
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-12-09 stars in Macclesfield

Macclesfield, Darling! #TutuQueen on the Town - Post #8379

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing drag queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and I'm back with another scintillating post from the fabulous world of fashion, dance, and travel! Today, I'm whisking you all away to the charming town of Macclesfield, a true gem nestled in the heart of Cheshire. I must say, this little town stole my heart! From the cobbled streets to the quaint cafes and shops, I felt like I stepped straight into a vintage postcard. And did I mention the adorable independent boutiques? My credit card almost fainted!

It was a blustery December day, but that couldn't dampen my spirits. My trusty steed (not a horse, darlings, this time a lovely old train) whisked me to Macclesfield, the scent of warm tea and freshly baked bread filling the air as I gazed out the window. Arriving in Macclesfield, I was immediately captivated by the colourful murals and street art adorning the buildings. It truly was a canvas of creativity, and my imagination soared!

My first stop had to be the Macclesfield Silk Museum! Oh my goodness, you simply must visit! The intricate designs and the sheer craftsmanship behind the silks and velvets left me speechless. I've always been fascinated by textiles and, let's be honest, any opportunity to get my fashionista fix is always welcome! Who knew that a humble little town like Macclesfield had such a rich textile history? I left the museum feeling like a vintage fashion magazine come to life, and my mind already swirling with ideas for my next custom tutu.

Lunch was at a delightful little bistro with mismatched chairs and vintage china. I devoured a hearty mushroom and goat cheese quiche and a cup of their most delightful herbal tea (lavender and chamomile, darling!). I love discovering these hidden culinary gems, where the food is cooked with love and served with a smile.

After lunch, I couldn't resist exploring the Macclesfield Market. Oh darling, what a treat! I was mesmerized by the vibrant stalls, overflowing with colourful trinkets and locally-sourced produce. You simply couldn't resist buying something, whether it be a handcrafted piece of jewellery or a fresh loaf of sourdough. And for me? Of course, I had to snag a couple of vintage buttons, perfect for embellishing my next dazzling tutu!

The highlight of my Macclesfield adventure had to be the ballet performance at the Macclesfield Town Hall. A truly stunning venue, the hall was buzzing with energy and anticipation. The performance itself was nothing short of spectacular. I was mesmerized by the graceful dancers, their bodies flowing effortlessly across the stage, their costumes an absolute dream! My heart swelled with joy. Ballet is one of my greatest passions. There's something about the beauty of movement, the elegance of the costumes, and the captivating stories told through dance that leaves me utterly speechless.

Of course, darling, no visit to Macclesfield is complete without a visit to the stunning Macclesfield Forest. It was a cold, but clear day and the forest floor was blanketed in crunchy autumn leaves. A little less sparkly but it still tickled my senses! I couldnโ€™t help but wish that the local deer were sporting pink tutus for my next post. That's definitely on the 'to do' list!

The evening was just as magical! A friend of mine hosted a small private event at a lovely local pub. I'll tell you all about it in my next blog post, because frankly, it deserves its own blog! Let's just say there were sparkly cocktails and amazing food!

As the evening drew to a close and the train chugged its way back to Derbyshire, I felt a deep sense of contentment and gratitude. Macclesfield had captivated my heart, filled my spirit with joy, and left me brimming with inspiration. And of course, the opportunity to inspire others to wear pink tutus never ends. The real beauty of this world, darlings, lies in embracing our individuality, our uniqueness, and above all, spreading glitter wherever we go!

So, that's it, my dears! I hope you enjoyed this little peek into my Macclesfield adventure! Until next time, remember, every day is a chance to wear a pink tutu and add a little sparkle to the world!

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

#TutuQueen on 2022-12-09 stars in Macclesfield