Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-11-30 stars in Taunton

Taunton Calling! 🩰💖 (Post #8370)

Oh darling, I’m so excited to tell you all about my trip to Taunton! As you know, I’m a firm believer in living life to the fullest and spreading the pink tutu love far and wide. So, when the opportunity arose to perform in Taunton, I grabbed my sequin suitcase, packed my sparkly pink tutus (and of course, a few backup pairs, just in case!), and hopped on the train to this lovely town.

This adventure actually started a few weeks back when I received an invitation from the lovely folks at the Taunton Arts Festival. They'd heard of my little pink tutu empire and wanted me to grace their stage. I couldn't say no, obviously! Performing for a brand new audience, in a beautiful new town – that’s my kinda magic!

But before I got to the grand performance, I had to make sure my outfits were, well, absolutely divine! You see, a pink tutu queen never travels without the perfect wardrobe, right? Now, Taunton is quite a charming town. I love its history, the old architecture, the cobbled streets. But, alas, they were sadly lacking in the fashion department. Not a single pink tutu in sight! This was a call to action, darling, and I knew exactly what to do.

I popped into a couple of charming local boutiques, but no luck. You’d think I was searching for the rarest gem! “We do have some pink… shirts?” one shop assistant offered. “Right, well, let’s say you have some… tulle… you could possibly try making your own…”

Bless her, I saw the confusion in her eyes as she clearly didn't understand the allure of the pink tutu. “ darling, have you heard of fashion?” I whispered. “But no,” I sighed dramatically, “I’ll just have to rely on my own wardrobe.”

Undeterred, I grabbed my trusty notebook and my lucky pink feather pen, jotting down ideas for a fabulously creative ensemble that could take a girl from a rainy Taunton afternoon to the stage, sparkling like a fairy on a rainbow.

I’m thinking a fluffy pink tutu, obviously! And some sparkly ballet flats for dancing the night away, with a touch of whimsy: some pink glitter on the eyelids, some pretty pink ribbons woven through my hair, and my trademark glittery, bright pink lips. Yes! I’d be ready to turn Taunton pink!

And then the night arrived! As I stepped onto the stage, bathed in the glow of the spotlights, the roar of the crowd gave me chills! It was truly magical! I can't explain the feeling. The energy of the crowd was palpable, and they absolutely loved the pink tutu performance. There were cheers, whistles, even a few tears (of joy, I think!) and a lovely woman approached me afterward to tell me her daughter had been a ballet dancer for years and that I reminded her of her little girl. This meant more to me than you know.

The following morning, I strolled through Taunton in my sparkly ballet flats. I noticed a new twinkle in the eye of a little girl I saw on the bus - and a few others seemed to be rocking their pink hues, too! Even a small act of pink-tutu magic can make a difference!

Of course, after such a magical performance, a pink-tutu themed brunch was in order. (Why even leave your sparkle at home, right?) And I couldn't leave Taunton without a proper dose of its famous Somerset Cider.

After all the magic, the journey home was just as exciting. A leisurely train ride back to Derbyshire with the wind in my hair – yes, sometimes you just need to get a bit of fresh air and breathe in that gorgeous British countryside, don’t you think?

You see, darling, travelling is what makes me tick. I can’t wait to find my next destination - a brand new town to turn pink, maybe Scotland next week. Keep checking in and let’s make the world a pink tutu haven, together! Remember, even the most mundane things become magical with a pink tutu – I’ve definitely found my pink tutu sparkle in Taunton.


Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2022-11-30 stars in Taunton