Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-12-07 stars in Royal Tunbridge Wells

Royal Tunbridge Wells - Sparklelicious Adventures in a Pink Tutu!

Hello, darling darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back again with another juicy blog post. This time, we're waltzing our way to the delightful Royal Tunbridge Wells - and believe me, my darling dears, it was an experience to remember! This is blog post number 8377 for your favourite pink tutu-loving adventurer, so settle in for a right royal treat! 💖

You see, my dears, a girl’s got to have her adventures. My motto? "Life’s too short to wear beige, darling!" and certainly too short to not twirl in a fluffy pink tutu!

I started this blog with a grand plan – to spread the pink tutu love far and wide! And trust me, darlings, it's catching on like wildfire. My inbox is bursting with emails from amazing women, men and non-binary beauties alike, all ready to embrace the pink tutu magic. But that's a story for another day.

Today's adventure began in Derbyshire – the rolling hills, the quaint villages, and oh, that charming, dusty station! I found a darling horse-drawn carriage to whisk me away to the station and took a little time to pose with the magnificent steeds before my big, grand adventure. I’ve always said that a little bit of glamour goes a long way. I do enjoy the train - but even a Queen like me needs a little touch of class.

As I settled into my first-class carriage, sipping on my Earl Grey, a plan was brewing. Not a new dance routine for the stage, no, darling, a "Pink Tutu Pop-up" in Royal Tunbridge Wells! The very idea made my heart soar! Imagine, dear friends, a delightful parade of tutus through the park, an enchanting promenade of pinks, a burst of delightful sunshine in a lovely town... Oh, it was simply divine!

Royal Tunbridge Wells met me with open arms and charming lanes, its historical beauty blending with a delightful buzz. The cobblestones echoed my high-heeled steps and, in the quaint shops, I was captivated by all the vintage treasures! Just a girl and her sparkly love affair with pretty things. You see, a tutu can go with anything. Just be brave, darlings!

Of course, I had to indulge in a little tea time at the The Brontë at Tunbridge Wells – my absolute delight! Scones, cakes and sandwiches fit for a Queen in her pinkest, most delightful tutu! Oh, darling, you wouldn't believe how everyone smiled. I saw a couple staring, and the woman just pointed to my tutu and gave the man the sweetest wink. Everyone’s loving the tutus, I promise!

The pièce de résistance was, of course, my impromptu performance at a local fair. The crowds were incredible – from the smallest toddlers with wide eyes and giggling fits to grandmas beaming at the sheer fun. The little ones loved my rainbow wig! You see, darling, a sprinkle of magic can go a long way, and there's nothing more magical than a pink tutu.

Of course, my time in Royal Tunbridge Wells had to culminate in a visit to the charming Tunbridge Wells Theatre. To step onto that stage, just a mere few feet from the legendary greats who graced it before me – what an honor, darling! And the best part, dear readers, was seeing a ballet. A lovely troupe of dancers filled the stage with elegant leaps and mesmerizing grace. Their beautiful costumes and the shimmering spotlights left me utterly charmed – all thanks to the magical art of ballet. Now that’s a sight fit for a pink tutu queen, wouldn’t you say?

But alas, all good things must come to an end. A farewell wave, a final smile, a whispered "Thank you, darling, thank you!" – and with that, my Pink Tutu journey in Royal Tunbridge Wells came to an end.

My heart is overflowing with memories, with a sprinkle of pink magic, and, oh, darling, don’t even get me started on the pictures! (Spoiler alert - I'm a pink tutu photogenic queen! 😉 )

So, dear reader, get your own pink tutu! The world awaits! We can conquer it, darlings! One sparkling twirl at a time.

Until next time,

Pink Tutu Sparkles! 💖

#TutuQueen on 2022-12-07 stars in Royal Tunbridge Wells