Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-11-28 stars in Ellesmere Port

Ellesmere Port: Pink Tutu Sparkles Goes For a Spin! 🩰💖

Post #8368: 28th November 2022

Helloooo darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the fabulous Ellesmere Port, Cheshire! This fab little town, all set against a backdrop of the Mersey Estuary, has welcomed me with open arms – well, maybe not arms, but definitely a hearty dose of friendly faces and curious stares. You see, my arrival here marked the culmination of a whimsical journey, a veritable twirl-tastic adventure that only a queen in a pink tutu could truly understand.

Let me rewind a little… I’m Alex, the humble scientist who moonlights as Pink Tutu Sparkles. My love for the colour pink, the delightful fluff of a tutu, and all things ballet know no bounds! From studying for my science degree, to my nighttime performances, to travelling across the land by train or horse (don’t worry, we'll talk about the horse bit later), my life has become a veritable explosion of sequins and graceful twirls.

This latest trip, however, started with a very particular mission in mind – a mission to inspire the folks of Ellesmere Port to embrace the joyous wonder of pink tutus! My heart beats to the rhythm of a pink tutu-filled world, and this town, with its history of industrial heritage, seemed like the perfect place to start a sparkling tutu revolution.

After all, what better way to bring a little joy into people’s lives than to encourage them to embrace a little bit of playful sparkle? Don't you agree? Now, I’ll confess, getting everyone in a tutu can sometimes be a challenge, even with my sassy persuasion!

As I journeyed north from my beloved Derbyshire, the landscape, punctuated by green fields and sleepy villages, shifted slowly towards the urban landscape of Ellesmere Port. My train journey was filled with an air of anticipation, the kind of energy that can only be conjured when you’re about to step into the unknown – a sort of "can you believe we’re here?” sort of thrill.

The station was a vibrant flurry of activity – hurried commuters rushing for the bus stop, mums pushing strollers with their little bundles of joy, and teenagers giggling as they caught up on their favourite social media. This buzzing energy resonated with my own excitement, a blend of creative spark and anticipatory joy.

As I walked towards my lodgings, my vibrant pink tutu, with its array of feathers and sparkles, created a tiny hurricane of excitement amongst the more demure townsfolk.

The local B&B owner, a sweet lady named Brenda, welcomed me with open arms – well, not exactly open arms, but definitely with a beaming smile and a warm pot of tea. The rooms were a little reminiscent of my grandmother's attic, with chintzy furniture and faded floral patterns, but they offered a comforting sense of old-fashioned charm.

I quickly realised that my journey wasn't just about encouraging people to wear tutus; it was about creating moments, sparking conversations, and leaving a trail of joy in my wake.

My evening's performance was booked at a cosy little community hall, one that had the air of a bygone era – you know the kind, with flickering neon signs outside and the faintest whiff of that good old-fashioned, comforting mustiness.

Inside, the hall buzzed with activity, bustling with local residents gathered for a monthly arts and crafts fair. You name it, they were selling it! Knitted scarves, homemade jams, hand-painted mugs, and of course, my absolute favourite – crocheted flowers. And the moment I set foot inside, it felt like the place had come to life. The attendees stopped, gaped, pointed, laughed, whispered – it was pure theatrical bliss. The air was filled with the vibrant energy of a roomful of excited, surprised, and amused individuals.

For me, the best part of these fairs, apart from being welcomed by enthusiastic faces and the opportunity to inspire joy, is the opportunity to have heart-to-heart chats with my newfound friends. This evening, I talked to a kind-hearted gentleman who sold handmade birdhouses. He even promised to wear a pink tutu for a birdhouse sale at a later date - an amazing deal, if I say so myself! And then there was the sweet lady, Mary, who made beautiful floral arrangements with such love and detail - a real floral artist! I even managed to convince her to adorn one of her arrangements with a bright pink ribbon, just for a touch of playful sparkle.

As my evening performance wrapped up, the crowd went wild with applause.

A gentleman called Barry, with twinkling eyes and a warm smile, asked me if I was a "professional dancer." I confess, he was rather handsome in his dapper brown suit and a fetching bow tie, but I was afraid to reveal my secret identity as Alex the scientist, and decided to play the part of the "fabulous drag queen". “Why yes,” I twirled and replied, "the greatest performer this town has ever seen. You are absolutely right! Thank you for noticing. Oh, and let's just say the sparkle is my secret weapon. It's all in the twirl.” He blushed, then reached into his pocket and pulled out a little plastic pink flower, with a wide smile on his face. “Would this be of interest to your collection? " he asked shyly. "To go with the twirls.”

The evening was an undeniable success. I may not have convinced everyone to embrace the joy of pink tutus, but I'd planted a seed of sparkle in the hearts of Ellesmere Port's residents. My message – of celebrating individuality and the power of self-expression – was loud and clear.

Now, onto the next stage of my journey! And remember darlings, no matter where you are, embrace your individuality, let your inner light shine, and never stop believing in the magic of a pink tutu.

Keep your sequins sparkling, my lovely readers, and we shall meet again soon.

Pink Tutu Sparkles out! 💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2022-11-28 stars in Ellesmere Port