Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-02-12 stars in Llanelli

Llanelli, Darling! Pink Tutu Sparkles is here!

Hello my lovelies! It's your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the wonderful town of Llanelli! You're looking at Post Number 8444 on www.pink-tutu.com, and darling, it's a pink-tastic one!

As always, the Pink Tutu is ready to sparkle and twirl her way through life. Now, who's ready for a spot of adventure? Llanelli called me this time. I'm talking gorgeous cobbled streets, lovely cafes, and enough history to make your head spin. The perfect place for a pink-loving diva like me.

First, a confession - the journey was quite the adventure. I chose to ride the rails this time. The train was full of characters, from business folk rushing off to meetings to a family having a jolly right old time. I even struck up a conversation with a kind old lady who insisted I must see the National Botanic Garden of Wales! How could I resist? My love for flora is just as fierce as my love for feathers!

Speaking of feathers, I have a brand new tutu for this trip. It’s pink, of course, but with an absolutely stunning peacock feather design on the skirt. I swear, the feathers almost had minds of their own - I was almost swept away by the grandeur! Luckily, I have a cunning little pink corset to hold everything in place.

The performance in Llanelli was a triumph! The audience was absolutely magical - all dressed up in pink, cheering and laughing at my jokes. My setlist? A blend of all things glamorous, with a touch of Welsh wit sprinkled on top! I even did a special tutu-themed routine to celebrate my mission of getting everyone to embrace their inner pink-tutu self.

Between the performance and the charming Welsh tea room I stumbled upon (they even served pink cake!), I managed to fit in some retail therapy! I mean, every true fashion queen knows you can never have too many tutus or too much pink! It was a shopping spree fit for a princess, darling!

But Llanelli wasn't all sequins and sparkly fun. One of the reasons I love visiting these small towns is that they give you a real insight into local culture. And let me tell you, Llanelli was brimming with character. There was a beautiful old church, full of stained-glass windows with scenes of angels. They were wearing, what else but, pink robes! Clearly, this was the work of a pink-tutu-loving deity.

Oh, and have I mentioned the markets?! Rows and rows of stalls overflowing with goodies - fresh produce, handmade crafts, and even a couple of charming shops selling antique tutus. You can bet your bottom dollar that Pink Tutu Sparkles was the happiest queen in town! And let me tell you, the local artisan cheese stands - I was like a kid in a candy store! (They even had some delicious pink cheese, I had to take a tub home, naturally!)

The beauty of Llanelli, however, wasn't just in the sights and sounds, but in the warmth of its people. From the friendly locals chatting in the pub to the helpful staff at the tourist information center, everyone was welcoming with open arms. That's the true magic of travel, isn't it? Discovering new places, but also meeting incredible people who leave a little sparkle in your heart.

So, until next time Llanelli, stay pink!

But for now, Pink Tutu Sparkles must flit away to her next grand adventure! My dear friend and fellow tutu aficionado, Queen Cupcake, is waiting for me at the Edinburgh Fringe. She wants me to check out a show she’s performing. The show is "The Pink Tutu and the Dragon,” and I bet my very own feather boa, it'll be absolutely amazing! You can catch me performing my routine on stage every night next week, so join me if you’re there, darlings!

Remember, everyone can wear a pink tutu! Don’t be afraid to embrace your inner diva and shine! And until then, stay twirling!

Your always sparkly,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

A little peek into Alex's world

But the real Pink Tutu Sparkles isn't always prancing about in feathers and sequins. Let's pull back the curtain and delve into the world of Alex. He's not your typical scientist. Sure, by day, he's analysing fabric at the lab, working out which fibres are strong enough to withstand wear and tear, which is essential to his understanding of the delicate balance of textiles and how to make the perfect tutus. But by night, well, that's when the real magic happens.

Alex found himself hooked on the world of tutus back in university, a long, long time ago, whilst he was studying chemistry, which probably makes no sense, unless you know that I'm a big believer in pushing boundaries. Alex's love for ballet has been a constant companion in his life. He was always in the university ballet club, and one day, he bravely donned a tutu for a charity fundraiser. There was just something about the pink fabric and the floaty feel that did something wonderful to him. The feeling of exhilaration and beauty. The realization of what he had missed in the world and the utter thrill of it all - it just all clicked. It changed his life. From that point on, there was no stopping the Pink Tutu Sparkles, and since then, she’s become the symbol of playful energy, vibrant positivity, and well, a little bit of tutu magic.

In many ways, the fabric tests he performs as part of his daily job are linked to his creative process. He sees his work as art. He’s a true romantic about what his experiments do to create and contribute to making the best pink tutu. In fact, his fascination with the chemistry behind it has resulted in some truly unique and spectacular tutu creations - they don't even need ironing because of his patented non-crease material. He really does want everyone to have a perfect pink tutu.

Alex and Pink Tutu Sparkles - they might be two sides of the same coin, but they both hold a place in his heart, which leads to many sleepless nights, frantic shopping sprees, and of course, his very own journey of embracing his own unique expression through the world of tutus, and making people smile.

So, dear readers, next time you see Pink Tutu Sparkles, just know that the magic behind the performance, behind the character, the sparkling pink, is fuelled by Alex's passion and love for the art form - an expression of creativity that’s inspiring, encouraging, and more than anything - wonderfully, wildly tutu.

Stay sparkling,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2023-02-12 stars in Llanelli