Plus, you always meet interesting characters. On my trip, I met a couple from London, absolutely delightful souls who told me all about the wonderful street art and vintage shops they were going to explore.

Once in Rochester, I headed straight for a hotel – my haven from the bustle of the town. This time, it’s a Victorian beauty. The room is a haven of antique furnishings, lace curtains and all that traditional English elegance. Honestly, a total dream for this old soul who still wants to be a princess when she grows up! And the best part? I got to pick the most ridiculously over-the-top dressing gown to wear as I sip on my tea and listen to the birdsong coming from the gardens. It's a very English kind of bliss, but with that Pink Tutu Sparkles twist!

Now, back to the purpose of my trip. Tonight, it's time for a bit of Rochester magic, which brings me to the main event! I'll be performing at the Town Hall Theatre tonight. They asked me to do a cabaret show and you just KNOW there are going to be feathers and sparkly sequined numbers, and of course, that showstopper pink tutu! It’s always a delight to perform on a proper stage, under those warm lights, and hearing the laughter and applause of the audience. That feeling, that energy - it’s indescribable. Plus, tonight's audience is going to see my new moves! It took weeks to perfect, the choreographer had me on a strict regime, "Tutu training", he called it, but worth every second. My confidence is flowing. This is what it’s all about, spreading joy, happiness and reminding everyone that being yourself is the most fabulous thing in the world.

However, I'll be sure to catch some of the shows at the Rochester Arts Centre as well. It has the most incredible atmosphere and I am excited to explore the creativity that will be bubbling over tonight. The arts scene in Rochester is truly blossoming and it’s amazing to witness how they celebrate all forms of expression, from dance and theatre to music and poetry.

But the fun doesn't stop there! Tomorrow I'll be indulging in my passion for horses by joining the ‘horse-drawn carriage ride around Rochester’! It's the perfect way to discover this town and its historic charms at a leisurely pace. It's romantic, elegant, and perfect for capturing some magical photos! I've even asked the carriage driver if we can do a spin while I do my 'tutu twirl', the audience just wouldn't be ready for it!

I've always believed that spreading kindness is what truly makes the world a better place. It's simple things that truly make a difference, a smile, a helping hand, a good chat and, of course, that touch of glitter. After all, as I always say, a little sparkle never hurt anybody.

See you next time, my dears! Remember, you are fabulous, unique and deserve to wear a pink tutu! Stay fabulous!


Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S Don’t forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com! For my latest outfit details and blog updates! Remember, follow Pink Tutu Sparkles and share the glitter!

#TutuQueen on 2022-11-23 stars in Rochester