Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-02-07 stars in Bletchley

Bletchley, Sparkle City! 💖✨

Hey there darlings! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-loving queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another dazzling blog post. This one is all about my adventures in the charming town of Bletchley! 🚂

As you all know, my mission in life is to spread the pink tutu gospel and inspire you all to embrace your inner sparkle. Well, Bletchley turned out to be the perfect spot for some serious tutu magic, and you bet I’m here to spill the tea – blog post number 8439! 🎉

Before we delve into the glitter and glamour, let me paint you a picture. I embarked on my latest journey on a classic British train. The journey itself was a pure joy, with countryside views flitting past the window. I indulged in some fabulous gossip with a fellow train passenger (don’t worry, it was all very PG!). I mean, a pink tutu always attracts attention – especially on a train.

As soon as I stepped onto Bletchley’s bustling high street, I was immediately charmed by its quaint Victorian architecture and cosy atmosphere. This was going to be the perfect place to channel my inner ballet dancer! Did I mention Bletchley has its very own dance academy? Well, I'm telling you, those classes were simply fabulous! I think they actually enjoyed having a sparkly, pink-tutu clad diva waltzing through the dance studio, so much so that they have asked me to return next week for a workshop!

I had the most fabulous afternoon strolling through the town centre. I adore finding cute shops, you know, those little havens filled with treasures. Let’s just say, I didn't leave empty handed! There's nothing quite like finding the perfect pink sparkly head-piece, right? The sales assistant even commented on how she loved my pink tutu! I mean, you wouldn't catch me in anything else, darling. 💕

That night, the main event was happening at the Bletchley Town Hall! My drag act was scheduled in their grand hall. And believe me, the turnout was absolutely sensational. It felt like a huge audience of sparkly-eyed admirers were ready for some tutu-tastic magic. You know how I do, darlings. The performance was packed full of flamboyant routines, a touch of ballet, a splash of cabaret sass and a whole lot of love! The crowd cheered so loud, I swear I could feel their sparkle!

I can't tell you enough about the warmth and generosity of the locals. You see, in Bletchley, even a pink tutu-clad drag queen can make new friends, have fun and find a place to shine. That's what makes this town so special.

After a day of dancing, performing and shopping, I made my way to the best B&B in town. (And it definitely came with a four-poster bed and fluffy bathrobes, trust me). But, what’s a day of pink-tutu fuelled fun without some culinary delights? Bletchley didn’t disappoint! The restaurant offered a delicious three-course menu (I indulged in the lemon meringue pie – and a large glass of pink champagne of course) which perfectly rounded out my fantastic Bletchley experience.

As I drifted off to sleep (wearing a fluffy robe of course, don’t worry!) I felt incredibly inspired and deeply happy. Not just because of the fantastic reception I got at the Bletchley Town Hall or the charming atmosphere in this lovely little town, but also because of the spirit I felt throughout the day. It really does feel like Bletchley embrace's its individuality, just like I embrace my fabulous self!

So darlings, take my word for it – if you’re seeking a fun getaway with a bit of sparkle, add Bletchley to your list!

Now, I can't finish without saying how much I love sharing my journey with you. I'll keep you posted on my next tutu-tastic adventure. And don’t forget – everyone has the potential to be a tutu queen or king! It’s all about finding that inner sparkle, embracing your true self, and spreading positivity with every step.

And you bet I’ll be back to see those lovely folks in Bletchley again soon, you know, for the next dance class!

Lots of love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💕✨

P.S. Don’t forget to head over to www.pink-tutu.com for a daily dose of sparkle!

#TutuQueen on 2023-02-07 stars in Bletchley