Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-11-25 stars in Acton

Acton Adventures in a Pink Tutu: Blog Post #8365

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite pink-loving, tutu-wearing, travel enthusiast!

It’s me, Alex, bringing you another exciting travel diary entry straight from my glamorous world of tutus and trains (or, in this case, Acton's charming high street). Get ready for a whirlwind of sparkles, sequins, and sheer, glorious pink.

As many of you know, I've been making a habit of sharing my journeys with you, every single day at www.pink-tutu.com - a pink palace where I chronicle my exciting, sparkly, pink adventures. So grab your favourite cuppa and get ready for a giggle and a dash of inspiring sparkle, all right here in my latest blog!

Acton beckoned! I received a fabulous offer to perform at a local fundraiser and I couldn't resist! Oh, I just love spreading pink joy across the nation, and it seems the people of Acton were ready for some glittery goodness. But first, shopping! There's something about an unfamiliar high street that sets my heart a-flutter, like a sugar plum dancing in a tutu!

Now, Acton's shops may not have been brimming with the haute couture that London’s boutiques offer, but that's the beauty of it. You find such unique treasures hidden away! Think charming antique shops crammed with vintage treasures, boutiques with handcrafted goods, and those little coffee shops just begging for you to slip in for a slice of cake (always the best kind of "fuel for performance" I say!). I spent hours window shopping, picking out potential costumes and, let's face it, just soaking up the atmosphere!

Before you ask, darling, I did of course pick out a brand-new, dazzling pink tutu from a charming milliner's shop – just the thing to top off my dazzling Acton look. My motto is always "the bigger the better" when it comes to my tutus, and let me tell you, this one did not disappoint!

Now, before I go on and on about all my finds (believe me, I could!), I have to share my biggest excitement of all...

Ballet Heaven in Acton!

Right, gather around you fabulously glamorous readers, because I'm going to confess something that I've kept hush-hush. It all began with a scientific research project back in my uni days. I was studying chemistry – a whole other world from tutus, I know. However, life took an unexpected turn when I volunteered at a charity event... in a tutu, darling.

It was the moment I realised... tutu-ing wasn't just for dancing; it was a statement! It was an embodiment of playful confidence and unapologetic joy! The first tutu was pink (naturally!), and it hooked me, pulled me in, like a shimmering web of delightful chaos.

Well, after all these years, here I was, in the most unexpected of places, Acton! My pink tutu leading the way, as usual. Right across the road from the charming tea shop, there was the most magnificent ballet school! Imagine, you beautiful creatures, a proper dance studio right here, a ballet academy tucked away in this wonderful town!

Can you even picture my squeal? You should have seen the faces of the locals! I was beaming with a joyous mix of disbelief and delight. This just had to be investigated, you know? So, after I enjoyed a (pink) afternoon tea (scones and jam, naturally!), I dashed to this gem of a ballet school, armed with my usual dose of sparkly confidence.

A lovely, bubbly lady, let's call her Miss M, met me with the most welcoming smile. "Fancy a quick class, darling?" She asked, twinkling her eyes in the best way! A little nervous (in the way one gets nervous about wearing a gorgeous pink tutu, that is!), I was delighted to see how accepting everyone was!

And let me tell you, I even did a little ballet solo for them (that tutu did all the work, I swear). Everyone was just lovely, cheering me on! It really was one of the most wholesome experiences of my journey so far!

Pink Tutu Sparkle's Adventures in Pink:

The best bit about being a pink-loving performer? You always have a conversation starter! The girls and the boys in the class were so fascinated by my tutus (especially the bigger one). Now, let’s talk tutu. The one I picked up on Acton's high street, I’ve called 'Raspberry Ripple,' it's got all the frills, a little glittery, just perfect for dancing!

I felt like I'd stepped right out of a fairytale (one with pink-tinged skies, obviously!). After an hour in this charming, delightful school, I felt a different kind of sparkly... one filled with wonder, inspiration, and even, dare I say, a little peace! I have a feeling this isn't just a fleeting memory in this adventure but a beginning to something fabulous... a sprinkle of pink inspiration in a place you wouldn't expect.

So, stay tuned my loves, for more adventures. Maybe you’ll find Pink Tutu Sparkle twirling amongst your local shops – Acton, here’s to you, a charming little town with big pink dreams!

#TutuQueen on 2022-11-25 stars in Acton