
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-12-27 stars in Leith

Pink Tutu Sparkles Goes to Leith! (Blog Post #8397)

Hello darlings, and welcome back to my little corner of the internet, www.pink-tutu.com! It's your favourite pink-loving, tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and today's post is all about my recent adventure to the beautiful city of Leith, just a short hop across the Firth of Forth from Edinburgh.

This trip was a total whirlwind, packed full of tutu-tastic delights, sparkling performances, and enough pink to make even the most hardcore goth blush. You know me, I'm always on the hunt for new adventures and I couldn't wait to explore a new city with my trusty pink tutu by my side!

This is what happened, in all its glittery glory!

The Journey Begins...By Horse, Naturally

As a seasoned traveller, I know that the journey is just as important as the destination. Now, you wouldn't catch me taking the usual dreary train to a new place (though they're not bad!), this queen is a little more...avant-garde. No, my chosen mode of transport was much more fitting, something that spoke to my theatrical soul: I travelled to Leith by horse-drawn carriage!

It was utterly charming. Think of it, imagine me, all decked out in a gorgeous pink tutu (the most sparkly one in my collection, naturally) and a matching pink feathered fascinator, gliding along cobblestone streets pulled by two magnificent steeds. It was straight out of a fairytale! And people definitely stopped and stared, it's true!

Leith: Where Pink is Always in Fashion

Leith welcomed me with open arms, and I have to say, the city is full of hidden gems! Now, don't think for a minute that Leith's just a dreary industrial port. No darling, this place has character, charm and it's positively bursting with pink! Seriously, just you wait till you see the photos!

Firstly, the architecture, absolutely stunning, so historic and elegant! I wandered down the cobblestone streets admiring the quaint little shops, each with its unique charm. Then there were the pubs! Imagine, sipping on a pint of locally brewed ale while watching the harbour activity, the whole place buzzed with energy. It was absolutely enchanting.

A Tutu-tastic Ballet Class

No trip to a new city would be complete without a little ballet! After all, dancing in a tutu is basically my life's purpose, you see! And this queen wouldn't dream of missing a chance to expand her skillset. So, off I went to a fantastic ballet school in Leith's old town, hidden away in a beautiful, heritage-listed building.

The class itself was wonderful, very high energy, so much fun. I especially enjoyed working on pirouettes (you know Iโ€™m all about the twirls!) and those beautiful ballet leaps! Honestly, it was hard work but so much fun, and I came away with a newfound appreciation for the power and grace of classical ballet!

Pink Tutu Sparkles on the Stage!

Leith, bless it's lovely little soul, turned out to be an absolute hotbed of performance arts. I snagged myself a fantastic spot on the bill at a vibrant, quirky cabaret festival that just happened to be taking place while I was there! And guess who had the crowd going wild with their infectious energy and, of course, a tutu of epic proportions? Thatโ€™s right, it was yours truly, Pink Tutu Sparkles, darling!

The stage was small but oh-so-perfectly decorated, a bit more rock-and-roll than my usual venue with an edgy purple theme, but my pink tutu definitely popped against that backdrop. My routine? Think big, bold moves with sassy vocals, just what this queen is known for! I poured my heart and soul into it, all for the adoring crowds! Honestly, you can see in the photos and the videos I took how thrilled the whole crowd was. The applause, the cheers, the whoops! This is what this Queen lives for!

Leith, A Perfect Tutu Stop

And with that, darling, my adventure in Leith drew to a close! I have to say, this city is simply captivating! It's full of vibrant art, quirky shops, history, culture and oh-so-much colour (did I mention my love of pink?). You can easily see yourself losing hours strolling its streets, sipping coffee, watching the boats come in, or simply people-watching (which is my absolute favourite hobby, next to tutus and ballet).

As always, I am spreading the message of tutu love! Now, I know you're all wondering if I managed to convert any locals to the wonderful world of the pink tutuโ€ฆ you know me, always aiming to be the pink tutu evangelist! And darling, I'm proud to report... drumroll please

I achieved total success!

My little pop-up tutu shop near the festival venue went wild! I sold at least five tutus that day alone, from sparkly pink ones to pretty light lavender and blue styles. Iโ€™m always on the look out for local craft and design studios, you know. That's how I get my amazing tutus.

Leith, my darling, you are truly a dream come true! If you are ever in need of a dose of vibrant colour, fabulous energy and a serious shot of fun, pack your bags, book your horse-drawn carriage, and come see what Leith is all about!

But for now, keep twirling, and always remember: there's always room for more pink and, of course, always wear a tutu!

With a pink heart full of love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2022-12-27 stars in Leith